Quick Find Conversion

Meters per (second squared)

The metre per second squared is the unit of acceleration in the International System of Units (SI). As a derived unit it is composed from the SI base units of length, the metre, and time, the second. Its symbol is written in several forms as m/s2, m·s−2 or m s−2, or less commonly, as m/s/s.

Conversion table

(decameter per minute) per secondstandard gravityinch per (second squared)decameter per (second squared)(yard per minute) per secondmile per (second squared)(decameter per hour) per second(decimeter per minute) per second
1 0.0169953 6.5616798 0.0166667 10.9361330 0.0001036 60 100
58.8399 1 386.0885827 0.980665 643.4809711 0.0060936 3,530.394 5,883.99
0.1524 0.0025901 1 0.00254 1.6666667 1.5782828282828 × 10-5 9.144 15.24
60 1.0197162 393.7007874 1 656.1679790 0.0062137 3 600 6 000
0.09144 0.0015540 0.6 0.001524 1 9.469696969697 × 10-6 5.4864 9.144
9,656.064 164.1074169 63 360 160.9344 105 600 1 579,363.84 965,606.4
0.0166667 0.0002833 0.1093613 0.0002778 0.1822689 1.7260310895481 × 10-6 1 1.6666667
0.01 0.0001700 0.0656168 0.0001667 0.1093613 1.0356186537289 × 10-6 0.6 1