change_history Angle Conversion

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Quick Look: arcseconds to revolutions

arcsecond1 "2 "3 "4 "5 "6 "7 "8 "9 "10 "11 "12 "13 "14 "15 "16 "17 "18 "19 "20 "21 "22 "23 "24 "25 "26 "27 "28 "29 "30 "31 "32 "33 "34 "35 "36 "37 "38 "39 "40 "41 "42 "43 "44 "45 "46 "47 "48 "49 "50 "51 "52 "53 "54 "55 "56 "57 "58 "59 "60 "61 "62 "63 "64 "65 "66 "67 "68 "69 "70 "71 "72 "73 "74 "75 "76 "77 "78 "79 "80 "81 "82 "83 "84 "85 "86 "87 "88 "89 "90 "91 "92 "93 "94 "95 "96 "97 "98 "99 "100 "
revolution7.716049382716 × 10-7 r1.5432098765432 × 10-6 r2.3148148148148 × 10-6 r3.0864197530864 × 10-6 r3.858024691358 × 10-6 r4.6296296296296 × 10-6 r5.4012345679012 × 10-6 r6.1728395061728 × 10-6 r6.9444444444444 × 10-6 r7.716049382716 × 10-6 r8.4876543209877 × 10-6 r9.2592592592593 × 10-6 r1.0030864197531 × 10-5 r1.0802469135802 × 10-5 r1.1574074074074 × 10-5 r1.2345679012346 × 10-5 r1.3117283950617 × 10-5 r1.3888888888889 × 10-5 r1.466049382716 × 10-5 r1.5432098765432 × 10-5 r1.6203703703704 × 10-5 r1.6975308641975 × 10-5 r1.7746913580247 × 10-5 r1.8518518518519 × 10-5 r1.929012345679 × 10-5 r2.0061728395062 × 10-5 r2.0833333333333 × 10-5 r2.1604938271605 × 10-5 r2.2376543209877 × 10-5 r2.3148148148148 × 10-5 r2.391975308642 × 10-5 r2.4691358024691 × 10-5 r2.5462962962963 × 10-5 r2.6234567901235 × 10-5 r2.7006172839506 × 10-5 r2.7777777777778 × 10-5 r2.8549382716049 × 10-5 r2.9320987654321 × 10-5 r3.0092592592593 × 10-5 r3.0864197530864 × 10-5 r3.1635802469136 × 10-5 r3.2407407407407 × 10-5 r3.3179012345679 × 10-5 r3.3950617283951 × 10-5 r3.4722222222222 × 10-5 r3.5493827160494 × 10-5 r3.6265432098765 × 10-5 r3.7037037037037 × 10-5 r3.7808641975309 × 10-5 r3.858024691358 × 10-5 r3.9351851851852 × 10-5 r4.0123456790123 × 10-5 r4.0895061728395 × 10-5 r4.1666666666667 × 10-5 r4.2438271604938 × 10-5 r4.320987654321 × 10-5 r4.3981481481481 × 10-5 r4.4753086419753 × 10-5 r4.5524691358025 × 10-5 r4.6296296296296 × 10-5 r4.7067901234568 × 10-5 r4.783950617284 × 10-5 r4.8611111111111 × 10-5 r4.9382716049383 × 10-5 r5.0154320987654 × 10-5 r5.0925925925926 × 10-5 r5.1697530864198 × 10-5 r5.2469135802469 × 10-5 r5.3240740740741 × 10-5 r5.4012345679012 × 10-5 r5.4783950617284 × 10-5 r5.5555555555556 × 10-5 r5.6327160493827 × 10-5 r5.7098765432099 × 10-5 r5.787037037037 × 10-5 r5.8641975308642 × 10-5 r5.9413580246914 × 10-5 r6.0185185185185 × 10-5 r6.0956790123457 × 10-5 r6.1728395061728 × 10-5 r6.25 × 10-5 r6.3271604938272 × 10-5 r6.4043209876543 × 10-5 r6.4814814814815 × 10-5 r6.5586419753086 × 10-5 r6.6358024691358 × 10-5 r6.712962962963 × 10-5 r6.7901234567901 × 10-5 r6.8672839506173 × 10-5 r6.9444444444444 × 10-5 r7.0216049382716 × 10-5 r7.0987654320988 × 10-5 r7.1759259259259 × 10-5 r7.2530864197531 × 10-5 r7.3302469135802 × 10-5 r7.4074074074074 × 10-5 r7.4845679012346 × 10-5 r7.5617283950617 × 10-5 r7.6388888888889 × 10-5 r7.716049382716 × 10-5 r

Arcseconds [ " ]

second of arcarcsecond (arcsec), arc second, or second arc is a unit of angular measurement equal to 1/3600 of one degree. 

conversion table

1 arcseconds ≈
7.716049382716E-7 revolutions
6 arcseconds
≈ 4.6296296296296E-6 revolutions
2 arcseconds ≈
1.5432098765432E-6 revolutions
7 arcseconds
≈ 5.4012345679012E-6 revolutions
3 arcseconds ≈
2.3148148148148E-6 revolutions
8 arcseconds
≈ 6.1728395061728E-6 revolutions
4 arcseconds ≈
3.0864197530864E-6 revolutions
9 arcseconds
≈ 6.9444444444444E-6 revolutions
5 arcseconds ≈
3.858024691358E-6 revolutions
10 arcseconds
≈ 7.716049382716E-6 revolutions

Revolutions [ r ]

A revolution is a unit of angle equal to 360°, defined as a complete turn around a circle. Plural name is revolutions.

conversion table

1 revolutions ≈
1296000 arcseconds
6 revolutions ≈
7776000 arcseconds
2 revolutions ≈
2592000 arcseconds
7 revolutions ≈
9072000 arcseconds
3 revolutions ≈
3888000 arcseconds
8 revolutions ≈
10368000 arcseconds
4 revolutions ≈
5184000 arcseconds
9 revolutions ≈
11664000 arcseconds
5 revolutions ≈
6480000 arcseconds
10 revolutions ≈
12960000 arcseconds