Quick Find Conversion


degree (in full, a degree of arcarc degree, or arcdegree), usually denoted by ° (the degree symbol), is a measurement of a plane angle, defined so that a full rotation is 360 degrees.

It is not an SI unit, as the SI unit of angular measure is the radian, but it is mentioned in the SI brochure as an accepted unit.Because a full rotation equals 2π radians, one degree is equivalent to π/180 radians.

Conversion table

sextantangular milsixth circlerevolutionquarter circleeighth circlearcminutehelf circle
1 67,906.1102109 1 0.1666667 0.6666667 1.3333333 3 600 0.3333333
1.47262153125 × 10-5 1 1.47262153125 × 10-5 2.45436921875 × 10-6 9.817476875 × 10-6 1.963495375 × 10-5 0.0530144 4.9087384375 × 10-6
1 67,906.1102109 1 0.1666667 0.6666667 1.3333333 3 600 0.3333333
6 407,436.6612654 6 1 4 8 21 600 2
1.5 101,859.1653163 1.5 0.25 1 2 5 400 0.5
0.75 50,929.5826582 0.75 0.125 0.5 1 2 700 0.25
0.0002778 18.8628084 0.0002778 4.6296296296296 × 10-5 0.0001852 0.0003704 1 9.2592592592593 × 10-5
3 203,718.3306327 3 0.5 2 4 10 800 1

Degree Conversion

1 degree ≈ 1,131.7685035 angular milsmore_horiz
= 1,131.76850351
= 11.3177 × 102
= 11.3177E2
= 11.3177e2
1 degree ≈ 60 arcminutesmore_horiz
= 60.00000000
= 0.6 × 102
= 0.6E2
= 0.6e2
1 degree ≈ 3 600 arcsecondsmore_horiz
= 3,600.00000000
= 36 × 102
= 36E2
= 36e2
1 degree ≈ 0.0222222 eighth circlemore_horiz
= 0.02222222
= 222222 × 10-7
= 222222E-7
= 222222e-7
1 degree ≈ 0.0027778 full circlemore_horiz
= 0.00277778
= 277778 × 10-8
= 277778E-8
= 277778e-8
1 degree ≈ 1.1111111 gradiansmore_horiz
= 1.11111111
= 0.0111111 × 102
= 0.0111111E2
= 0.0111111e2
1 degree ≈ 0.0055556 helf circlemore_horiz
= 0.00555556
= 555556 × 10-8
= 555556E-8
= 555556e-8
1 degree ≈ 0.0111111 quarter circlemore_horiz
= 0.01111111
= 111111 × 10-7
= 111111E-7
= 111111e-7
1 degree ≈ 0.0174533 radianmore_horiz
= 0.01745329
= 174533 × 10-7
= 174533E-7
= 174533e-7
1 degree ≈ 0.0027778 revolutionmore_horiz
= 0.00277778
= 277778 × 10-8
= 277778E-8
= 277778e-8
1 degree ≈ 0.0166667 sextantmore_horiz
= 0.01666667
= 166667 × 10-7
= 166667E-7
= 166667e-7
1 degree ≈ 0.0333333 signmore_horiz
= 0.03333333
= 333333 × 10-7
= 333333E-7
= 333333e-7
1 degree ≈ 0.0166667 sixth circlemore_horiz
= 0.01666667
= 166667 × 10-7
= 166667E-7
= 166667e-7
1 degree ≈ 0.0027778 turnmore_horiz
= 0.00277778
= 277778 × 10-8
= 277778E-8
= 277778e-8
1 degree ≈ 0.0333333 twelfth circlemore_horiz
= 0.03333333
= 333333 × 10-7
= 333333E-7
= 333333e-7

Unit System

Metric system SI

SI Conversion Table

1 degrees =
0.017453292222222 radians
2 degrees =
0.034906584444444 radians
3 degrees =
0.052359876666667 radians
4 degrees =
0.069813168888889 radians
5 degrees =
0.087266461111111 radians