Base 5 to Ternary (base 3)

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base 5 is a positional numeral system with five as its base. It uses 5 different digits for representing numbers. The digits for base 5 could be 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.

conversion table

base 515253545105115125135145205
ternary (base 3)132310311312320321322310031013

The ternary numeral system (also called base-3) has three as its base. Analogous to a bit, a ternary digit is a trit (trinary digit). One trit is equivalent to log23 (about 1.58496) bits of information.

conversion table

ternary (base 3)132310311312320321322310031013
base 515253545105115125135145205