Senary (base 6) Conversion

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base 6162636465610611612613614615620621622623624625630631632633634635640641642643644645650651652653654655610061016102610361046105611061116112611361146115612061216122612361246125613061316132613361346135614061416142614361446145615061516152615361546155620062016202620362046205621062116212621362146215622062216222622362246225623062316232623362346235624062416242624362446

Senary (base 6)

The senary numeral system (also known as base-6 or heximal) has six as its base. It has been adopted independently by a small number of cultures. Like decimal, it is a semiprime, though being the product of the only two consecutive numbers that are both prime (2 and 3) it has a high degree of mathematical properties for its size. As six is a superior highly composite number, many of the arguments made in favor of the duodecimal system also apply to this base-6.