Vigesimal (base 20) to Base 8 Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table

0 - 23
hexadecimal (base 16) to base 8
010 = 020= 08
110 = 120= 18
210 = 220= 28
310 = 320= 38
410 = 420= 48
510 = 520= 58
610 = 620= 68
710 = 720= 78
810 = 820= 108
910 = 920= 118
1010 = a20= 128
1110 = b20= 138
1210 = c20= 148
1310 = d20= 158
1410 = e20= 168
1510 = f20= 178
1610 = g20= 208
1710 = h20= 218
1810 = i20= 228
1910 = j20= 238
2010 = 1020= 248
2110 = 1120= 258
2210 = 1220= 268
23 - 46
hexadecimal (base 16) to base 8
2310 = 1320= 278
2410 = 1420= 308
2510 = 1520= 318
2610 = 1620= 328
2710 = 1720= 338
2810 = 1820= 348
2910 = 1920= 358
3010 = 1a20= 368
3110 = 1b20= 378
3210 = 1c20= 408
3310 = 1d20= 418
3410 = 1e20= 428
3510 = 1f20= 438
3610 = 1g20= 448
3710 = 1h20= 458
3810 = 1i20= 468
3910 = 1j20= 478
4010 = 2020= 508
4110 = 2120= 518
4210 = 2220= 528
4310 = 2320= 538
4410 = 2420= 548
4510 = 2520= 558
46 - 69
hexadecimal (base 16) to base 8
4610 = 2620= 568
4710 = 2720= 578
4810 = 2820= 608
4910 = 2920= 618
5010 = 2a20= 628
5110 = 2b20= 638
5210 = 2c20= 648
5310 = 2d20= 658
5410 = 2e20= 668
5510 = 2f20= 678
5610 = 2g20= 708
5710 = 2h20= 718
5810 = 2i20= 728
5910 = 2j20= 738
6010 = 3020= 748
6110 = 3120= 758
6210 = 3220= 768
6310 = 3320= 778
6410 = 3420= 1008
6510 = 3520= 1018
6610 = 3620= 1028
6710 = 3720= 1038
6810 = 3820= 1048
69 - 92
hexadecimal (base 16) to base 8
6910 = 3920= 1058
7010 = 3a20= 1068

hexadecimal (base 16)

The vigesimal or base 20 numeral system is based on twenty (in the same way in which the decimal numeral system is based on ten).

base 8

base 8 is a positional numeral system with eight as its base. It uses 8 different digits for representing numbers. The digits for base 8 could be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.