The exabyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information. In the International System of Units (SI), the prefix exa indicates multiplication by the sixth power of 1000 (1018). Therefore, one exabyte is one quintillion bytes (short scale). The symbol for the exabyte is EB.
gibibyte | tebibit | terabyte | exabit | kibibit | mebibyte | nibble | kilobyte |
1 | 0.0078125 | 0.0010737 | 8.589934592 × 10-9 | 8 388 608 | 1 024 | 2 147 483 648 | 1,073,741.824 |
128 | 1 | 0.1374390 | 1.099511627776 × 10-6 | 1 073 741 824 | 131 072 | 274 877 906 944 | 137,438,953.472 |
931.3225746 | 7.2759576 | 1 | 8.0 × 10-6 | 7 812 500 000 | 953,674.3164063 | 2 000 000 000 000 | 1 000 000 000 |
116,415,321.82693 | 909,494.7017729 | 125 000 | 1 | 9.765625 × 1014 | 119,209,289,550.78 | 2.5 × 1017 | 1.25 × 1014 |
1.1920928955078 × 10-7 | 9.3132257461548 × 10-10 | 1.28 × 10-10 | 1.024 × 10-15 | 1 | 0.0001221 | 256 | 0.128 |
0.0009766 | 7.62939453125 × 10-6 | 1.048576 × 10-6 | 8.388608 × 10-12 | 8 192 | 1 | 2 097 152 | 1,048.576 |
4.6566128730774 × 10-10 | 3.6379788070917 × 10-12 | 5.0 × 10-13 | 4.0 × 10-18 | 0.0039063 | 4.7683715820312 × 10-7 | 1 | 0.0005 |
9.3132257461548 × 10-7 | 7.2759576141834 × 10-9 | 1.0 × 10-9 | 8.0 × 10-15 | 7.8125 | 0.0009537 | 2 000 | 1 |
1 exabytes = 8.0E+18 bits |
2 exabytes = 1.6E+19 bits |
3 exabytes = 2.4E+19 bits |
4 exabytes = 3.2E+19 bits |
5 exabytes = 4.0E+19 bits |