Quick Find Conversion Table

0.1 - 0.54
exbibytes to yobibytes
0.1= 9.5367431640625E-8
0.11= 1.0490417480469E-7
0.12= 1.1444091796875E-7
0.13= 1.2397766113281E-7
0.14= 1.3351440429688E-7
0.15= 1.4305114746094E-7
0.16= 1.52587890625E-7
0.17= 1.6212463378906E-7
0.18= 1.7166137695312E-7
0.19= 1.8119812011719E-7
0.20= 1.9073486328125E-7
0.21= 2.0027160644531E-7
0.22= 2.0980834960938E-7
0.23= 2.1934509277344E-7
0.24= 2.288818359375E-7
0.25= 2.3841857910156E-7
0.26= 2.4795532226563E-7
0.27= 2.5749206542969E-7
0.28= 2.6702880859375E-7
0.29= 2.7656555175781E-7
0.30= 2.8610229492187E-7
0.31= 2.9563903808594E-7
0.32= 3.0517578125E-7
0.33= 3.1471252441406E-7
0.34= 3.2424926757813E-7
0.35= 3.3378601074219E-7
0.36= 3.4332275390625E-7
0.37= 3.5285949707031E-7
0.38= 3.6239624023438E-7
0.39= 3.7193298339844E-7
0.40= 3.814697265625E-7
0.41= 3.9100646972656E-7
0.42= 4.0054321289062E-7
0.43= 4.1007995605469E-7
0.44= 4.1961669921875E-7
0.45= 4.2915344238281E-7
0.46= 4.3869018554688E-7
0.47= 4.4822692871094E-7
0.48= 4.57763671875E-7
0.49= 4.6730041503906E-7
0.50= 4.7683715820312E-7
0.51= 4.8637390136719E-7
0.52= 4.9591064453125E-7
0.53= 5.0544738769531E-7
0.54= 5.1498413085938E-7
0.55 - 0.99
exbibytes to yobibytes
0.55= 5.2452087402344E-7
0.56= 5.340576171875E-7
0.57= 5.4359436035156E-7
0.58= 5.5313110351562E-7
0.59= 5.6266784667969E-7
0.60= 5.7220458984375E-7
0.61= 5.8174133300781E-7
0.62= 5.9127807617187E-7
0.63= 6.0081481933594E-7
0.64= 6.103515625E-7
0.65= 6.1988830566406E-7
0.66= 6.2942504882813E-7
0.67= 6.3896179199219E-7
0.68= 6.4849853515625E-7
0.69= 6.5803527832031E-7
0.70= 6.6757202148437E-7
0.71= 6.7710876464844E-7
0.72= 6.866455078125E-7
0.73= 6.9618225097656E-7
0.74= 7.0571899414062E-7
0.75= 7.1525573730469E-7
0.76= 7.2479248046875E-7
0.77= 7.3432922363281E-7
0.78= 7.4386596679688E-7
0.79= 7.5340270996094E-7
0.80= 7.62939453125E-7
0.81= 7.7247619628906E-7
0.82= 7.8201293945312E-7
0.83= 7.9154968261719E-7
0.84= 8.0108642578125E-7
0.85= 8.1062316894531E-7
0.86= 8.2015991210937E-7
0.87= 8.2969665527344E-7
0.88= 8.392333984375E-7
0.89= 8.4877014160156E-7
0.90= 8.5830688476563E-7
0.91= 8.6784362792969E-7
0.92= 8.7738037109375E-7
0.93= 8.8691711425781E-7
0.94= 8.9645385742187E-7
0.95= 9.0599060058594E-7
0.96= 9.1552734375E-7
0.97= 9.2506408691406E-7
0.98= 9.3460083007812E-7
0.99= 9.4413757324219E-7
1.00 - 1.44
exbibytes to yobibytes
1.00= 9.5367431640625E-7
1.01= 9.6321105957031E-7
1.02= 9.7274780273438E-7
1.03= 9.8228454589844E-7
1.04= 9.918212890625E-7
1.05= 1.0013580322266E-6
1.06= 1.0108947753906E-6
1.07= 1.0204315185547E-6
1.08= 1.0299682617188E-6
1.09= 1.0395050048828E-6
1.10= 1.0490417480469E-6
1.11= 1.0585784912109E-6
1.12= 1.068115234375E-6
1.13= 1.0776519775391E-6
1.14= 1.0871887207031E-6
1.15= 1.0967254638672E-6
1.16= 1.1062622070312E-6
1.17= 1.1157989501953E-6
1.18= 1.1253356933594E-6
1.19= 1.1348724365234E-6
1.20= 1.1444091796875E-6
1.21= 1.1539459228516E-6
1.22= 1.1634826660156E-6
1.23= 1.1730194091797E-6
1.24= 1.1825561523437E-6
1.25= 1.1920928955078E-6
1.26= 1.2016296386719E-6
1.27= 1.2111663818359E-6
1.28= 1.220703125E-6
1.29= 1.2302398681641E-6
1.30= 1.2397766113281E-6
1.31= 1.2493133544922E-6
1.32= 1.2588500976563E-6
1.33= 1.2683868408203E-6
1.34= 1.2779235839844E-6
1.35= 1.2874603271484E-6
1.36= 1.2969970703125E-6
1.37= 1.3065338134766E-6
1.38= 1.3160705566406E-6
1.39= 1.3256072998047E-6
1.40= 1.3351440429687E-6
1.41= 1.3446807861328E-6
1.42= 1.3542175292969E-6
1.43= 1.3637542724609E-6
1.44= 1.373291015625E-6
1.45 - 1.89
exbibytes to yobibytes
1.45= 1.3828277587891E-6
1.46= 1.3923645019531E-6
1.47= 1.4019012451172E-6
1.48= 1.4114379882812E-6
1.49= 1.4209747314453E-6
1.50= 1.4305114746094E-6
1.51= 1.4400482177734E-6
1.52= 1.4495849609375E-6
1.53= 1.4591217041016E-6
1.54= 1.4686584472656E-6
1.55= 1.4781951904297E-6
1.56= 1.4877319335938E-6
1.57= 1.4972686767578E-6
1.58= 1.5068054199219E-6
1.59= 1.5163421630859E-6
1.60= 1.52587890625E-6
1.61= 1.5354156494141E-6
1.62= 1.5449523925781E-6
1.63= 1.5544891357422E-6
1.64= 1.5640258789062E-6
1.65= 1.5735626220703E-6
1.66= 1.5830993652344E-6
1.67= 1.5926361083984E-6
1.68= 1.6021728515625E-6
1.69= 1.6117095947266E-6
1.70= 1.6212463378906E-6
1.71= 1.6307830810547E-6
1.72= 1.6403198242187E-6
1.73= 1.6498565673828E-6
1.74= 1.6593933105469E-6
1.75= 1.6689300537109E-6
1.76= 1.678466796875E-6
1.77= 1.6880035400391E-6
1.78= 1.6975402832031E-6
1.79= 1.7070770263672E-6
1.80= 1.7166137695313E-6
1.81= 1.7261505126953E-6
1.82= 1.7356872558594E-6
1.83= 1.7452239990234E-6
1.84= 1.7547607421875E-6
1.85= 1.7642974853516E-6
1.86= 1.7738342285156E-6
1.87= 1.7833709716797E-6
1.88= 1.7929077148437E-6
1.89= 1.8024444580078E-6
1.90 - 2.34
exbibytes to yobibytes
1.90= 1.8119812011719E-6
1.91= 1.8215179443359E-6
1.92= 1.8310546875E-6
1.93= 1.8405914306641E-6
1.94= 1.8501281738281E-6
1.95= 1.8596649169922E-6
1.96= 1.8692016601562E-6
1.97= 1.8787384033203E-6
1.98= 1.8882751464844E-6
1.99= 1.8978118896484E-6
2.00= 1.9073486328125E-6
2.01= 1.9168853759766E-6
2.02= 1.9264221191406E-6
2.03= 1.9359588623047E-6
2.04= 1.9454956054688E-6
2.05= 1.9550323486328E-6
2.06= 1.9645690917969E-6
2.07= 1.9741058349609E-6
2.08= 1.983642578125E-6
2.09= 1.9931793212891E-6
2.10= 2.0027160644531E-6
2.11= 2.0122528076172E-6
2.12= 2.0217895507813E-6
2.13= 2.0313262939453E-6
2.14= 2.0408630371094E-6
2.15= 2.0503997802734E-6
2.16= 2.0599365234375E-6
2.17= 2.0694732666016E-6
2.18= 2.0790100097656E-6
2.19= 2.0885467529297E-6
2.20= 2.0980834960938E-6
2.21= 2.1076202392578E-6
2.22= 2.1171569824219E-6
2.23= 2.1266937255859E-6
2.24= 2.13623046875E-6
2.25= 2.1457672119141E-6
2.26= 2.1553039550781E-6
2.27= 2.1648406982422E-6
2.28= 2.1743774414062E-6
2.29= 2.1839141845703E-6
2.30= 2.1934509277344E-6
2.31= 2.2029876708984E-6
2.32= 2.2125244140625E-6
2.33= 2.2220611572266E-6
2.34= 2.2315979003906E-6
2.35 - 2.79
exbibytes to yobibytes
2.35= 2.2411346435547E-6
2.36= 2.2506713867187E-6
2.37= 2.2602081298828E-6
2.38= 2.2697448730469E-6
2.39= 2.2792816162109E-6
2.40= 2.288818359375E-6
2.41= 2.2983551025391E-6
2.42= 2.3078918457031E-6
2.43= 2.3174285888672E-6
2.44= 2.3269653320312E-6
2.45= 2.3365020751953E-6
2.46= 2.3460388183594E-6
2.47= 2.3555755615234E-6
2.48= 2.3651123046875E-6
2.49= 2.3746490478516E-6
2.50= 2.3841857910156E-6
2.51= 2.3937225341797E-6
2.52= 2.4032592773438E-6
2.53= 2.4127960205078E-6
2.54= 2.4223327636719E-6
2.55= 2.4318695068359E-6
2.56= 2.44140625E-6
2.57= 2.4509429931641E-6
2.58= 2.4604797363281E-6
2.59= 2.4700164794922E-6
2.60= 2.4795532226563E-6
2.61= 2.4890899658203E-6
2.62= 2.4986267089844E-6
2.63= 2.5081634521484E-6
2.64= 2.5177001953125E-6
2.65= 2.5272369384766E-6
2.66= 2.5367736816406E-6
2.67= 2.5463104248047E-6
2.68= 2.5558471679688E-6
2.69= 2.5653839111328E-6
2.70= 2.5749206542969E-6
2.71= 2.5844573974609E-6
2.72= 2.593994140625E-6
2.73= 2.6035308837891E-6
2.74= 2.6130676269531E-6
2.75= 2.6226043701172E-6
2.76= 2.6321411132812E-6
2.77= 2.6416778564453E-6
2.78= 2.6512145996094E-6
2.79= 2.6607513427734E-6

Popular conversions

Popular units


The exbibyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information. It is a member of the set of units with binary prefixes defined by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Its unit symbol is EiB.

The prefix exbi (symbol Ei) represents multiplication by 260, therefore: 1 exbibyte = 260 bytes = 1 152 921 504 606 846 976 bytes = 1024 pebibytes.


The yobibyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information. It is a member of the set of units with binary prefixes defined by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Its unit symbol is YiB. The prefix yobi (symbol Yi) represents multiplication by 10248, therefore: 1 yobibyte = 280 bytes = 1 208 925 819 614 629 174 706 176 bytes = 1024 zebibytes.