Quick Find Conversion Table

0.1 - 0.54
nibbles to kibibytes
0.1= 4.8828125E-5
0.11= 5.37109375E-5
0.12= 5.859375E-5
0.13= 6.34765625E-5
0.14= 6.8359375E-5
0.15= 7.32421875E-5
0.16= 7.8125E-5
0.17= 8.30078125E-5
0.18= 8.7890625E-5
0.19= 9.27734375E-5
0.20= 9.765625E-5
0.21= 0.0001025390625
0.22= 0.000107421875
0.23= 0.0001123046875
0.24= 0.0001171875
0.25= 0.0001220703125
0.26= 0.000126953125
0.27= 0.0001318359375
0.28= 0.00013671875
0.29= 0.0001416015625
0.30= 0.000146484375
0.31= 0.0001513671875
0.32= 0.00015625
0.33= 0.0001611328125
0.34= 0.000166015625
0.35= 0.0001708984375
0.36= 0.00017578125
0.37= 0.0001806640625
0.38= 0.000185546875
0.39= 0.0001904296875
0.40= 0.0001953125
0.41= 0.0002001953125
0.42= 0.000205078125
0.43= 0.0002099609375
0.44= 0.00021484375
0.45= 0.0002197265625
0.46= 0.000224609375
0.47= 0.0002294921875
0.48= 0.000234375
0.49= 0.0002392578125
0.50= 0.000244140625
0.51= 0.0002490234375
0.52= 0.00025390625
0.53= 0.0002587890625
0.54= 0.000263671875
0.55 - 0.99
nibbles to kibibytes
0.55= 0.0002685546875
0.56= 0.0002734375
0.57= 0.0002783203125
0.58= 0.000283203125
0.59= 0.0002880859375
0.60= 0.00029296875
0.61= 0.0002978515625
0.62= 0.000302734375
0.63= 0.0003076171875
0.64= 0.0003125
0.65= 0.0003173828125
0.66= 0.000322265625
0.67= 0.0003271484375
0.68= 0.00033203125
0.69= 0.0003369140625
0.70= 0.000341796875
0.71= 0.0003466796875
0.72= 0.0003515625
0.73= 0.0003564453125
0.74= 0.000361328125
0.75= 0.0003662109375
0.76= 0.00037109375
0.77= 0.0003759765625
0.78= 0.000380859375
0.79= 0.0003857421875
0.80= 0.000390625
0.81= 0.0003955078125
0.82= 0.000400390625
0.83= 0.0004052734375
0.84= 0.00041015625
0.85= 0.0004150390625
0.86= 0.000419921875
0.87= 0.0004248046875
0.88= 0.0004296875
0.89= 0.0004345703125
0.90= 0.000439453125
0.91= 0.0004443359375
0.92= 0.00044921875
0.93= 0.0004541015625
0.94= 0.000458984375
0.95= 0.0004638671875
0.96= 0.00046875
0.97= 0.0004736328125
0.98= 0.000478515625
0.99= 0.0004833984375
1.00 - 1.44
nibbles to kibibytes
1.00= 0.00048828125
1.01= 0.0004931640625
1.02= 0.000498046875
1.03= 0.0005029296875
1.04= 0.0005078125
1.05= 0.0005126953125
1.06= 0.000517578125
1.07= 0.0005224609375
1.08= 0.00052734375
1.09= 0.0005322265625
1.10= 0.000537109375
1.11= 0.0005419921875
1.12= 0.000546875
1.13= 0.0005517578125
1.14= 0.000556640625
1.15= 0.0005615234375
1.16= 0.00056640625
1.17= 0.0005712890625
1.18= 0.000576171875
1.19= 0.0005810546875
1.20= 0.0005859375
1.21= 0.0005908203125
1.22= 0.000595703125
1.23= 0.0006005859375
1.24= 0.00060546875
1.25= 0.0006103515625
1.26= 0.000615234375
1.27= 0.0006201171875
1.28= 0.000625
1.29= 0.0006298828125
1.30= 0.000634765625
1.31= 0.0006396484375
1.32= 0.00064453125
1.33= 0.0006494140625
1.34= 0.000654296875
1.35= 0.0006591796875
1.36= 0.0006640625
1.37= 0.0006689453125
1.38= 0.000673828125
1.39= 0.0006787109375
1.40= 0.00068359375
1.41= 0.0006884765625
1.42= 0.000693359375
1.43= 0.0006982421875
1.44= 0.000703125
1.45 - 1.89
nibbles to kibibytes
1.45= 0.0007080078125
1.46= 0.000712890625
1.47= 0.0007177734375
1.48= 0.00072265625
1.49= 0.0007275390625
1.50= 0.000732421875
1.51= 0.0007373046875
1.52= 0.0007421875
1.53= 0.0007470703125
1.54= 0.000751953125
1.55= 0.0007568359375
1.56= 0.00076171875
1.57= 0.0007666015625
1.58= 0.000771484375
1.59= 0.0007763671875
1.60= 0.00078125
1.61= 0.0007861328125
1.62= 0.000791015625
1.63= 0.0007958984375
1.64= 0.00080078125
1.65= 0.0008056640625
1.66= 0.000810546875
1.67= 0.0008154296875
1.68= 0.0008203125
1.69= 0.0008251953125
1.70= 0.000830078125
1.71= 0.0008349609375
1.72= 0.00083984375
1.73= 0.0008447265625
1.74= 0.000849609375
1.75= 0.0008544921875
1.76= 0.000859375
1.77= 0.0008642578125
1.78= 0.000869140625
1.79= 0.0008740234375
1.80= 0.00087890625
1.81= 0.0008837890625
1.82= 0.000888671875
1.83= 0.0008935546875
1.84= 0.0008984375
1.85= 0.0009033203125
1.86= 0.000908203125
1.87= 0.0009130859375
1.88= 0.00091796875
1.89= 0.0009228515625
1.90 - 2.34
nibbles to kibibytes
1.90= 0.000927734375
1.91= 0.0009326171875
1.92= 0.0009375
1.93= 0.0009423828125
1.94= 0.000947265625
1.95= 0.0009521484375
1.96= 0.00095703125
1.97= 0.0009619140625
1.98= 0.000966796875
1.99= 0.0009716796875
2.00= 0.0009765625
2.01= 0.0009814453125
2.02= 0.000986328125
2.03= 0.0009912109375
2.04= 0.00099609375
2.05= 0.0010009765625
2.06= 0.001005859375
2.07= 0.0010107421875
2.08= 0.001015625
2.09= 0.0010205078125
2.10= 0.001025390625
2.11= 0.0010302734375
2.12= 0.00103515625
2.13= 0.0010400390625
2.14= 0.001044921875
2.15= 0.0010498046875
2.16= 0.0010546875
2.17= 0.0010595703125
2.18= 0.001064453125
2.19= 0.0010693359375
2.20= 0.00107421875
2.21= 0.0010791015625
2.22= 0.001083984375
2.23= 0.0010888671875
2.24= 0.00109375
2.25= 0.0010986328125
2.26= 0.001103515625
2.27= 0.0011083984375
2.28= 0.00111328125
2.29= 0.0011181640625
2.30= 0.001123046875
2.31= 0.0011279296875
2.32= 0.0011328125
2.33= 0.0011376953125
2.34= 0.001142578125
2.35 - 2.79
nibbles to kibibytes
2.35= 0.0011474609375
2.36= 0.00115234375
2.37= 0.0011572265625
2.38= 0.001162109375
2.39= 0.0011669921875
2.40= 0.001171875
2.41= 0.0011767578125
2.42= 0.001181640625
2.43= 0.0011865234375
2.44= 0.00119140625
2.45= 0.0011962890625
2.46= 0.001201171875
2.47= 0.0012060546875
2.48= 0.0012109375
2.49= 0.0012158203125
2.50= 0.001220703125
2.51= 0.0012255859375
2.52= 0.00123046875
2.53= 0.0012353515625
2.54= 0.001240234375
2.55= 0.0012451171875
2.56= 0.00125
2.57= 0.0012548828125
2.58= 0.001259765625
2.59= 0.0012646484375
2.60= 0.00126953125
2.61= 0.0012744140625
2.62= 0.001279296875
2.63= 0.0012841796875
2.64= 0.0012890625
2.65= 0.0012939453125
2.66= 0.001298828125
2.67= 0.0013037109375
2.68= 0.00130859375
2.69= 0.0013134765625
2.70= 0.001318359375
2.71= 0.0013232421875
2.72= 0.001328125
2.73= 0.0013330078125
2.74= 0.001337890625
2.75= 0.0013427734375
2.76= 0.00134765625
2.77= 0.0013525390625
2.78= 0.001357421875
2.79= 0.0013623046875

Popular conversions

Popular units


In computing, a nibble (often nybble or nyble to match the spelling of byte) is a four-bit aggregation, or half an octet.


The kibibyte is a multiple of the unit byte for quantities of digital information. The binary prefix kibi means 210, or 1024; therefore, 1 kibibyte is 1024 bytes. The unit symbol for the kibibyte is KiB.