Quick Find Conversion

Ounce per (cubic inch)

The ounce per (cubic inch) is the unit of density, symbol is oz/in3.

Conversion table

slug per (cubic foot)kilogram per literpound per (cubic inch)ounce per (cubic inch)ounce per Imperial gallonkilogram per (cubic meter)gram per milliliterpound per Imperial gallon
1 0.5153788 0.0186192 0.2979079 82.6454286 515.3788171 0.5153788 5.1653393
1.9403203 1 0.0361273 0.5780367 160.3586058 1 000 1 10.0224129
53.7078820 27.6799047 1 16.0000000 4,438.7109286 27,679.9047102 27.6799047 277.4194328
3.3567426 1.7299940 0.0625000 1 277.4194328 1,729.9940429 1.7299940 17.3387145
0.0120999 0.0062360 0.0002253 0.0036047 1 6.2360233 0.0062360 0.0625000
0.0019403 0.001 3.6127292000084 × 10-5 0.0005780 0.1603586 1 0.001 0.0100224
1.9403203 1 0.0361273 0.5780367 160.3586058 1 000 1 10.0224129
0.1935981 0.0997764 0.0036047 0.0576744 16.0000000 99.7763727 0.0997764 1