Quick Find Conversion Table

0.1 - 0.54
joules to calories
0.1= 0.023900573613767
0.11= 0.026290630975143
0.12= 0.02868068833652
0.13= 0.031070745697897
0.14= 0.033460803059273
0.15= 0.03585086042065
0.16= 0.038240917782027
0.17= 0.040630975143403
0.18= 0.04302103250478
0.19= 0.045411089866157
0.20= 0.047801147227533
0.21= 0.05019120458891
0.22= 0.052581261950287
0.23= 0.054971319311663
0.24= 0.05736137667304
0.25= 0.059751434034417
0.26= 0.062141491395793
0.27= 0.06453154875717
0.28= 0.066921606118547
0.29= 0.069311663479924
0.30= 0.0717017208413
0.31= 0.074091778202677
0.32= 0.076481835564054
0.33= 0.07887189292543
0.34= 0.081261950286807
0.35= 0.083652007648184
0.36= 0.08604206500956
0.37= 0.088432122370937
0.38= 0.090822179732314
0.39= 0.09321223709369
0.40= 0.095602294455067
0.41= 0.097992351816444
0.42= 0.10038240917782
0.43= 0.1027724665392
0.44= 0.10516252390057
0.45= 0.10755258126195
0.46= 0.10994263862333
0.47= 0.1123326959847
0.48= 0.11472275334608
0.49= 0.11711281070746
0.50= 0.11950286806883
0.51= 0.12189292543021
0.52= 0.12428298279159
0.53= 0.12667304015296
0.54= 0.12906309751434
0.55 - 0.99
joules to calories
0.55= 0.13145315487572
0.56= 0.13384321223709
0.57= 0.13623326959847
0.58= 0.13862332695985
0.59= 0.14101338432122
0.60= 0.1434034416826
0.61= 0.14579349904398
0.62= 0.14818355640535
0.63= 0.15057361376673
0.64= 0.15296367112811
0.65= 0.15535372848948
0.66= 0.15774378585086
0.67= 0.16013384321224
0.68= 0.16252390057361
0.69= 0.16491395793499
0.70= 0.16730401529637
0.71= 0.16969407265774
0.72= 0.17208413001912
0.73= 0.1744741873805
0.74= 0.17686424474187
0.75= 0.17925430210325
0.76= 0.18164435946463
0.77= 0.184034416826
0.78= 0.18642447418738
0.79= 0.18881453154876
0.80= 0.19120458891013
0.81= 0.19359464627151
0.82= 0.19598470363289
0.83= 0.19837476099426
0.84= 0.20076481835564
0.85= 0.20315487571702
0.86= 0.20554493307839
0.87= 0.20793499043977
0.88= 0.21032504780115
0.89= 0.21271510516252
0.90= 0.2151051625239
0.91= 0.21749521988528
0.92= 0.21988527724665
0.93= 0.22227533460803
0.94= 0.22466539196941
0.95= 0.22705544933078
0.96= 0.22944550669216
0.97= 0.23183556405354
0.98= 0.23422562141491
0.99= 0.23661567877629
1.00 - 1.44
joules to calories
1.00= 0.23900573613767
1.01= 0.24139579349904
1.02= 0.24378585086042
1.03= 0.2461759082218
1.04= 0.24856596558317
1.05= 0.25095602294455
1.06= 0.25334608030593
1.07= 0.2557361376673
1.08= 0.25812619502868
1.09= 0.26051625239006
1.10= 0.26290630975143
1.11= 0.26529636711281
1.12= 0.26768642447419
1.13= 0.27007648183556
1.14= 0.27246653919694
1.15= 0.27485659655832
1.16= 0.27724665391969
1.17= 0.27963671128107
1.18= 0.28202676864245
1.19= 0.28441682600382
1.20= 0.2868068833652
1.21= 0.28919694072658
1.22= 0.29158699808795
1.23= 0.29397705544933
1.24= 0.29636711281071
1.25= 0.29875717017208
1.26= 0.30114722753346
1.27= 0.30353728489484
1.28= 0.30592734225621
1.29= 0.30831739961759
1.30= 0.31070745697897
1.31= 0.31309751434034
1.32= 0.31548757170172
1.33= 0.3178776290631
1.34= 0.32026768642447
1.35= 0.32265774378585
1.36= 0.32504780114723
1.37= 0.3274378585086
1.38= 0.32982791586998
1.39= 0.33221797323136
1.40= 0.33460803059273
1.41= 0.33699808795411
1.42= 0.33938814531549
1.43= 0.34177820267686
1.44= 0.34416826003824
1.45 - 1.89
joules to calories
1.45= 0.34655831739962
1.46= 0.34894837476099
1.47= 0.35133843212237
1.48= 0.35372848948375
1.49= 0.35611854684512
1.50= 0.3585086042065
1.51= 0.36089866156788
1.52= 0.36328871892925
1.53= 0.36567877629063
1.54= 0.36806883365201
1.55= 0.37045889101338
1.56= 0.37284894837476
1.57= 0.37523900573614
1.58= 0.37762906309751
1.59= 0.38001912045889
1.60= 0.38240917782027
1.61= 0.38479923518164
1.62= 0.38718929254302
1.63= 0.3895793499044
1.64= 0.39196940726577
1.65= 0.39435946462715
1.66= 0.39674952198853
1.67= 0.3991395793499
1.68= 0.40152963671128
1.69= 0.40391969407266
1.70= 0.40630975143403
1.71= 0.40869980879541
1.72= 0.41108986615679
1.73= 0.41347992351816
1.74= 0.41586998087954
1.75= 0.41826003824092
1.76= 0.42065009560229
1.77= 0.42304015296367
1.78= 0.42543021032505
1.79= 0.42782026768642
1.80= 0.4302103250478
1.81= 0.43260038240918
1.82= 0.43499043977055
1.83= 0.43738049713193
1.84= 0.43977055449331
1.85= 0.44216061185468
1.86= 0.44455066921606
1.87= 0.44694072657744
1.88= 0.44933078393881
1.89= 0.45172084130019
1.90 - 2.34
joules to calories
1.90= 0.45411089866157
1.91= 0.45650095602294
1.92= 0.45889101338432
1.93= 0.4612810707457
1.94= 0.46367112810707
1.95= 0.46606118546845
1.96= 0.46845124282983
1.97= 0.4708413001912
1.98= 0.47323135755258
1.99= 0.47562141491396
2.00= 0.47801147227533
2.01= 0.48040152963671
2.02= 0.48279158699809
2.03= 0.48518164435946
2.04= 0.48757170172084
2.05= 0.48996175908222
2.06= 0.49235181644359
2.07= 0.49474187380497
2.08= 0.49713193116635
2.09= 0.49952198852772
2.10= 0.5019120458891
2.11= 0.50430210325048
2.12= 0.50669216061185
2.13= 0.50908221797323
2.14= 0.51147227533461
2.15= 0.51386233269598
2.16= 0.51625239005736
2.17= 0.51864244741874
2.18= 0.52103250478011
2.19= 0.52342256214149
2.20= 0.52581261950287
2.21= 0.52820267686424
2.22= 0.53059273422562
2.23= 0.532982791587
2.24= 0.53537284894837
2.25= 0.53776290630975
2.26= 0.54015296367113
2.27= 0.5425430210325
2.28= 0.54493307839388
2.29= 0.54732313575526
2.30= 0.54971319311663
2.31= 0.55210325047801
2.32= 0.55449330783939
2.33= 0.55688336520076
2.34= 0.55927342256214
2.35 - 2.79
joules to calories
2.35= 0.56166347992352
2.36= 0.56405353728489
2.37= 0.56644359464627
2.38= 0.56883365200765
2.39= 0.57122370936902
2.40= 0.5736137667304
2.41= 0.57600382409178
2.42= 0.57839388145315
2.43= 0.58078393881453
2.44= 0.58317399617591
2.45= 0.58556405353728
2.46= 0.58795411089866
2.47= 0.59034416826004
2.48= 0.59273422562141
2.49= 0.59512428298279
2.50= 0.59751434034417
2.51= 0.59990439770554
2.52= 0.60229445506692
2.53= 0.6046845124283
2.54= 0.60707456978967
2.55= 0.60946462715105
2.56= 0.61185468451243
2.57= 0.6142447418738
2.58= 0.61663479923518
2.59= 0.61902485659656
2.60= 0.62141491395794
2.61= 0.62380497131931
2.62= 0.62619502868069
2.63= 0.62858508604206
2.64= 0.63097514340344
2.65= 0.63336520076482
2.66= 0.6357552581262
2.67= 0.63814531548757
2.68= 0.64053537284895
2.69= 0.64292543021032
2.70= 0.6453154875717
2.71= 0.64770554493308
2.72= 0.65009560229446
2.73= 0.65248565965583
2.74= 0.65487571701721
2.75= 0.65726577437859
2.76= 0.65965583173996
2.77= 0.66204588910134
2.78= 0.66443594646272
2.79= 0.66682600382409

Popular conversions

Popular units


The joule (/ˈdʒuːl/); symbol: J), is a derived unit of energy in the International System of Units. It is equal to the energy transferred to (or work done on) an object when a force of one newton acts on that object in the direction of its motion through a distance of one metre (1 newton metre or N⋅m).


Calories are units of energy. Various definitions exist but fall into two broad categories. The first, the small calorie, or gram calorie (symbol: cal), is defined as the approximate amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius at a pressure of one atmosphere.