Quick Find Conversion Table

1 - 2
Miles per gallon (Imperial) to US Miles per gallon
1= 0.83267316485708
2= 1.6653463297142
3 - 4
Miles per gallon (Imperial) to US Miles per gallon
3= 2.4980194945713
4= 3.3306926594283
5 - 6
Miles per gallon (Imperial) to US Miles per gallon
5= 4.1633658242854

Popular conversions

Popular units

Miles per gallon (Imperial)

Miles per gallon (Imperial) is used to measure Fuel economy  the distance (Miles) travelled per unit volume (gallon (Imperial)) of fuel used.

US Miles per gallon

US Miles per gallon is used to measure Fuel economy  the distance (US Miles) travelled per unit volume (gallon) of fuel used.