Quick Find Conversion Table

0.1 - 0.54
barleycorns to sticks
0.1≈ 0.016653543307087
0.11≈ 0.018318897637795
0.12≈ 0.019984251968504
0.13≈ 0.021649606299213
0.14≈ 0.023314960629921
0.15≈ 0.02498031496063
0.16≈ 0.026645669291339
0.17≈ 0.028311023622047
0.18≈ 0.029976377952756
0.19≈ 0.031641732283465
0.20≈ 0.033307086614173
0.21≈ 0.034972440944882
0.22≈ 0.036637795275591
0.23≈ 0.038303149606299
0.24≈ 0.039968503937008
0.25≈ 0.041633858267717
0.26≈ 0.043299212598425
0.27≈ 0.044964566929134
0.28≈ 0.046629921259843
0.29≈ 0.048295275590551
0.30≈ 0.04996062992126
0.31≈ 0.051625984251969
0.32≈ 0.053291338582677
0.33≈ 0.054956692913386
0.34≈ 0.056622047244094
0.35≈ 0.058287401574803
0.36≈ 0.059952755905512
0.37≈ 0.06161811023622
0.38≈ 0.063283464566929
0.39≈ 0.064948818897638
0.40≈ 0.066614173228346
0.41≈ 0.068279527559055
0.42≈ 0.069944881889764
0.43≈ 0.071610236220472
0.44≈ 0.073275590551181
0.45≈ 0.07494094488189
0.46≈ 0.076606299212598
0.47≈ 0.078271653543307
0.48≈ 0.079937007874016
0.49≈ 0.081602362204724
0.50≈ 0.083267716535433
0.51≈ 0.084933070866142
0.52≈ 0.08659842519685
0.53≈ 0.088263779527559
0.54≈ 0.089929133858268
0.55 - 0.99
barleycorns to sticks
0.55≈ 0.091594488188976
0.56≈ 0.093259842519685
0.57≈ 0.094925196850394
0.58≈ 0.096590551181102
0.59≈ 0.098255905511811
0.60≈ 0.09992125984252
0.61≈ 0.10158661417323
0.62≈ 0.10325196850394
0.63≈ 0.10491732283465
0.64≈ 0.10658267716535
0.65≈ 0.10824803149606
0.66≈ 0.10991338582677
0.67≈ 0.11157874015748
0.68≈ 0.11324409448819
0.69≈ 0.1149094488189
0.70≈ 0.11657480314961
0.71≈ 0.11824015748031
0.72≈ 0.11990551181102
0.73≈ 0.12157086614173
0.74≈ 0.12323622047244
0.75≈ 0.12490157480315
0.76≈ 0.12656692913386
0.77≈ 0.12823228346457
0.78≈ 0.12989763779528
0.79≈ 0.13156299212598
0.80≈ 0.13322834645669
0.81≈ 0.1348937007874
0.82≈ 0.13655905511811
0.83≈ 0.13822440944882
0.84≈ 0.13988976377953
0.85≈ 0.14155511811024
0.86≈ 0.14322047244094
0.87≈ 0.14488582677165
0.88≈ 0.14655118110236
0.89≈ 0.14821653543307
0.90≈ 0.14988188976378
0.91≈ 0.15154724409449
0.92≈ 0.1532125984252
0.93≈ 0.15487795275591
0.94≈ 0.15654330708661
0.95≈ 0.15820866141732
0.96≈ 0.15987401574803
0.97≈ 0.16153937007874
0.98≈ 0.16320472440945
0.99≈ 0.16487007874016
1.00 - 1.44
barleycorns to sticks
1.00≈ 0.16653543307087
1.01≈ 0.16820078740157
1.02≈ 0.16986614173228
1.03≈ 0.17153149606299
1.04≈ 0.1731968503937
1.05≈ 0.17486220472441
1.06≈ 0.17652755905512
1.07≈ 0.17819291338583
1.08≈ 0.17985826771654
1.09≈ 0.18152362204724
1.10≈ 0.18318897637795
1.11≈ 0.18485433070866
1.12≈ 0.18651968503937
1.13≈ 0.18818503937008
1.14≈ 0.18985039370079
1.15≈ 0.1915157480315
1.16≈ 0.1931811023622
1.17≈ 0.19484645669291
1.18≈ 0.19651181102362
1.19≈ 0.19817716535433
1.20≈ 0.19984251968504
1.21≈ 0.20150787401575
1.22≈ 0.20317322834646
1.23≈ 0.20483858267717
1.24≈ 0.20650393700787
1.25≈ 0.20816929133858
1.26≈ 0.20983464566929
1.27≈ 0.2115
1.28≈ 0.21316535433071
1.29≈ 0.21483070866142
1.30≈ 0.21649606299213
1.31≈ 0.21816141732283
1.32≈ 0.21982677165354
1.33≈ 0.22149212598425
1.34≈ 0.22315748031496
1.35≈ 0.22482283464567
1.36≈ 0.22648818897638
1.37≈ 0.22815354330709
1.38≈ 0.2298188976378
1.39≈ 0.2314842519685
1.40≈ 0.23314960629921
1.41≈ 0.23481496062992
1.42≈ 0.23648031496063
1.43≈ 0.23814566929134
1.44≈ 0.23981102362205
1.45 - 1.89
barleycorns to sticks
1.45≈ 0.24147637795276
1.46≈ 0.24314173228346
1.47≈ 0.24480708661417
1.48≈ 0.24647244094488
1.49≈ 0.24813779527559
1.50≈ 0.2498031496063
1.51≈ 0.25146850393701
1.52≈ 0.25313385826772
1.53≈ 0.25479921259843
1.54≈ 0.25646456692913
1.55≈ 0.25812992125984
1.56≈ 0.25979527559055
1.57≈ 0.26146062992126
1.58≈ 0.26312598425197
1.59≈ 0.26479133858268
1.60≈ 0.26645669291339
1.61≈ 0.26812204724409
1.62≈ 0.2697874015748
1.63≈ 0.27145275590551
1.64≈ 0.27311811023622
1.65≈ 0.27478346456693
1.66≈ 0.27644881889764
1.67≈ 0.27811417322835
1.68≈ 0.27977952755906
1.69≈ 0.28144488188976
1.70≈ 0.28311023622047
1.71≈ 0.28477559055118
1.72≈ 0.28644094488189
1.73≈ 0.2881062992126
1.74≈ 0.28977165354331
1.75≈ 0.29143700787402
1.76≈ 0.29310236220472
1.77≈ 0.29476771653543
1.78≈ 0.29643307086614
1.79≈ 0.29809842519685
1.80≈ 0.29976377952756
1.81≈ 0.30142913385827
1.82≈ 0.30309448818898
1.83≈ 0.30475984251969
1.84≈ 0.30642519685039
1.85≈ 0.3080905511811
1.86≈ 0.30975590551181
1.87≈ 0.31142125984252
1.88≈ 0.31308661417323
1.89≈ 0.31475196850394
1.90 - 2.34
barleycorns to sticks
1.90≈ 0.31641732283465
1.91≈ 0.31808267716535
1.92≈ 0.31974803149606
1.93≈ 0.32141338582677
1.94≈ 0.32307874015748
1.95≈ 0.32474409448819
1.96≈ 0.3264094488189
1.97≈ 0.32807480314961
1.98≈ 0.32974015748031
1.99≈ 0.33140551181102
2.00≈ 0.33307086614173
2.01≈ 0.33473622047244
2.02≈ 0.33640157480315
2.03≈ 0.33806692913386
2.04≈ 0.33973228346457
2.05≈ 0.34139763779528
2.06≈ 0.34306299212598
2.07≈ 0.34472834645669
2.08≈ 0.3463937007874
2.09≈ 0.34805905511811
2.10≈ 0.34972440944882
2.11≈ 0.35138976377953
2.12≈ 0.35305511811024
2.13≈ 0.35472047244094
2.14≈ 0.35638582677165
2.15≈ 0.35805118110236
2.16≈ 0.35971653543307
2.17≈ 0.36138188976378
2.18≈ 0.36304724409449
2.19≈ 0.3647125984252
2.20≈ 0.36637795275591
2.21≈ 0.36804330708661
2.22≈ 0.36970866141732
2.23≈ 0.37137401574803
2.24≈ 0.37303937007874
2.25≈ 0.37470472440945
2.26≈ 0.37637007874016
2.27≈ 0.37803543307087
2.28≈ 0.37970078740157
2.29≈ 0.38136614173228
2.30≈ 0.38303149606299
2.31≈ 0.3846968503937
2.32≈ 0.38636220472441
2.33≈ 0.38802755905512
2.34≈ 0.38969291338583
2.35 - 2.79
barleycorns to sticks
2.35≈ 0.39135826771654
2.36≈ 0.39302362204724
2.37≈ 0.39468897637795
2.38≈ 0.39635433070866
2.39≈ 0.39801968503937
2.40≈ 0.39968503937008
2.41≈ 0.40135039370079
2.42≈ 0.4030157480315
2.43≈ 0.4046811023622
2.44≈ 0.40634645669291
2.45≈ 0.40801181102362
2.46≈ 0.40967716535433
2.47≈ 0.41134251968504
2.48≈ 0.41300787401575
2.49≈ 0.41467322834646
2.50≈ 0.41633858267717
2.51≈ 0.41800393700787
2.52≈ 0.41966929133858
2.53≈ 0.42133464566929
2.54≈ 0.423
2.55≈ 0.42466535433071
2.56≈ 0.42633070866142
2.57≈ 0.42799606299213
2.58≈ 0.42966141732283
2.59≈ 0.43132677165354
2.60≈ 0.43299212598425
2.61≈ 0.43465748031496
2.62≈ 0.43632283464567
2.63≈ 0.43798818897638
2.64≈ 0.43965354330709
2.65≈ 0.4413188976378
2.66≈ 0.4429842519685
2.67≈ 0.44464960629921
2.68≈ 0.44631496062992
2.69≈ 0.44798031496063
2.70≈ 0.44964566929134
2.71≈ 0.45131102362205
2.72≈ 0.45297637795276
2.73≈ 0.45464173228346
2.74≈ 0.45630708661417
2.75≈ 0.45797244094488
2.76≈ 0.45963779527559
2.77≈ 0.4613031496063
2.78≈ 0.46296850393701
2.79≈ 0.46463385826772

Popular conversions

Popular units


The barleycorn is a small English unit of length equal to 13 of an inch (i.e., close to 0.8467 cm) still used in Great Britain and Ireland as a determiner of shoe sizes.


In typography, the stick, stickful, or stick of type was an inexact length based on the size of the various composing sticks used by newspaper editors to assemble pieces of moveable type. In English-language papers, it was roughly equal to 2 column inches or 100–150 words. In France, Spain, and Italy, sticks generally contained only between 1 and 4 lines of text each. A column was notionally equal to 10 sticks.