Quick Find Conversion Table

0.1 - 0.54
cable length (US) to barleycorns
0.1≈ 2594.0425531915
0.11≈ 2853.4468085106
0.12≈ 3112.8510638298
0.13≈ 3372.2553191489
0.14≈ 3631.6595744681
0.15≈ 3891.0638297872
0.16≈ 4150.4680851064
0.17≈ 4409.8723404255
0.18≈ 4669.2765957447
0.19≈ 4928.6808510638
0.20≈ 5188.085106383
0.21≈ 5447.4893617021
0.22≈ 5706.8936170213
0.23≈ 5966.2978723404
0.24≈ 6225.7021276596
0.25≈ 6485.1063829787
0.26≈ 6744.5106382979
0.27≈ 7003.914893617
0.28≈ 7263.3191489362
0.29≈ 7522.7234042553
0.30≈ 7782.1276595745
0.31≈ 8041.5319148936
0.32≈ 8300.9361702128
0.33≈ 8560.3404255319
0.34≈ 8819.7446808511
0.35≈ 9079.1489361702
0.36≈ 9338.5531914894
0.37≈ 9597.9574468085
0.38≈ 9857.3617021277
0.39≈ 10116.765957447
0.40≈ 10376.170212766
0.41≈ 10635.574468085
0.42≈ 10894.978723404
0.43≈ 11154.382978723
0.44≈ 11413.787234043
0.45≈ 11673.191489362
0.46≈ 11932.595744681
0.47≈ 12192
0.48≈ 12451.404255319
0.49≈ 12710.808510638
0.50≈ 12970.212765957
0.51≈ 13229.617021277
0.52≈ 13489.021276596
0.53≈ 13748.425531915
0.54≈ 14007.829787234
0.55 - 0.99
cable length (US) to barleycorns
0.55≈ 14267.234042553
0.56≈ 14526.638297872
0.57≈ 14786.042553191
0.58≈ 15045.446808511
0.59≈ 15304.85106383
0.60≈ 15564.255319149
0.61≈ 15823.659574468
0.62≈ 16083.063829787
0.63≈ 16342.468085106
0.64≈ 16601.872340426
0.65≈ 16861.276595745
0.66≈ 17120.680851064
0.67≈ 17380.085106383
0.68≈ 17639.489361702
0.69≈ 17898.893617021
0.70≈ 18158.29787234
0.71≈ 18417.70212766
0.72≈ 18677.106382979
0.73≈ 18936.510638298
0.74≈ 19195.914893617
0.75≈ 19455.319148936
0.76≈ 19714.723404255
0.77≈ 19974.127659574
0.78≈ 20233.531914894
0.79≈ 20492.936170213
0.80≈ 20752.340425532
0.81≈ 21011.744680851
0.82≈ 21271.14893617
0.83≈ 21530.553191489
0.84≈ 21789.957446809
0.85≈ 22049.361702128
0.86≈ 22308.765957447
0.87≈ 22568.170212766
0.88≈ 22827.574468085
0.89≈ 23086.978723404
0.90≈ 23346.382978723
0.91≈ 23605.787234043
0.92≈ 23865.191489362
0.93≈ 24124.595744681
0.94≈ 24384
0.95≈ 24643.404255319
0.96≈ 24902.808510638
0.97≈ 25162.212765957
0.98≈ 25421.617021277
0.99≈ 25681.021276596
1.00 - 1.44
cable length (US) to barleycorns
1.00≈ 25940.425531915
1.01≈ 26199.829787234
1.02≈ 26459.234042553
1.03≈ 26718.638297872
1.04≈ 26978.042553191
1.05≈ 27237.446808511
1.06≈ 27496.85106383
1.07≈ 27756.255319149
1.08≈ 28015.659574468
1.09≈ 28275.063829787
1.10≈ 28534.468085106
1.11≈ 28793.872340426
1.12≈ 29053.276595745
1.13≈ 29312.680851064
1.14≈ 29572.085106383
1.15≈ 29831.489361702
1.16≈ 30090.893617021
1.17≈ 30350.29787234
1.18≈ 30609.70212766
1.19≈ 30869.106382979
1.20≈ 31128.510638298
1.21≈ 31387.914893617
1.22≈ 31647.319148936
1.23≈ 31906.723404255
1.24≈ 32166.127659574
1.25≈ 32425.531914894
1.26≈ 32684.936170213
1.27≈ 32944.340425532
1.28≈ 33203.744680851
1.29≈ 33463.14893617
1.30≈ 33722.553191489
1.31≈ 33981.957446809
1.32≈ 34241.361702128
1.33≈ 34500.765957447
1.34≈ 34760.170212766
1.35≈ 35019.574468085
1.36≈ 35278.978723404
1.37≈ 35538.382978723
1.38≈ 35797.787234043
1.39≈ 36057.191489362
1.40≈ 36316.595744681
1.41≈ 36576
1.42≈ 36835.404255319
1.43≈ 37094.808510638
1.44≈ 37354.212765957
1.45 - 1.89
cable length (US) to barleycorns
1.45≈ 37613.617021277
1.46≈ 37873.021276596
1.47≈ 38132.425531915
1.48≈ 38391.829787234
1.49≈ 38651.234042553
1.50≈ 38910.638297872
1.51≈ 39170.042553191
1.52≈ 39429.446808511
1.53≈ 39688.85106383
1.54≈ 39948.255319149
1.55≈ 40207.659574468
1.56≈ 40467.063829787
1.57≈ 40726.468085106
1.58≈ 40985.872340426
1.59≈ 41245.276595745
1.60≈ 41504.680851064
1.61≈ 41764.085106383
1.62≈ 42023.489361702
1.63≈ 42282.893617021
1.64≈ 42542.29787234
1.65≈ 42801.70212766
1.66≈ 43061.106382979
1.67≈ 43320.510638298
1.68≈ 43579.914893617
1.69≈ 43839.319148936
1.70≈ 44098.723404255
1.71≈ 44358.127659574
1.72≈ 44617.531914894
1.73≈ 44876.936170213
1.74≈ 45136.340425532
1.75≈ 45395.744680851
1.76≈ 45655.14893617
1.77≈ 45914.553191489
1.78≈ 46173.957446809
1.79≈ 46433.361702128
1.80≈ 46692.765957447
1.81≈ 46952.170212766
1.82≈ 47211.574468085
1.83≈ 47470.978723404
1.84≈ 47730.382978723
1.85≈ 47989.787234043
1.86≈ 48249.191489362
1.87≈ 48508.595744681
1.88≈ 48768
1.89≈ 49027.404255319
1.90 - 2.34
cable length (US) to barleycorns
1.90≈ 49286.808510638
1.91≈ 49546.212765957
1.92≈ 49805.617021277
1.93≈ 50065.021276596
1.94≈ 50324.425531915
1.95≈ 50583.829787234
1.96≈ 50843.234042553
1.97≈ 51102.638297872
1.98≈ 51362.042553191
1.99≈ 51621.446808511
2.00≈ 51880.85106383
2.01≈ 52140.255319149
2.02≈ 52399.659574468
2.03≈ 52659.063829787
2.04≈ 52918.468085106
2.05≈ 53177.872340426
2.06≈ 53437.276595745
2.07≈ 53696.680851064
2.08≈ 53956.085106383
2.09≈ 54215.489361702
2.10≈ 54474.893617021
2.11≈ 54734.29787234
2.12≈ 54993.70212766
2.13≈ 55253.106382979
2.14≈ 55512.510638298
2.15≈ 55771.914893617
2.16≈ 56031.319148936
2.17≈ 56290.723404255
2.18≈ 56550.127659574
2.19≈ 56809.531914894
2.20≈ 57068.936170213
2.21≈ 57328.340425532
2.22≈ 57587.744680851
2.23≈ 57847.14893617
2.24≈ 58106.553191489
2.25≈ 58365.957446809
2.26≈ 58625.361702128
2.27≈ 58884.765957447
2.28≈ 59144.170212766
2.29≈ 59403.574468085
2.30≈ 59662.978723404
2.31≈ 59922.382978723
2.32≈ 60181.787234043
2.33≈ 60441.191489362
2.34≈ 60700.595744681
2.35 - 2.79
cable length (US) to barleycorns
2.35≈ 60960
2.36≈ 61219.404255319
2.37≈ 61478.808510638
2.38≈ 61738.212765957
2.39≈ 61997.617021277
2.40≈ 62257.021276596
2.41≈ 62516.425531915
2.42≈ 62775.829787234
2.43≈ 63035.234042553
2.44≈ 63294.638297872
2.45≈ 63554.042553191
2.46≈ 63813.446808511
2.47≈ 64072.85106383
2.48≈ 64332.255319149
2.49≈ 64591.659574468
2.50≈ 64851.063829787
2.51≈ 65110.468085106
2.52≈ 65369.872340426
2.53≈ 65629.276595745
2.54≈ 65888.680851064
2.55≈ 66148.085106383
2.56≈ 66407.489361702
2.57≈ 66666.893617021
2.58≈ 66926.29787234
2.59≈ 67185.70212766
2.60≈ 67445.106382979
2.61≈ 67704.510638298
2.62≈ 67963.914893617
2.63≈ 68223.319148936
2.64≈ 68482.723404255
2.65≈ 68742.127659574
2.66≈ 69001.531914894
2.67≈ 69260.936170213
2.68≈ 69520.340425532
2.69≈ 69779.744680851
2.70≈ 70039.14893617
2.71≈ 70298.553191489
2.72≈ 70557.957446809
2.73≈ 70817.361702128
2.74≈ 71076.765957447
2.75≈ 71336.170212766
2.76≈ 71595.574468085
2.77≈ 71854.978723404
2.78≈ 72114.382978723
2.79≈ 72373.787234043

Popular conversions

Popular units

cable length (US)

A cable length or length of cable is a nautical unit of measure equal to one tenth of a nautical mile or approximately 100 fathoms. The unit is named after the length of a ship's anchor cable in the Age of Sail. The definition varies:

  • International:  110 nautical mile, or 185.2 m
  • Imperial (Admiralty):  110 Admiralty mile, or 608 ft (185.32 m), about 101 fathoms
    • The traditional British fathom varied from 5½ feet to 7 feet in the Merchant Navy.
  • U.S. customary (US Navy): 120 fathoms (720 feet, 219.456 m)


The barleycorn is a small English unit of length equal to 13 of an inch (i.e., close to 0.8467 cm) still used in Great Britain and Ireland as a determiner of shoe sizes.