Quick Find Conversion Table

0.1 - 0.54
centimeters to sticks
0.1= 0.019685039370079
0.11= 0.021653543307087
0.12= 0.023622047244094
0.13= 0.025590551181102
0.14= 0.02755905511811
0.15= 0.029527559055118
0.16= 0.031496062992126
0.17= 0.033464566929134
0.18= 0.035433070866142
0.19= 0.03740157480315
0.20= 0.039370078740157
0.21= 0.041338582677165
0.22= 0.043307086614173
0.23= 0.045275590551181
0.24= 0.047244094488189
0.25= 0.049212598425197
0.26= 0.051181102362205
0.27= 0.053149606299213
0.28= 0.05511811023622
0.29= 0.057086614173228
0.30= 0.059055118110236
0.31= 0.061023622047244
0.32= 0.062992125984252
0.33= 0.06496062992126
0.34= 0.066929133858268
0.35= 0.068897637795276
0.36= 0.070866141732283
0.37= 0.072834645669291
0.38= 0.074803149606299
0.39= 0.076771653543307
0.40= 0.078740157480315
0.41= 0.080708661417323
0.42= 0.082677165354331
0.43= 0.084645669291339
0.44= 0.086614173228346
0.45= 0.088582677165354
0.46= 0.090551181102362
0.47= 0.09251968503937
0.48= 0.094488188976378
0.49= 0.096456692913386
0.50= 0.098425196850394
0.51= 0.1003937007874
0.52= 0.10236220472441
0.53= 0.10433070866142
0.54= 0.10629921259843
0.55 - 0.99
centimeters to sticks
0.55= 0.10826771653543
0.56= 0.11023622047244
0.57= 0.11220472440945
0.58= 0.11417322834646
0.59= 0.11614173228346
0.60= 0.11811023622047
0.61= 0.12007874015748
0.62= 0.12204724409449
0.63= 0.1240157480315
0.64= 0.1259842519685
0.65= 0.12795275590551
0.66= 0.12992125984252
0.67= 0.13188976377953
0.68= 0.13385826771654
0.69= 0.13582677165354
0.70= 0.13779527559055
0.71= 0.13976377952756
0.72= 0.14173228346457
0.73= 0.14370078740157
0.74= 0.14566929133858
0.75= 0.14763779527559
0.76= 0.1496062992126
0.77= 0.15157480314961
0.78= 0.15354330708661
0.79= 0.15551181102362
0.80= 0.15748031496063
0.81= 0.15944881889764
0.82= 0.16141732283465
0.83= 0.16338582677165
0.84= 0.16535433070866
0.85= 0.16732283464567
0.86= 0.16929133858268
0.87= 0.17125984251969
0.88= 0.17322834645669
0.89= 0.1751968503937
0.90= 0.17716535433071
0.91= 0.17913385826772
0.92= 0.18110236220472
0.93= 0.18307086614173
0.94= 0.18503937007874
0.95= 0.18700787401575
0.96= 0.18897637795276
0.97= 0.19094488188976
0.98= 0.19291338582677
0.99= 0.19488188976378
1.00 - 1.44
centimeters to sticks
1.00= 0.19685039370079
1.01= 0.1988188976378
1.02= 0.2007874015748
1.03= 0.20275590551181
1.04= 0.20472440944882
1.05= 0.20669291338583
1.06= 0.20866141732283
1.07= 0.21062992125984
1.08= 0.21259842519685
1.09= 0.21456692913386
1.10= 0.21653543307087
1.11= 0.21850393700787
1.12= 0.22047244094488
1.13= 0.22244094488189
1.14= 0.2244094488189
1.15= 0.22637795275591
1.16= 0.22834645669291
1.17= 0.23031496062992
1.18= 0.23228346456693
1.19= 0.23425196850394
1.20= 0.23622047244094
1.21= 0.23818897637795
1.22= 0.24015748031496
1.23= 0.24212598425197
1.24= 0.24409448818898
1.25= 0.24606299212598
1.26= 0.24803149606299
1.27= 0.25
1.28= 0.25196850393701
1.29= 0.25393700787402
1.30= 0.25590551181102
1.31= 0.25787401574803
1.32= 0.25984251968504
1.33= 0.26181102362205
1.34= 0.26377952755906
1.35= 0.26574803149606
1.36= 0.26771653543307
1.37= 0.26968503937008
1.38= 0.27165354330709
1.39= 0.27362204724409
1.40= 0.2755905511811
1.41= 0.27755905511811
1.42= 0.27952755905512
1.43= 0.28149606299213
1.44= 0.28346456692913
1.45 - 1.89
centimeters to sticks
1.45= 0.28543307086614
1.46= 0.28740157480315
1.47= 0.28937007874016
1.48= 0.29133858267717
1.49= 0.29330708661417
1.50= 0.29527559055118
1.51= 0.29724409448819
1.52= 0.2992125984252
1.53= 0.3011811023622
1.54= 0.30314960629921
1.55= 0.30511811023622
1.56= 0.30708661417323
1.57= 0.30905511811024
1.58= 0.31102362204724
1.59= 0.31299212598425
1.60= 0.31496062992126
1.61= 0.31692913385827
1.62= 0.31889763779528
1.63= 0.32086614173228
1.64= 0.32283464566929
1.65= 0.3248031496063
1.66= 0.32677165354331
1.67= 0.32874015748031
1.68= 0.33070866141732
1.69= 0.33267716535433
1.70= 0.33464566929134
1.71= 0.33661417322835
1.72= 0.33858267716535
1.73= 0.34055118110236
1.74= 0.34251968503937
1.75= 0.34448818897638
1.76= 0.34645669291339
1.77= 0.34842519685039
1.78= 0.3503937007874
1.79= 0.35236220472441
1.80= 0.35433070866142
1.81= 0.35629921259843
1.82= 0.35826771653543
1.83= 0.36023622047244
1.84= 0.36220472440945
1.85= 0.36417322834646
1.86= 0.36614173228346
1.87= 0.36811023622047
1.88= 0.37007874015748
1.89= 0.37204724409449
1.90 - 2.34
centimeters to sticks
1.90= 0.3740157480315
1.91= 0.3759842519685
1.92= 0.37795275590551
1.93= 0.37992125984252
1.94= 0.38188976377953
1.95= 0.38385826771654
1.96= 0.38582677165354
1.97= 0.38779527559055
1.98= 0.38976377952756
1.99= 0.39173228346457
2.00= 0.39370078740157
2.01= 0.39566929133858
2.02= 0.39763779527559
2.03= 0.3996062992126
2.04= 0.40157480314961
2.05= 0.40354330708661
2.06= 0.40551181102362
2.07= 0.40748031496063
2.08= 0.40944881889764
2.09= 0.41141732283465
2.10= 0.41338582677165
2.11= 0.41535433070866
2.12= 0.41732283464567
2.13= 0.41929133858268
2.14= 0.42125984251969
2.15= 0.42322834645669
2.16= 0.4251968503937
2.17= 0.42716535433071
2.18= 0.42913385826772
2.19= 0.43110236220472
2.20= 0.43307086614173
2.21= 0.43503937007874
2.22= 0.43700787401575
2.23= 0.43897637795276
2.24= 0.44094488188976
2.25= 0.44291338582677
2.26= 0.44488188976378
2.27= 0.44685039370079
2.28= 0.4488188976378
2.29= 0.4507874015748
2.30= 0.45275590551181
2.31= 0.45472440944882
2.32= 0.45669291338583
2.33= 0.45866141732283
2.34= 0.46062992125984
2.35 - 2.79
centimeters to sticks
2.35= 0.46259842519685
2.36= 0.46456692913386
2.37= 0.46653543307087
2.38= 0.46850393700787
2.39= 0.47047244094488
2.40= 0.47244094488189
2.41= 0.4744094488189
2.42= 0.47637795275591
2.43= 0.47834645669291
2.44= 0.48031496062992
2.45= 0.48228346456693
2.46= 0.48425196850394
2.47= 0.48622047244094
2.48= 0.48818897637795
2.49= 0.49015748031496
2.50= 0.49212598425197
2.51= 0.49409448818898
2.52= 0.49606299212598
2.53= 0.49803149606299
2.54= 0.5
2.55= 0.50196850393701
2.56= 0.50393700787402
2.57= 0.50590551181102
2.58= 0.50787401574803
2.59= 0.50984251968504
2.60= 0.51181102362205
2.61= 0.51377952755906
2.62= 0.51574803149606
2.63= 0.51771653543307
2.64= 0.51968503937008
2.65= 0.52165354330709
2.66= 0.52362204724409
2.67= 0.5255905511811
2.68= 0.52755905511811
2.69= 0.52952755905512
2.70= 0.53149606299213
2.71= 0.53346456692913
2.72= 0.53543307086614
2.73= 0.53740157480315
2.74= 0.53937007874016
2.75= 0.54133858267717
2.76= 0.54330708661417
2.77= 0.54527559055118
2.78= 0.54724409448819
2.79= 0.5492125984252

Popular conversions

Popular units


centimetre (international spelling as used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures; symbol cm) or centimeter (American spelling) is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one hundredth of a metre, centi being the SI prefix for a factor of  1/100 . The centimetre was the base unit of length in the now deprecated centimetre–gram–second (CGS) system of units.


In typography, the stick, stickful, or stick of type was an inexact length based on the size of the various composing sticks used by newspaper editors to assemble pieces of moveable type. In English-language papers, it was roughly equal to 2 column inches or 100–150 words. In France, Spain, and Italy, sticks generally contained only between 1 and 4 lines of text each. A column was notionally equal to 10 sticks.