Quick Find Conversion Table

0.1 - 0.54
chains to nanometers
0.1≈ 2011684000
0.11≈ 2212852400
0.12≈ 2414020800
0.13≈ 2615189200
0.14≈ 2816357600
0.15≈ 3017526000
0.16≈ 3218694400
0.17≈ 3419862800
0.18≈ 3621031200
0.19≈ 3822199600
0.20≈ 4023368000
0.21≈ 4224536400
0.22≈ 4425704800
0.23≈ 4626873200
0.24≈ 4828041600
0.25≈ 5029210000
0.26≈ 5230378400
0.27≈ 5431546800
0.28≈ 5632715200
0.29≈ 5833883600
0.30≈ 6035052000
0.31≈ 6236220400
0.32≈ 6437388800
0.33≈ 6638557200
0.34≈ 6839725600
0.35≈ 7040894000
0.36≈ 7242062400
0.37≈ 7443230800
0.38≈ 7644399200
0.39≈ 7845567600
0.40≈ 8046736000
0.41≈ 8247904400
0.42≈ 8449072800
0.43≈ 8650241200
0.44≈ 8851409600
0.45≈ 9052578000
0.46≈ 9253746400
0.47≈ 9454914800
0.48≈ 9656083200
0.49≈ 9857251600
0.50≈ 10058420000
0.51≈ 10259588400
0.52≈ 10460756800
0.53≈ 10661925200
0.54≈ 10863093600
0.55 - 0.99
chains to nanometers
0.55≈ 11064262000
0.56≈ 11265430400
0.57≈ 11466598800
0.58≈ 11667767200
0.59≈ 11868935600
0.60≈ 12070104000
0.61≈ 12271272400
0.62≈ 12472440800
0.63≈ 12673609200
0.64≈ 12874777600
0.65≈ 13075946000
0.66≈ 13277114400
0.67≈ 13478282800
0.68≈ 13679451200
0.69≈ 13880619600
0.70≈ 14081788000
0.71≈ 14282956400
0.72≈ 14484124800
0.73≈ 14685293200
0.74≈ 14886461600
0.75≈ 15087630000
0.76≈ 15288798400
0.77≈ 15489966800
0.78≈ 15691135200
0.79≈ 15892303600
0.80≈ 16093472000
0.81≈ 16294640400
0.82≈ 16495808800
0.83≈ 16696977200
0.84≈ 16898145600
0.85≈ 17099314000
0.86≈ 17300482400
0.87≈ 17501650800
0.88≈ 17702819200
0.89≈ 17903987600
0.90≈ 18105156000
0.91≈ 18306324400
0.92≈ 18507492800
0.93≈ 18708661200
0.94≈ 18909829600
0.95≈ 19110998000
0.96≈ 19312166400
0.97≈ 19513334800
0.98≈ 19714503200
0.99≈ 19915671600
1.00 - 1.44
chains to nanometers
1.00≈ 20116840000
1.01≈ 20318008400
1.02≈ 20519176800
1.03≈ 20720345200
1.04≈ 20921513600
1.05≈ 21122682000
1.06≈ 21323850400
1.07≈ 21525018800
1.08≈ 21726187200
1.09≈ 21927355600
1.10≈ 22128524000
1.11≈ 22329692400
1.12≈ 22530860800
1.13≈ 22732029200
1.14≈ 22933197600
1.15≈ 23134366000
1.16≈ 23335534400
1.17≈ 23536702800
1.18≈ 23737871200
1.19≈ 23939039600
1.20≈ 24140208000
1.21≈ 24341376400
1.22≈ 24542544800
1.23≈ 24743713200
1.24≈ 24944881600
1.25≈ 25146050000
1.26≈ 25347218400
1.27≈ 25548386800
1.28≈ 25749555200
1.29≈ 25950723600
1.30≈ 26151892000
1.31≈ 26353060400
1.32≈ 26554228800
1.33≈ 26755397200
1.34≈ 26956565600
1.35≈ 27157734000
1.36≈ 27358902400
1.37≈ 27560070800
1.38≈ 27761239200
1.39≈ 27962407600
1.40≈ 28163576000
1.41≈ 28364744400
1.42≈ 28565912800
1.43≈ 28767081200
1.44≈ 28968249600
1.45 - 1.89
chains to nanometers
1.45≈ 29169418000
1.46≈ 29370586400
1.47≈ 29571754800
1.48≈ 29772923200
1.49≈ 29974091600
1.50≈ 30175260000
1.51≈ 30376428400
1.52≈ 30577596800
1.53≈ 30778765200
1.54≈ 30979933600
1.55≈ 31181102000
1.56≈ 31382270400
1.57≈ 31583438800
1.58≈ 31784607200
1.59≈ 31985775600
1.60≈ 32186944000
1.61≈ 32388112400
1.62≈ 32589280800
1.63≈ 32790449200
1.64≈ 32991617600
1.65≈ 33192786000
1.66≈ 33393954400
1.67≈ 33595122800
1.68≈ 33796291200
1.69≈ 33997459600
1.70≈ 34198628000
1.71≈ 34399796400
1.72≈ 34600964800
1.73≈ 34802133200
1.74≈ 35003301600
1.75≈ 35204470000
1.76≈ 35405638400
1.77≈ 35606806800
1.78≈ 35807975200
1.79≈ 36009143600
1.80≈ 36210312000
1.81≈ 36411480400
1.82≈ 36612648800
1.83≈ 36813817200
1.84≈ 37014985600
1.85≈ 37216154000
1.86≈ 37417322400
1.87≈ 37618490800
1.88≈ 37819659200
1.89≈ 38020827600
1.90 - 2.34
chains to nanometers
1.90≈ 38221996000
1.91≈ 38423164400
1.92≈ 38624332800
1.93≈ 38825501200
1.94≈ 39026669600
1.95≈ 39227838000
1.96≈ 39429006400
1.97≈ 39630174800
1.98≈ 39831343200
1.99≈ 40032511600
2.00≈ 40233680000
2.01≈ 40434848400
2.02≈ 40636016800
2.03≈ 40837185200
2.04≈ 41038353600
2.05≈ 41239522000
2.06≈ 41440690400
2.07≈ 41641858800
2.08≈ 41843027200
2.09≈ 42044195600
2.10≈ 42245364000
2.11≈ 42446532400
2.12≈ 42647700800
2.13≈ 42848869200
2.14≈ 43050037600
2.15≈ 43251206000
2.16≈ 43452374400
2.17≈ 43653542800
2.18≈ 43854711200
2.19≈ 44055879600
2.20≈ 44257048000
2.21≈ 44458216400
2.22≈ 44659384800
2.23≈ 44860553200
2.24≈ 45061721600
2.25≈ 45262890000
2.26≈ 45464058400
2.27≈ 45665226800
2.28≈ 45866395200
2.29≈ 46067563600
2.30≈ 46268732000
2.31≈ 46469900400
2.32≈ 46671068800
2.33≈ 46872237200
2.34≈ 47073405600
2.35 - 2.79
chains to nanometers
2.35≈ 47274574000
2.36≈ 47475742400
2.37≈ 47676910800
2.38≈ 47878079200
2.39≈ 48079247600
2.40≈ 48280416000
2.41≈ 48481584400
2.42≈ 48682752800
2.43≈ 48883921200
2.44≈ 49085089600
2.45≈ 49286258000
2.46≈ 49487426400
2.47≈ 49688594800
2.48≈ 49889763200
2.49≈ 50090931600
2.50≈ 50292100000
2.51≈ 50493268400
2.52≈ 50694436800
2.53≈ 50895605200
2.54≈ 51096773600
2.55≈ 51297942000
2.56≈ 51499110400
2.57≈ 51700278800
2.58≈ 51901447200
2.59≈ 52102615600
2.60≈ 52303784000
2.61≈ 52504952400
2.62≈ 52706120800
2.63≈ 52907289200
2.64≈ 53108457600
2.65≈ 53309626000
2.66≈ 53510794400
2.67≈ 53711962800
2.68≈ 53913131200
2.69≈ 54114299600
2.70≈ 54315468000
2.71≈ 54516636400
2.72≈ 54717804800
2.73≈ 54918973200
2.74≈ 55120141600
2.75≈ 55321310000
2.76≈ 55522478400
2.77≈ 55723646800
2.78≈ 55924815200
2.79≈ 56125983600

Popular conversions

Popular units


A chain is a unit of length. It measures 66 feet, or 22 yards, or 100 links, or 4 rods (20.1168 m). There are 10 chains in a furlong, and 80 chains in one statute mile. An acre is the area of 10 square chains (that is, an area of one chain by one furlong). The chain has been used for several centuries in Britain and in some other countries influenced by British practice.


The nanometre (International spelling as used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures; SI symbol: nm) or nanometer (American spelling) is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one billionth of a metre (0.000000001 m). The name combines the SI prefix nano- (from the Ancient Greek νάνος, nanos, "dwarf") with the parent unit name metre (from Greek μέτρον, metrοn, "unit of measurement"). It can be written in scientific notation as 1×10−9 m, in engineering notation as 1 E−9 m, and is simply  1/1000000000  metres.