Quick Find Conversion Table

0.1 - 0.54
cubit to barleycorns
0.1≈ 5.9101654846336
0.11≈ 6.5011820330969
0.12≈ 7.0921985815603
0.13≈ 7.6832151300236
0.14≈ 8.274231678487
0.15≈ 8.8652482269504
0.16≈ 9.4562647754137
0.17≈ 10.047281323877
0.18≈ 10.63829787234
0.19≈ 11.229314420804
0.20≈ 11.820330969267
0.21≈ 12.41134751773
0.22≈ 13.002364066194
0.23≈ 13.593380614657
0.24≈ 14.184397163121
0.25≈ 14.775413711584
0.26≈ 15.366430260047
0.27≈ 15.957446808511
0.28≈ 16.548463356974
0.29≈ 17.139479905437
0.30≈ 17.730496453901
0.31≈ 18.321513002364
0.32≈ 18.912529550827
0.33≈ 19.503546099291
0.34≈ 20.094562647754
0.35≈ 20.685579196217
0.36≈ 21.276595744681
0.37≈ 21.867612293144
0.38≈ 22.458628841608
0.39≈ 23.049645390071
0.40≈ 23.640661938534
0.41≈ 24.231678486998
0.42≈ 24.822695035461
0.43≈ 25.413711583924
0.44≈ 26.004728132388
0.45≈ 26.595744680851
0.46≈ 27.186761229314
0.47≈ 27.777777777778
0.48≈ 28.368794326241
0.49≈ 28.959810874704
0.50≈ 29.550827423168
0.51≈ 30.141843971631
0.52≈ 30.732860520095
0.53≈ 31.323877068558
0.54≈ 31.914893617021
0.55 - 0.99
cubit to barleycorns
0.55≈ 32.505910165485
0.56≈ 33.096926713948
0.57≈ 33.687943262411
0.58≈ 34.278959810875
0.59≈ 34.869976359338
0.60≈ 35.460992907801
0.61≈ 36.052009456265
0.62≈ 36.643026004728
0.63≈ 37.234042553191
0.64≈ 37.825059101655
0.65≈ 38.416075650118
0.66≈ 39.007092198582
0.67≈ 39.598108747045
0.68≈ 40.189125295508
0.69≈ 40.780141843972
0.70≈ 41.371158392435
0.71≈ 41.962174940898
0.72≈ 42.553191489362
0.73≈ 43.144208037825
0.74≈ 43.735224586288
0.75≈ 44.326241134752
0.76≈ 44.917257683215
0.77≈ 45.508274231678
0.78≈ 46.099290780142
0.79≈ 46.690307328605
0.80≈ 47.281323877069
0.81≈ 47.872340425532
0.82≈ 48.463356973995
0.83≈ 49.054373522459
0.84≈ 49.645390070922
0.85≈ 50.236406619385
0.86≈ 50.827423167849
0.87≈ 51.418439716312
0.88≈ 52.009456264775
0.89≈ 52.600472813239
0.90≈ 53.191489361702
0.91≈ 53.782505910165
0.92≈ 54.373522458629
0.93≈ 54.964539007092
0.94≈ 55.555555555556
0.95≈ 56.146572104019
0.96≈ 56.737588652482
0.97≈ 57.328605200946
0.98≈ 57.919621749409
0.99≈ 58.510638297872
1.00 - 1.44
cubit to barleycorns
1.00≈ 59.101654846336
1.01≈ 59.692671394799
1.02≈ 60.283687943262
1.03≈ 60.874704491726
1.04≈ 61.465721040189
1.05≈ 62.056737588652
1.06≈ 62.647754137116
1.07≈ 63.238770685579
1.08≈ 63.829787234043
1.09≈ 64.420803782506
1.10≈ 65.011820330969
1.11≈ 65.602836879433
1.12≈ 66.193853427896
1.13≈ 66.784869976359
1.14≈ 67.375886524823
1.15≈ 67.966903073286
1.16≈ 68.557919621749
1.17≈ 69.148936170213
1.18≈ 69.739952718676
1.19≈ 70.330969267139
1.20≈ 70.921985815603
1.21≈ 71.513002364066
1.22≈ 72.10401891253
1.23≈ 72.695035460993
1.24≈ 73.286052009456
1.25≈ 73.87706855792
1.26≈ 74.468085106383
1.27≈ 75.059101654846
1.28≈ 75.65011820331
1.29≈ 76.241134751773
1.30≈ 76.832151300236
1.31≈ 77.4231678487
1.32≈ 78.014184397163
1.33≈ 78.605200945626
1.34≈ 79.19621749409
1.35≈ 79.787234042553
1.36≈ 80.378250591017
1.37≈ 80.96926713948
1.38≈ 81.560283687943
1.39≈ 82.151300236407
1.40≈ 82.74231678487
1.41≈ 83.333333333333
1.42≈ 83.924349881797
1.43≈ 84.51536643026
1.44≈ 85.106382978723
1.45 - 1.89
cubit to barleycorns
1.45≈ 85.697399527187
1.46≈ 86.28841607565
1.47≈ 86.879432624113
1.48≈ 87.470449172577
1.49≈ 88.06146572104
1.50≈ 88.652482269504
1.51≈ 89.243498817967
1.52≈ 89.83451536643
1.53≈ 90.425531914894
1.54≈ 91.016548463357
1.55≈ 91.60756501182
1.56≈ 92.198581560284
1.57≈ 92.789598108747
1.58≈ 93.38061465721
1.59≈ 93.971631205674
1.60≈ 94.562647754137
1.61≈ 95.1536643026
1.62≈ 95.744680851064
1.63≈ 96.335697399527
1.64≈ 96.926713947991
1.65≈ 97.517730496454
1.66≈ 98.108747044917
1.67≈ 98.699763593381
1.68≈ 99.290780141844
1.69≈ 99.881796690307
1.70≈ 100.47281323877
1.71≈ 101.06382978723
1.72≈ 101.6548463357
1.73≈ 102.24586288416
1.74≈ 102.83687943262
1.75≈ 103.42789598109
1.76≈ 104.01891252955
1.77≈ 104.60992907801
1.78≈ 105.20094562648
1.79≈ 105.79196217494
1.80≈ 106.3829787234
1.81≈ 106.97399527187
1.82≈ 107.56501182033
1.83≈ 108.15602836879
1.84≈ 108.74704491726
1.85≈ 109.33806146572
1.86≈ 109.92907801418
1.87≈ 110.52009456265
1.88≈ 111.11111111111
1.89≈ 111.70212765957
1.90 - 2.34
cubit to barleycorns
1.90≈ 112.29314420804
1.91≈ 112.8841607565
1.92≈ 113.47517730496
1.93≈ 114.06619385343
1.94≈ 114.65721040189
1.95≈ 115.24822695035
1.96≈ 115.83924349882
1.97≈ 116.43026004728
1.98≈ 117.02127659574
1.99≈ 117.61229314421
2.00≈ 118.20330969267
2.01≈ 118.79432624113
2.02≈ 119.3853427896
2.03≈ 119.97635933806
2.04≈ 120.56737588652
2.05≈ 121.15839243499
2.06≈ 121.74940898345
2.07≈ 122.34042553191
2.08≈ 122.93144208038
2.09≈ 123.52245862884
2.10≈ 124.1134751773
2.11≈ 124.70449172577
2.12≈ 125.29550827423
2.13≈ 125.8865248227
2.14≈ 126.47754137116
2.15≈ 127.06855791962
2.16≈ 127.65957446809
2.17≈ 128.25059101655
2.18≈ 128.84160756501
2.19≈ 129.43262411348
2.20≈ 130.02364066194
2.21≈ 130.6146572104
2.22≈ 131.20567375887
2.23≈ 131.79669030733
2.24≈ 132.38770685579
2.25≈ 132.97872340426
2.26≈ 133.56973995272
2.27≈ 134.16075650118
2.28≈ 134.75177304965
2.29≈ 135.34278959811
2.30≈ 135.93380614657
2.31≈ 136.52482269504
2.32≈ 137.1158392435
2.33≈ 137.70685579196
2.34≈ 138.29787234043
2.35 - 2.79
cubit to barleycorns
2.35≈ 138.88888888889
2.36≈ 139.47990543735
2.37≈ 140.07092198582
2.38≈ 140.66193853428
2.39≈ 141.25295508274
2.40≈ 141.84397163121
2.41≈ 142.43498817967
2.42≈ 143.02600472813
2.43≈ 143.6170212766
2.44≈ 144.20803782506
2.45≈ 144.79905437352
2.46≈ 145.39007092199
2.47≈ 145.98108747045
2.48≈ 146.57210401891
2.49≈ 147.16312056738
2.50≈ 147.75413711584
2.51≈ 148.3451536643
2.52≈ 148.93617021277
2.53≈ 149.52718676123
2.54≈ 150.11820330969
2.55≈ 150.70921985816
2.56≈ 151.30023640662
2.57≈ 151.89125295508
2.58≈ 152.48226950355
2.59≈ 153.07328605201
2.60≈ 153.66430260047
2.61≈ 154.25531914894
2.62≈ 154.8463356974
2.63≈ 155.43735224586
2.64≈ 156.02836879433
2.65≈ 156.61938534279
2.66≈ 157.21040189125
2.67≈ 157.80141843972
2.68≈ 158.39243498818
2.69≈ 158.98345153664
2.70≈ 159.57446808511
2.71≈ 160.16548463357
2.72≈ 160.75650118203
2.73≈ 161.3475177305
2.74≈ 161.93853427896
2.75≈ 162.52955082742
2.76≈ 163.12056737589
2.77≈ 163.71158392435
2.78≈ 164.30260047281
2.79≈ 164.89361702128

Popular conversions

Popular units


The cubit is an ancient unit based on the forearm length from the tip of the middle finger to the bottom of the elbow. Cubits of various lengths were employed in many parts of the world in antiquity, during the Middle Ages and as recently as Early Modern Times. The term is still used in hedge laying, the length of the forearm being frequently used to determine the interval between stakes placed within the hedge.


The barleycorn is a small English unit of length equal to 13 of an inch (i.e., close to 0.8467 cm) still used in Great Britain and Ireland as a determiner of shoe sizes.