Quick Find Conversion Table

0.1 - 0.54
french; charriere to inches
0.1= 0.0013123359580052
0.11= 0.0014435695538058
0.12= 0.0015748031496063
0.13= 0.0017060367454068
0.14= 0.0018372703412073
0.15= 0.0019685039370079
0.16= 0.0020997375328084
0.17= 0.0022309711286089
0.18= 0.0023622047244094
0.19= 0.00249343832021
0.20= 0.0026246719160105
0.21= 0.002755905511811
0.22= 0.0028871391076115
0.23= 0.0030183727034121
0.24= 0.0031496062992126
0.25= 0.0032808398950131
0.26= 0.0034120734908136
0.27= 0.0035433070866142
0.28= 0.0036745406824147
0.29= 0.0038057742782152
0.30= 0.0039370078740157
0.31= 0.0040682414698163
0.32= 0.0041994750656168
0.33= 0.0043307086614173
0.34= 0.0044619422572178
0.35= 0.0045931758530184
0.36= 0.0047244094488189
0.37= 0.0048556430446194
0.38= 0.0049868766404199
0.39= 0.0051181102362205
0.40= 0.005249343832021
0.41= 0.0053805774278215
0.42= 0.005511811023622
0.43= 0.0056430446194226
0.44= 0.0057742782152231
0.45= 0.0059055118110236
0.46= 0.0060367454068241
0.47= 0.0061679790026247
0.48= 0.0062992125984252
0.49= 0.0064304461942257
0.50= 0.0065616797900262
0.51= 0.0066929133858268
0.52= 0.0068241469816273
0.53= 0.0069553805774278
0.54= 0.0070866141732283
0.55 - 0.99
french; charriere to inches
0.55= 0.0072178477690289
0.56= 0.0073490813648294
0.57= 0.0074803149606299
0.58= 0.0076115485564304
0.59= 0.007742782152231
0.60= 0.0078740157480315
0.61= 0.008005249343832
0.62= 0.0081364829396325
0.63= 0.0082677165354331
0.64= 0.0083989501312336
0.65= 0.0085301837270341
0.66= 0.0086614173228346
0.67= 0.0087926509186352
0.68= 0.0089238845144357
0.69= 0.0090551181102362
0.70= 0.0091863517060367
0.71= 0.0093175853018373
0.72= 0.0094488188976378
0.73= 0.0095800524934383
0.74= 0.0097112860892388
0.75= 0.0098425196850394
0.76= 0.0099737532808399
0.77= 0.01010498687664
0.78= 0.010236220472441
0.79= 0.010367454068241
0.80= 0.010498687664042
0.81= 0.010629921259843
0.82= 0.010761154855643
0.83= 0.010892388451444
0.84= 0.011023622047244
0.85= 0.011154855643045
0.86= 0.011286089238845
0.87= 0.011417322834646
0.88= 0.011548556430446
0.89= 0.011679790026247
0.90= 0.011811023622047
0.91= 0.011942257217848
0.92= 0.012073490813648
0.93= 0.012204724409449
0.94= 0.012335958005249
0.95= 0.01246719160105
0.96= 0.01259842519685
0.97= 0.012729658792651
0.98= 0.012860892388451
0.99= 0.012992125984252
1.00 - 1.44
french; charriere to inches
1.00= 0.013123359580052
1.01= 0.013254593175853
1.02= 0.013385826771654
1.03= 0.013517060367454
1.04= 0.013648293963255
1.05= 0.013779527559055
1.06= 0.013910761154856
1.07= 0.014041994750656
1.08= 0.014173228346457
1.09= 0.014304461942257
1.10= 0.014435695538058
1.11= 0.014566929133858
1.12= 0.014698162729659
1.13= 0.014829396325459
1.14= 0.01496062992126
1.15= 0.01509186351706
1.16= 0.015223097112861
1.17= 0.015354330708661
1.18= 0.015485564304462
1.19= 0.015616797900262
1.20= 0.015748031496063
1.21= 0.015879265091864
1.22= 0.016010498687664
1.23= 0.016141732283465
1.24= 0.016272965879265
1.25= 0.016404199475066
1.26= 0.016535433070866
1.27= 0.016666666666667
1.28= 0.016797900262467
1.29= 0.016929133858268
1.30= 0.017060367454068
1.31= 0.017191601049869
1.32= 0.017322834645669
1.33= 0.01745406824147
1.34= 0.01758530183727
1.35= 0.017716535433071
1.36= 0.017847769028871
1.37= 0.017979002624672
1.38= 0.018110236220472
1.39= 0.018241469816273
1.40= 0.018372703412073
1.41= 0.018503937007874
1.42= 0.018635170603675
1.43= 0.018766404199475
1.44= 0.018897637795276
1.45 - 1.89
french; charriere to inches
1.45= 0.019028871391076
1.46= 0.019160104986877
1.47= 0.019291338582677
1.48= 0.019422572178478
1.49= 0.019553805774278
1.50= 0.019685039370079
1.51= 0.019816272965879
1.52= 0.01994750656168
1.53= 0.02007874015748
1.54= 0.020209973753281
1.55= 0.020341207349081
1.56= 0.020472440944882
1.57= 0.020603674540682
1.58= 0.020734908136483
1.59= 0.020866141732283
1.60= 0.020997375328084
1.61= 0.021128608923885
1.62= 0.021259842519685
1.63= 0.021391076115486
1.64= 0.021522309711286
1.65= 0.021653543307087
1.66= 0.021784776902887
1.67= 0.021916010498688
1.68= 0.022047244094488
1.69= 0.022178477690289
1.70= 0.022309711286089
1.71= 0.02244094488189
1.72= 0.02257217847769
1.73= 0.022703412073491
1.74= 0.022834645669291
1.75= 0.022965879265092
1.76= 0.023097112860892
1.77= 0.023228346456693
1.78= 0.023359580052493
1.79= 0.023490813648294
1.80= 0.023622047244094
1.81= 0.023753280839895
1.82= 0.023884514435696
1.83= 0.024015748031496
1.84= 0.024146981627297
1.85= 0.024278215223097
1.86= 0.024409448818898
1.87= 0.024540682414698
1.88= 0.024671916010499
1.89= 0.024803149606299
1.90 - 2.34
french; charriere to inches
1.90= 0.0249343832021
1.91= 0.0250656167979
1.92= 0.025196850393701
1.93= 0.025328083989501
1.94= 0.025459317585302
1.95= 0.025590551181102
1.96= 0.025721784776903
1.97= 0.025853018372703
1.98= 0.025984251968504
1.99= 0.026115485564304
2.00= 0.026246719160105
2.01= 0.026377952755906
2.02= 0.026509186351706
2.03= 0.026640419947507
2.04= 0.026771653543307
2.05= 0.026902887139108
2.06= 0.027034120734908
2.07= 0.027165354330709
2.08= 0.027296587926509
2.09= 0.02742782152231
2.10= 0.02755905511811
2.11= 0.027690288713911
2.12= 0.027821522309711
2.13= 0.027952755905512
2.14= 0.028083989501312
2.15= 0.028215223097113
2.16= 0.028346456692913
2.17= 0.028477690288714
2.18= 0.028608923884514
2.19= 0.028740157480315
2.20= 0.028871391076115
2.21= 0.029002624671916
2.22= 0.029133858267717
2.23= 0.029265091863517
2.24= 0.029396325459318
2.25= 0.029527559055118
2.26= 0.029658792650919
2.27= 0.029790026246719
2.28= 0.02992125984252
2.29= 0.03005249343832
2.30= 0.030183727034121
2.31= 0.030314960629921
2.32= 0.030446194225722
2.33= 0.030577427821522
2.34= 0.030708661417323
2.35 - 2.79
french; charriere to inches
2.35= 0.030839895013123
2.36= 0.030971128608924
2.37= 0.031102362204724
2.38= 0.031233595800525
2.39= 0.031364829396325
2.40= 0.031496062992126
2.41= 0.031627296587927
2.42= 0.031758530183727
2.43= 0.031889763779528
2.44= 0.032020997375328
2.45= 0.032152230971129
2.46= 0.032283464566929
2.47= 0.03241469816273
2.48= 0.03254593175853
2.49= 0.032677165354331
2.50= 0.032808398950131
2.51= 0.032939632545932
2.52= 0.033070866141732
2.53= 0.033202099737533
2.54= 0.033333333333333
2.55= 0.033464566929134
2.56= 0.033595800524934
2.57= 0.033727034120735
2.58= 0.033858267716535
2.59= 0.033989501312336
2.60= 0.034120734908136
2.61= 0.034251968503937
2.62= 0.034383202099738
2.63= 0.034514435695538
2.64= 0.034645669291339
2.65= 0.034776902887139
2.66= 0.03490813648294
2.67= 0.03503937007874
2.68= 0.035170603674541
2.69= 0.035301837270341
2.70= 0.035433070866142
2.71= 0.035564304461942
2.72= 0.035695538057743
2.73= 0.035826771653543
2.74= 0.035958005249344
2.75= 0.036089238845144
2.76= 0.036220472440945
2.77= 0.036351706036745
2.78= 0.036482939632546
2.79= 0.036614173228346

Popular conversions

Popular units

french; charriere

The French scale or French gauge system is commonly used to measure the size of a catheter. It is most often abbreviated as Fr, but can often be seen abbreviated as Fg, Ga, FR or F. It may also be abbreviated as CH or Ch (for Charrière, its inventor).


The inch (abbreviation: in or ) is a unit of length in the (British) imperial and United States customary systems of measurement now formally equal to 136 yard but usually understood as 112 of a foot. Derived from the Roman uncia ("twelfth"), inch is also sometimes used to translate related units in other measurement systems, usually understood as deriving from the width of the human thumb.