Quick Find Conversion Table

0.1 - 0.54
furlong to french; charriere
0.1= 60350.4
0.11= 66385.44
0.12= 72420.48
0.13= 78455.52
0.14= 84490.56
0.15= 90525.6
0.16= 96560.64
0.17= 102595.68
0.18= 108630.72
0.19= 114665.76
0.20= 120700.8
0.21= 126735.84
0.22= 132770.88
0.23= 138805.92
0.24= 144840.96
0.25= 150876
0.26= 156911.04
0.27= 162946.08
0.28= 168981.12
0.29= 175016.16
0.30= 181051.2
0.31= 187086.24
0.32= 193121.28
0.33= 199156.32
0.34= 205191.36
0.35= 211226.4
0.36= 217261.44
0.37= 223296.48
0.38= 229331.52
0.39= 235366.56
0.40= 241401.6
0.41= 247436.64
0.42= 253471.68
0.43= 259506.72
0.44= 265541.76
0.45= 271576.8
0.46= 277611.84
0.47= 283646.88
0.48= 289681.92
0.49= 295716.96
0.50= 301752
0.51= 307787.04
0.52= 313822.08
0.53= 319857.12
0.54= 325892.16
0.55 - 0.99
furlong to french; charriere
0.55= 331927.2
0.56= 337962.24
0.57= 343997.28
0.58= 350032.32
0.59= 356067.36
0.60= 362102.4
0.61= 368137.44
0.62= 374172.48
0.63= 380207.52
0.64= 386242.56
0.65= 392277.6
0.66= 398312.64
0.67= 404347.68
0.68= 410382.72
0.69= 416417.76
0.70= 422452.8
0.71= 428487.84
0.72= 434522.88
0.73= 440557.92
0.74= 446592.96
0.75= 452628
0.76= 458663.04
0.77= 464698.08
0.78= 470733.12
0.79= 476768.16
0.80= 482803.2
0.81= 488838.24
0.82= 494873.28
0.83= 500908.32
0.84= 506943.36
0.85= 512978.4
0.86= 519013.44
0.87= 525048.48
0.88= 531083.52
0.89= 537118.56
0.90= 543153.6
0.91= 549188.64
0.92= 555223.68
0.93= 561258.72
0.94= 567293.76
0.95= 573328.8
0.96= 579363.84
0.97= 585398.88
0.98= 591433.92
0.99= 597468.96
1.00 - 1.44
furlong to french; charriere
1.00= 603504
1.01= 609539.04
1.02= 615574.08
1.03= 621609.12
1.04= 627644.16
1.05= 633679.2
1.06= 639714.24
1.07= 645749.28
1.08= 651784.32
1.09= 657819.36
1.10= 663854.4
1.11= 669889.44
1.12= 675924.48
1.13= 681959.52
1.14= 687994.56
1.15= 694029.6
1.16= 700064.64
1.17= 706099.68
1.18= 712134.72
1.19= 718169.76
1.20= 724204.8
1.21= 730239.84
1.22= 736274.88
1.23= 742309.92
1.24= 748344.96
1.25= 754380
1.26= 760415.04
1.27= 766450.08
1.28= 772485.12
1.29= 778520.16
1.30= 784555.2
1.31= 790590.24
1.32= 796625.28
1.33= 802660.32
1.34= 808695.36
1.35= 814730.4
1.36= 820765.44
1.37= 826800.48
1.38= 832835.52
1.39= 838870.56
1.40= 844905.6
1.41= 850940.64
1.42= 856975.68
1.43= 863010.72
1.44= 869045.76
1.45 - 1.89
furlong to french; charriere
1.45= 875080.8
1.46= 881115.84
1.47= 887150.88
1.48= 893185.92
1.49= 899220.96
1.50= 905256
1.51= 911291.04
1.52= 917326.08
1.53= 923361.12
1.54= 929396.16
1.55= 935431.2
1.56= 941466.24
1.57= 947501.28
1.58= 953536.32
1.59= 959571.36
1.60= 965606.4
1.61= 971641.44
1.62= 977676.48
1.63= 983711.52
1.64= 989746.56
1.65= 995781.6
1.66= 1001816.64
1.67= 1007851.68
1.68= 1013886.72
1.69= 1019921.76
1.70= 1025956.8
1.71= 1031991.84
1.72= 1038026.88
1.73= 1044061.92
1.74= 1050096.96
1.75= 1056132
1.76= 1062167.04
1.77= 1068202.08
1.78= 1074237.12
1.79= 1080272.16
1.80= 1086307.2
1.81= 1092342.24
1.82= 1098377.28
1.83= 1104412.32
1.84= 1110447.36
1.85= 1116482.4
1.86= 1122517.44
1.87= 1128552.48
1.88= 1134587.52
1.89= 1140622.56
1.90 - 2.34
furlong to french; charriere
1.90= 1146657.6
1.91= 1152692.64
1.92= 1158727.68
1.93= 1164762.72
1.94= 1170797.76
1.95= 1176832.8
1.96= 1182867.84
1.97= 1188902.88
1.98= 1194937.92
1.99= 1200972.96
2.00= 1207008
2.01= 1213043.04
2.02= 1219078.08
2.03= 1225113.12
2.04= 1231148.16
2.05= 1237183.2
2.06= 1243218.24
2.07= 1249253.28
2.08= 1255288.32
2.09= 1261323.36
2.10= 1267358.4
2.11= 1273393.44
2.12= 1279428.48
2.13= 1285463.52
2.14= 1291498.56
2.15= 1297533.6
2.16= 1303568.64
2.17= 1309603.68
2.18= 1315638.72
2.19= 1321673.76
2.20= 1327708.8
2.21= 1333743.84
2.22= 1339778.88
2.23= 1345813.92
2.24= 1351848.96
2.25= 1357884
2.26= 1363919.04
2.27= 1369954.08
2.28= 1375989.12
2.29= 1382024.16
2.30= 1388059.2
2.31= 1394094.24
2.32= 1400129.28
2.33= 1406164.32
2.34= 1412199.36
2.35 - 2.79
furlong to french; charriere
2.35= 1418234.4
2.36= 1424269.44
2.37= 1430304.48
2.38= 1436339.52
2.39= 1442374.56
2.40= 1448409.6
2.41= 1454444.64
2.42= 1460479.68
2.43= 1466514.72
2.44= 1472549.76
2.45= 1478584.8
2.46= 1484619.84
2.47= 1490654.88
2.48= 1496689.92
2.49= 1502724.96
2.50= 1508760
2.51= 1514795.04
2.52= 1520830.08
2.53= 1526865.12
2.54= 1532900.16
2.55= 1538935.2
2.56= 1544970.24
2.57= 1551005.28
2.58= 1557040.32
2.59= 1563075.36
2.60= 1569110.4
2.61= 1575145.44
2.62= 1581180.48
2.63= 1587215.52
2.64= 1593250.56
2.65= 1599285.6
2.66= 1605320.64
2.67= 1611355.68
2.68= 1617390.72
2.69= 1623425.76
2.70= 1629460.8
2.71= 1635495.84
2.72= 1641530.88
2.73= 1647565.92
2.74= 1653600.96
2.75= 1659636
2.76= 1665671.04
2.77= 1671706.08
2.78= 1677741.12
2.79= 1683776.16

Popular conversions

Popular units


A furlong is a measure of distance in imperial units and U.S. customary units equal to one-eighth of a mile, equivalent to 660 feet, 220 yards, 40 rods, or 10 chains.

french; charriere

The French scale or French gauge system is commonly used to measure the size of a catheter. It is most often abbreviated as Fr, but can often be seen abbreviated as Fg, Ga, FR or F. It may also be abbreviated as CH or Ch (for Charrière, its inventor).