Quick Find Conversion Table

0.1 - 0.54
kilometers to leagues (land)
0.1= 0.020712510356255
0.11= 0.022783761391881
0.12= 0.024855012427506
0.13= 0.026926263463132
0.14= 0.028997514498757
0.15= 0.031068765534383
0.16= 0.033140016570008
0.17= 0.035211267605634
0.18= 0.037282518641259
0.19= 0.039353769676885
0.20= 0.04142502071251
0.21= 0.043496271748136
0.22= 0.045567522783761
0.23= 0.047638773819387
0.24= 0.049710024855012
0.25= 0.051781275890638
0.26= 0.053852526926263
0.27= 0.055923777961889
0.28= 0.057995028997514
0.29= 0.06006628003314
0.30= 0.062137531068766
0.31= 0.064208782104391
0.32= 0.066280033140017
0.33= 0.068351284175642
0.34= 0.070422535211268
0.35= 0.072493786246893
0.36= 0.074565037282519
0.37= 0.076636288318144
0.38= 0.07870753935377
0.39= 0.080778790389395
0.40= 0.082850041425021
0.41= 0.084921292460646
0.42= 0.086992543496272
0.43= 0.089063794531897
0.44= 0.091135045567523
0.45= 0.093206296603148
0.46= 0.095277547638774
0.47= 0.097348798674399
0.48= 0.099420049710025
0.49= 0.10149130074565
0.50= 0.10356255178128
0.51= 0.1056338028169
0.52= 0.10770505385253
0.53= 0.10977630488815
0.54= 0.11184755592378
0.55 - 0.99
kilometers to leagues (land)
0.55= 0.1139188069594
0.56= 0.11599005799503
0.57= 0.11806130903065
0.58= 0.12013256006628
0.59= 0.12220381110191
0.60= 0.12427506213753
0.61= 0.12634631317316
0.62= 0.12841756420878
0.63= 0.13048881524441
0.64= 0.13256006628003
0.65= 0.13463131731566
0.66= 0.13670256835128
0.67= 0.13877381938691
0.68= 0.14084507042254
0.69= 0.14291632145816
0.70= 0.14498757249379
0.71= 0.14705882352941
0.72= 0.14913007456504
0.73= 0.15120132560066
0.74= 0.15327257663629
0.75= 0.15534382767191
0.76= 0.15741507870754
0.77= 0.15948632974316
0.78= 0.16155758077879
0.79= 0.16362883181442
0.80= 0.16570008285004
0.81= 0.16777133388567
0.82= 0.16984258492129
0.83= 0.17191383595692
0.84= 0.17398508699254
0.85= 0.17605633802817
0.86= 0.17812758906379
0.87= 0.18019884009942
0.88= 0.18227009113505
0.89= 0.18434134217067
0.90= 0.1864125932063
0.91= 0.18848384424192
0.92= 0.19055509527755
0.93= 0.19262634631317
0.94= 0.1946975973488
0.95= 0.19676884838442
0.96= 0.19884009942005
0.97= 0.20091135045568
0.98= 0.2029826014913
0.99= 0.20505385252693
1.00 - 1.44
kilometers to leagues (land)
1.00= 0.20712510356255
1.01= 0.20919635459818
1.02= 0.2112676056338
1.03= 0.21333885666943
1.04= 0.21541010770505
1.05= 0.21748135874068
1.06= 0.2195526097763
1.07= 0.22162386081193
1.08= 0.22369511184756
1.09= 0.22576636288318
1.10= 0.22783761391881
1.11= 0.22990886495443
1.12= 0.23198011599006
1.13= 0.23405136702568
1.14= 0.23612261806131
1.15= 0.23819386909693
1.16= 0.24026512013256
1.17= 0.24233637116819
1.18= 0.24440762220381
1.19= 0.24647887323944
1.20= 0.24855012427506
1.21= 0.25062137531069
1.22= 0.25269262634631
1.23= 0.25476387738194
1.24= 0.25683512841756
1.25= 0.25890637945319
1.26= 0.26097763048882
1.27= 0.26304888152444
1.28= 0.26512013256007
1.29= 0.26719138359569
1.30= 0.26926263463132
1.31= 0.27133388566694
1.32= 0.27340513670257
1.33= 0.27547638773819
1.34= 0.27754763877382
1.35= 0.27961888980944
1.36= 0.28169014084507
1.37= 0.2837613918807
1.38= 0.28583264291632
1.39= 0.28790389395195
1.40= 0.28997514498757
1.41= 0.2920463960232
1.42= 0.29411764705882
1.43= 0.29618889809445
1.44= 0.29826014913007
1.45 - 1.89
kilometers to leagues (land)
1.45= 0.3003314001657
1.46= 0.30240265120133
1.47= 0.30447390223695
1.48= 0.30654515327258
1.49= 0.3086164043082
1.50= 0.31068765534383
1.51= 0.31275890637945
1.52= 0.31483015741508
1.53= 0.3169014084507
1.54= 0.31897265948633
1.55= 0.32104391052196
1.56= 0.32311516155758
1.57= 0.32518641259321
1.58= 0.32725766362883
1.59= 0.32932891466446
1.60= 0.33140016570008
1.61= 0.33347141673571
1.62= 0.33554266777133
1.63= 0.33761391880696
1.64= 0.33968516984258
1.65= 0.34175642087821
1.66= 0.34382767191384
1.67= 0.34589892294946
1.68= 0.34797017398509
1.69= 0.35004142502071
1.70= 0.35211267605634
1.71= 0.35418392709196
1.72= 0.35625517812759
1.73= 0.35832642916321
1.74= 0.36039768019884
1.75= 0.36246893123447
1.76= 0.36454018227009
1.77= 0.36661143330572
1.78= 0.36868268434134
1.79= 0.37075393537697
1.80= 0.37282518641259
1.81= 0.37489643744822
1.82= 0.37696768848384
1.83= 0.37903893951947
1.84= 0.3811101905551
1.85= 0.38318144159072
1.86= 0.38525269262635
1.87= 0.38732394366197
1.88= 0.3893951946976
1.89= 0.39146644573322
1.90 - 2.34
kilometers to leagues (land)
1.90= 0.39353769676885
1.91= 0.39560894780447
1.92= 0.3976801988401
1.93= 0.39975144987572
1.94= 0.40182270091135
1.95= 0.40389395194698
1.96= 0.4059652029826
1.97= 0.40803645401823
1.98= 0.41010770505385
1.99= 0.41217895608948
2.00= 0.4142502071251
2.01= 0.41632145816073
2.02= 0.41839270919635
2.03= 0.42046396023198
2.04= 0.42253521126761
2.05= 0.42460646230323
2.06= 0.42667771333886
2.07= 0.42874896437448
2.08= 0.43082021541011
2.09= 0.43289146644573
2.10= 0.43496271748136
2.11= 0.43703396851698
2.12= 0.43910521955261
2.13= 0.44117647058824
2.14= 0.44324772162386
2.15= 0.44531897265949
2.16= 0.44739022369511
2.17= 0.44946147473074
2.18= 0.45153272576636
2.19= 0.45360397680199
2.20= 0.45567522783761
2.21= 0.45774647887324
2.22= 0.45981772990886
2.23= 0.46188898094449
2.24= 0.46396023198012
2.25= 0.46603148301574
2.26= 0.46810273405137
2.27= 0.47017398508699
2.28= 0.47224523612262
2.29= 0.47431648715824
2.30= 0.47638773819387
2.31= 0.47845898922949
2.32= 0.48053024026512
2.33= 0.48260149130075
2.34= 0.48467274233637
2.35 - 2.79
kilometers to leagues (land)
2.35= 0.486743993372
2.36= 0.48881524440762
2.37= 0.49088649544325
2.38= 0.49295774647887
2.39= 0.4950289975145
2.40= 0.49710024855012
2.41= 0.49917149958575
2.42= 0.50124275062138
2.43= 0.503314001657
2.44= 0.50538525269263
2.45= 0.50745650372825
2.46= 0.50952775476388
2.47= 0.5115990057995
2.48= 0.51367025683513
2.49= 0.51574150787075
2.50= 0.51781275890638
2.51= 0.51988400994201
2.52= 0.52195526097763
2.53= 0.52402651201326
2.54= 0.52609776304888
2.55= 0.52816901408451
2.56= 0.53024026512013
2.57= 0.53231151615576
2.58= 0.53438276719138
2.59= 0.53645401822701
2.60= 0.53852526926263
2.61= 0.54059652029826
2.62= 0.54266777133389
2.63= 0.54473902236951
2.64= 0.54681027340514
2.65= 0.54888152444076
2.66= 0.55095277547639
2.67= 0.55302402651201
2.68= 0.55509527754764
2.69= 0.55716652858326
2.70= 0.55923777961889
2.71= 0.56130903065452
2.72= 0.56338028169014
2.73= 0.56545153272577
2.74= 0.56752278376139
2.75= 0.56959403479702
2.76= 0.57166528583264
2.77= 0.57373653686827
2.78= 0.57580778790389
2.79= 0.57787903893952

Popular conversions

Popular units


Kilometer or kilometre is one of the most common metric units of length or distance. It is equal to 1 000 meters. It is about 0.62137119 mile, 1093.6133 yards, or 3280.8399 feet. Plural name is kilometers.

leagues (land)

A league is a unit of length (or, in various regions, area). It was common in Europe and Latin America, but is no longer an official unit in any nation. The word originally meant the distance a person could walk in an hour. Since the Middle Ages, many values have been specified in several countries.