Quick Find Conversion Table

0.1 - 0.54
lunar distance to hands
0.1≈ 378348425.19685
0.11≈ 416183267.71654
0.12≈ 454018110.23622
0.13≈ 491852952.75591
0.14≈ 529687795.27559
0.15≈ 567522637.79528
0.16≈ 605357480.31496
0.17≈ 643192322.83465
0.18≈ 681027165.35433
0.19≈ 718862007.87402
0.20≈ 756696850.3937
0.21≈ 794531692.91339
0.22≈ 832366535.43307
0.23≈ 870201377.95276
0.24≈ 908036220.47244
0.25≈ 945871062.99213
0.26≈ 983705905.51181
0.27≈ 1021540748.0315
0.28≈ 1059375590.5512
0.29≈ 1097210433.0709
0.30≈ 1135045275.5906
0.31≈ 1172880118.1102
0.32≈ 1210714960.6299
0.33≈ 1248549803.1496
0.34≈ 1286384645.6693
0.35≈ 1324219488.189
0.36≈ 1362054330.7087
0.37≈ 1399889173.2283
0.38≈ 1437724015.748
0.39≈ 1475558858.2677
0.40≈ 1513393700.7874
0.41≈ 1551228543.3071
0.42≈ 1589063385.8268
0.43≈ 1626898228.3465
0.44≈ 1664733070.8661
0.45≈ 1702567913.3858
0.46≈ 1740402755.9055
0.47≈ 1778237598.4252
0.48≈ 1816072440.9449
0.49≈ 1853907283.4646
0.50≈ 1891742125.9843
0.51≈ 1929576968.5039
0.52≈ 1967411811.0236
0.53≈ 2005246653.5433
0.54≈ 2043081496.063
0.55 - 0.99
lunar distance to hands
0.55≈ 2080916338.5827
0.56≈ 2118751181.1024
0.57≈ 2156586023.622
0.58≈ 2194420866.1417
0.59≈ 2232255708.6614
0.60≈ 2270090551.1811
0.61≈ 2307925393.7008
0.62≈ 2345760236.2205
0.63≈ 2383595078.7402
0.64≈ 2421429921.2598
0.65≈ 2459264763.7795
0.66≈ 2497099606.2992
0.67≈ 2534934448.8189
0.68≈ 2572769291.3386
0.69≈ 2610604133.8583
0.70≈ 2648438976.378
0.71≈ 2686273818.8976
0.72≈ 2724108661.4173
0.73≈ 2761943503.937
0.74≈ 2799778346.4567
0.75≈ 2837613188.9764
0.76≈ 2875448031.4961
0.77≈ 2913282874.0157
0.78≈ 2951117716.5354
0.79≈ 2988952559.0551
0.80≈ 3026787401.5748
0.81≈ 3064622244.0945
0.82≈ 3102457086.6142
0.83≈ 3140291929.1339
0.84≈ 3178126771.6535
0.85≈ 3215961614.1732
0.86≈ 3253796456.6929
0.87≈ 3291631299.2126
0.88≈ 3329466141.7323
0.89≈ 3367300984.252
0.90≈ 3405135826.7717
0.91≈ 3442970669.2913
0.92≈ 3480805511.811
0.93≈ 3518640354.3307
0.94≈ 3556475196.8504
0.95≈ 3594310039.3701
0.96≈ 3632144881.8898
0.97≈ 3669979724.4094
0.98≈ 3707814566.9291
0.99≈ 3745649409.4488
1.00 - 1.44
lunar distance to hands
1.00≈ 3783484251.9685
1.01≈ 3821319094.4882
1.02≈ 3859153937.0079
1.03≈ 3896988779.5276
1.04≈ 3934823622.0472
1.05≈ 3972658464.5669
1.06≈ 4010493307.0866
1.07≈ 4048328149.6063
1.08≈ 4086162992.126
1.09≈ 4123997834.6457
1.10≈ 4161832677.1654
1.11≈ 4199667519.685
1.12≈ 4237502362.2047
1.13≈ 4275337204.7244
1.14≈ 4313172047.2441
1.15≈ 4351006889.7638
1.16≈ 4388841732.2835
1.17≈ 4426676574.8032
1.18≈ 4464511417.3228
1.19≈ 4502346259.8425
1.20≈ 4540181102.3622
1.21≈ 4578015944.8819
1.22≈ 4615850787.4016
1.23≈ 4653685629.9213
1.24≈ 4691520472.4409
1.25≈ 4729355314.9606
1.26≈ 4767190157.4803
1.27≈ 4805025000
1.28≈ 4842859842.5197
1.29≈ 4880694685.0394
1.30≈ 4918529527.5591
1.31≈ 4956364370.0787
1.32≈ 4994199212.5984
1.33≈ 5032034055.1181
1.34≈ 5069868897.6378
1.35≈ 5107703740.1575
1.36≈ 5145538582.6772
1.37≈ 5183373425.1969
1.38≈ 5221208267.7165
1.39≈ 5259043110.2362
1.40≈ 5296877952.7559
1.41≈ 5334712795.2756
1.42≈ 5372547637.7953
1.43≈ 5410382480.315
1.44≈ 5448217322.8346
1.45 - 1.89
lunar distance to hands
1.45≈ 5486052165.3543
1.46≈ 5523887007.874
1.47≈ 5561721850.3937
1.48≈ 5599556692.9134
1.49≈ 5637391535.4331
1.50≈ 5675226377.9528
1.51≈ 5713061220.4724
1.52≈ 5750896062.9921
1.53≈ 5788730905.5118
1.54≈ 5826565748.0315
1.55≈ 5864400590.5512
1.56≈ 5902235433.0709
1.57≈ 5940070275.5906
1.58≈ 5977905118.1102
1.59≈ 6015739960.6299
1.60≈ 6053574803.1496
1.61≈ 6091409645.6693
1.62≈ 6129244488.189
1.63≈ 6167079330.7087
1.64≈ 6204914173.2283
1.65≈ 6242749015.748
1.66≈ 6280583858.2677
1.67≈ 6318418700.7874
1.68≈ 6356253543.3071
1.69≈ 6394088385.8268
1.70≈ 6431923228.3465
1.71≈ 6469758070.8661
1.72≈ 6507592913.3858
1.73≈ 6545427755.9055
1.74≈ 6583262598.4252
1.75≈ 6621097440.9449
1.76≈ 6658932283.4646
1.77≈ 6696767125.9843
1.78≈ 6734601968.5039
1.79≈ 6772436811.0236
1.80≈ 6810271653.5433
1.81≈ 6848106496.063
1.82≈ 6885941338.5827
1.83≈ 6923776181.1024
1.84≈ 6961611023.622
1.85≈ 6999445866.1417
1.86≈ 7037280708.6614
1.87≈ 7075115551.1811
1.88≈ 7112950393.7008
1.89≈ 7150785236.2205
1.90 - 2.34
lunar distance to hands
1.90≈ 7188620078.7402
1.91≈ 7226454921.2598
1.92≈ 7264289763.7795
1.93≈ 7302124606.2992
1.94≈ 7339959448.8189
1.95≈ 7377794291.3386
1.96≈ 7415629133.8583
1.97≈ 7453463976.378
1.98≈ 7491298818.8976
1.99≈ 7529133661.4173
2.00≈ 7566968503.937
2.01≈ 7604803346.4567
2.02≈ 7642638188.9764
2.03≈ 7680473031.4961
2.04≈ 7718307874.0157
2.05≈ 7756142716.5354
2.06≈ 7793977559.0551
2.07≈ 7831812401.5748
2.08≈ 7869647244.0945
2.09≈ 7907482086.6142
2.10≈ 7945316929.1339
2.11≈ 7983151771.6535
2.12≈ 8020986614.1732
2.13≈ 8058821456.6929
2.14≈ 8096656299.2126
2.15≈ 8134491141.7323
2.16≈ 8172325984.252
2.17≈ 8210160826.7717
2.18≈ 8247995669.2913
2.19≈ 8285830511.811
2.20≈ 8323665354.3307
2.21≈ 8361500196.8504
2.22≈ 8399335039.3701
2.23≈ 8437169881.8898
2.24≈ 8475004724.4095
2.25≈ 8512839566.9291
2.26≈ 8550674409.4488
2.27≈ 8588509251.9685
2.28≈ 8626344094.4882
2.29≈ 8664178937.0079
2.30≈ 8702013779.5276
2.31≈ 8739848622.0472
2.32≈ 8777683464.5669
2.33≈ 8815518307.0866
2.34≈ 8853353149.6063
2.35 - 2.79
lunar distance to hands
2.35≈ 8891187992.126
2.36≈ 8929022834.6457
2.37≈ 8966857677.1654
2.38≈ 9004692519.685
2.39≈ 9042527362.2047
2.40≈ 9080362204.7244
2.41≈ 9118197047.2441
2.42≈ 9156031889.7638
2.43≈ 9193866732.2835
2.44≈ 9231701574.8032
2.45≈ 9269536417.3228
2.46≈ 9307371259.8425
2.47≈ 9345206102.3622
2.48≈ 9383040944.8819
2.49≈ 9420875787.4016
2.50≈ 9458710629.9213
2.51≈ 9496545472.4409
2.52≈ 9534380314.9606
2.53≈ 9572215157.4803
2.54≈ 9610050000
2.55≈ 9647884842.5197
2.56≈ 9685719685.0394
2.57≈ 9723554527.5591
2.58≈ 9761389370.0787
2.59≈ 9799224212.5984
2.60≈ 9837059055.1181
2.61≈ 9874893897.6378
2.62≈ 9912728740.1575
2.63≈ 9950563582.6772
2.64≈ 9988398425.1969
2.65≈ 10026233267.717
2.66≈ 10064068110.236
2.67≈ 10101902952.756
2.68≈ 10139737795.276
2.69≈ 10177572637.795
2.70≈ 10215407480.315
2.71≈ 10253242322.835
2.72≈ 10291077165.354
2.73≈ 10328912007.874
2.74≈ 10366746850.394
2.75≈ 10404581692.913
2.76≈ 10442416535.433
2.77≈ 10480251377.953
2.78≈ 10518086220.472
2.79≈ 10555921062.992

Popular conversions

Popular units

lunar distance

Lunar distance (LD), also called Earth–Moon distance, Earth–Moon characteristic distance, or distance to the Moon, is as a unit of measure in astronomy. It is the average distance from the center of Earth to the center of the Moon.


The hand is a non-SI unit of measurement of length standardized to 4 inches (101.6 mm). It is used to measure the height of horses in some English-speaking countries, including Australia, Canada, the Republic of Ireland, the United Kingdom and the United States.