Quick Find Conversion Table

0.1 - 0.54
spats to palms
0.1= 1312335958005.2
0.11= 1443569553805.8
0.12= 1574803149606.3
0.13= 1706036745406.8
0.14= 1837270341207.3
0.15= 1968503937007.9
0.16= 2099737532808.4
0.17= 2230971128608.9
0.18= 2362204724409.4
0.19= 2493438320210
0.20= 2624671916010.5
0.21= 2755905511811
0.22= 2887139107611.5
0.23= 3018372703412.1
0.24= 3149606299212.6
0.25= 3280839895013.1
0.26= 3412073490813.6
0.27= 3543307086614.2
0.28= 3674540682414.7
0.29= 3805774278215.2
0.30= 3937007874015.7
0.31= 4068241469816.3
0.32= 4199475065616.8
0.33= 4330708661417.3
0.34= 4461942257217.8
0.35= 4593175853018.4
0.36= 4724409448818.9
0.37= 4855643044619.4
0.38= 4986876640419.9
0.39= 5118110236220.5
0.40= 5249343832021
0.41= 5380577427821.5
0.42= 5511811023622
0.43= 5643044619422.6
0.44= 5774278215223.1
0.45= 5905511811023.6
0.46= 6036745406824.1
0.47= 6167979002624.7
0.48= 6299212598425.2
0.49= 6430446194225.7
0.50= 6561679790026.2
0.51= 6692913385826.8
0.52= 6824146981627.3
0.53= 6955380577427.8
0.54= 7086614173228.3
0.55 - 0.99
spats to palms
0.55= 7217847769028.9
0.56= 7349081364829.4
0.57= 7480314960629.9
0.58= 7611548556430.4
0.59= 7742782152231
0.60= 7874015748031.5
0.61= 8005249343832
0.62= 8136482939632.5
0.63= 8267716535433.1
0.64= 8398950131233.6
0.65= 8530183727034.1
0.66= 8661417322834.6
0.67= 8792650918635.2
0.68= 8923884514435.7
0.69= 9055118110236.2
0.70= 9186351706036.7
0.71= 9317585301837.3
0.72= 9448818897637.8
0.73= 9580052493438.3
0.74= 9711286089238.8
0.75= 9842519685039.4
0.76= 9973753280839.9
0.77= 10104986876640
0.78= 10236220472441
0.79= 10367454068241
0.80= 10498687664042
0.81= 10629921259843
0.82= 10761154855643
0.83= 10892388451444
0.84= 11023622047244
0.85= 11154855643045
0.86= 11286089238845
0.87= 11417322834646
0.88= 11548556430446
0.89= 11679790026247
0.90= 11811023622047
0.91= 11942257217848
0.92= 12073490813648
0.93= 12204724409449
0.94= 12335958005249
0.95= 12467191601050
0.96= 12598425196850
0.97= 12729658792651
0.98= 12860892388451
0.99= 12992125984252
1.00 - 1.44
spats to palms
1.00= 13123359580052
1.01= 13254593175853
1.02= 13385826771654
1.03= 13517060367454
1.04= 13648293963255
1.05= 13779527559055
1.06= 13910761154856
1.07= 14041994750656
1.08= 14173228346457
1.09= 14304461942257
1.10= 14435695538058
1.11= 14566929133858
1.12= 14698162729659
1.13= 14829396325459
1.14= 14960629921260
1.15= 15091863517060
1.16= 15223097112861
1.17= 15354330708661
1.18= 15485564304462
1.19= 15616797900262
1.20= 15748031496063
1.21= 15879265091864
1.22= 16010498687664
1.23= 16141732283465
1.24= 16272965879265
1.25= 16404199475066
1.26= 16535433070866
1.27= 16666666666667
1.28= 16797900262467
1.29= 16929133858268
1.30= 17060367454068
1.31= 17191601049869
1.32= 17322834645669
1.33= 17454068241470
1.34= 17585301837270
1.35= 17716535433071
1.36= 17847769028871
1.37= 17979002624672
1.38= 18110236220472
1.39= 18241469816273
1.40= 18372703412073
1.41= 18503937007874
1.42= 18635170603675
1.43= 18766404199475
1.44= 18897637795276
1.45 - 1.89
spats to palms
1.45= 19028871391076
1.46= 19160104986877
1.47= 19291338582677
1.48= 19422572178478
1.49= 19553805774278
1.50= 19685039370079
1.51= 19816272965879
1.52= 19947506561680
1.53= 20078740157480
1.54= 20209973753281
1.55= 20341207349081
1.56= 20472440944882
1.57= 20603674540682
1.58= 20734908136483
1.59= 20866141732283
1.60= 20997375328084
1.61= 21128608923885
1.62= 21259842519685
1.63= 21391076115486
1.64= 21522309711286
1.65= 21653543307087
1.66= 21784776902887
1.67= 21916010498688
1.68= 22047244094488
1.69= 22178477690289
1.70= 22309711286089
1.71= 22440944881890
1.72= 22572178477690
1.73= 22703412073491
1.74= 22834645669291
1.75= 22965879265092
1.76= 23097112860892
1.77= 23228346456693
1.78= 23359580052493
1.79= 23490813648294
1.80= 23622047244094
1.81= 23753280839895
1.82= 23884514435696
1.83= 24015748031496
1.84= 24146981627297
1.85= 24278215223097
1.86= 24409448818898
1.87= 24540682414698
1.88= 24671916010499
1.89= 24803149606299
1.90 - 2.34
spats to palms
1.90= 24934383202100
1.91= 25065616797900
1.92= 25196850393701
1.93= 25328083989501
1.94= 25459317585302
1.95= 25590551181102
1.96= 25721784776903
1.97= 25853018372703
1.98= 25984251968504
1.99= 26115485564304
2.00= 26246719160105
2.01= 26377952755906
2.02= 26509186351706
2.03= 26640419947507
2.04= 26771653543307
2.05= 26902887139108
2.06= 27034120734908
2.07= 27165354330709
2.08= 27296587926509
2.09= 27427821522310
2.10= 27559055118110
2.11= 27690288713911
2.12= 27821522309711
2.13= 27952755905512
2.14= 28083989501312
2.15= 28215223097113
2.16= 28346456692913
2.17= 28477690288714
2.18= 28608923884514
2.19= 28740157480315
2.20= 28871391076115
2.21= 29002624671916
2.22= 29133858267717
2.23= 29265091863517
2.24= 29396325459318
2.25= 29527559055118
2.26= 29658792650919
2.27= 29790026246719
2.28= 29921259842520
2.29= 30052493438320
2.30= 30183727034121
2.31= 30314960629921
2.32= 30446194225722
2.33= 30577427821522
2.34= 30708661417323
2.35 - 2.79
spats to palms
2.35= 30839895013123
2.36= 30971128608924
2.37= 31102362204724
2.38= 31233595800525
2.39= 31364829396325
2.40= 31496062992126
2.41= 31627296587927
2.42= 31758530183727
2.43= 31889763779528
2.44= 32020997375328
2.45= 32152230971129
2.46= 32283464566929
2.47= 32414698162730
2.48= 32545931758530
2.49= 32677165354331
2.50= 32808398950131
2.51= 32939632545932
2.52= 33070866141732
2.53= 33202099737533
2.54= 33333333333333
2.55= 33464566929134
2.56= 33595800524934
2.57= 33727034120735
2.58= 33858267716535
2.59= 33989501312336
2.60= 34120734908136
2.61= 34251968503937
2.62= 34383202099738
2.63= 34514435695538
2.64= 34645669291339
2.65= 34776902887139
2.66= 34908136482940
2.67= 35039370078740
2.68= 35170603674541
2.69= 35301837270341
2.70= 35433070866142
2.71= 35564304461942
2.72= 35695538057743
2.73= 35826771653543
2.74= 35958005249344
2.75= 36089238845144
2.76= 36220472440945
2.77= 36351706036745
2.78= 36482939632546
2.79= 36614173228346

Popular conversions

Popular units


The spat (symbol S) is also an obsolete unit of distance used in astronomy. It is equal to 1000000000 kilometres (1 Tm or 1012 m). It is about 6.6846 astronomical units (AU), 1.057×10−4 light-years or3.240×10−5 parsecs.


The palm is an obsolete anthropic unit of length, originally based on the width of the human palm and then variously standardized. The same name is also used for a second, rather larger unit based on the length of the human hand.