Quick Find Conversion Table

1 - 33
petawatts to imperial ton of refrigerations
1≈ 253879597600.84
2≈ 507759195201.68
3≈ 761638792802.51
4≈ 1015518390403.4
5≈ 1269397988004.2
6≈ 1523277585605
7≈ 1777157183205.9
8≈ 2031036780806.7
9≈ 2284916378407.5
10≈ 2538795976008.4
11≈ 2792675573609.2
12≈ 3046555171210.1
13≈ 3300434768810.9
14≈ 3554314366411.7
15≈ 3808193964012.6
16≈ 4062073561613.4
17≈ 4315953159214.2
18≈ 4569832756815.1
19≈ 4823712354415.9
20≈ 5077591952016.8
21≈ 5331471549617.6
22≈ 5585351147218.4
23≈ 5839230744819.3
24≈ 6093110342420.1
25≈ 6346989940020.9
26≈ 6600869537621.8
27≈ 6854749135222.6
28≈ 7108628732823.5
29≈ 7362508330424.3
30≈ 7616387928025.1
31≈ 7870267525626
32≈ 8124147123226.8
33≈ 8378026720827.6
34 - 66
petawatts to imperial ton of refrigerations
34≈ 8631906318428.5
35≈ 8885785916029.3
36≈ 9139665513630.2
37≈ 9393545111231
38≈ 9647424708831.8
39≈ 9901304306432.7
40≈ 10155183904034
41≈ 10409063501634
42≈ 10662943099235
43≈ 10916822696836
44≈ 11170702294437
45≈ 11424581892038
46≈ 11678461489639
47≈ 11932341087239
48≈ 12186220684840
49≈ 12440100282441
50≈ 12693979880042
51≈ 12947859477643
52≈ 13201739075244
53≈ 13455618672844
54≈ 13709498270445
55≈ 13963377868046
56≈ 14217257465647
57≈ 14471137063248
58≈ 14725016660849
59≈ 14978896258449
60≈ 15232775856050
61≈ 15486655453651
62≈ 15740535051252
63≈ 15994414648853
64≈ 16248294246454
65≈ 16502173844054
66≈ 16756053441655
67 - 99
petawatts to imperial ton of refrigerations
67≈ 17009933039256
68≈ 17263812636857
69≈ 17517692234458
70≈ 17771571832059
71≈ 18025451429659
72≈ 18279331027260
73≈ 18533210624861
74≈ 18787090222462
75≈ 19040969820063
76≈ 19294849417664
77≈ 19548729015265
78≈ 19802608612865
79≈ 20056488210466
80≈ 20310367808067
81≈ 20564247405668
82≈ 20818127003269
83≈ 21072006600870
84≈ 21325886198470
85≈ 21579765796071
86≈ 21833645393672
87≈ 22087524991273
88≈ 22341404588874
89≈ 22595284186475
90≈ 22849163784075
91≈ 23103043381676
92≈ 23356922979277
93≈ 23610802576878
94≈ 23864682174479
95≈ 24118561772080
96≈ 24372441369680
97≈ 24626320967281
98≈ 24880200564882
99≈ 25134080162483

Popular conversions

Popular units


The petawatt (PW) is equal to one quadrillion (1015) watts and can be produced by the current generation of lasers for time-scales on the order of picoseconds (10−12 s). One such laser is the Lawrence Livermore's Nova laser, which achieved a power output of 1.25 PW (1.25×1015 W) by a process called chirped pulse amplification. The duration of the pulse was roughly 0.5 ps (5×10−13 s), giving a total energy of 600 J.

imperial ton of refrigerations

A ton of refrigeration (TR), also called a refrigeration ton (RT), is a unit of power used in some countries (especially in North America) to describe the heat-extraction capacity of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment.