Quick Find Conversion Table

0.1 - 0.54
meters per second to speed of sounds (32 °F)
0.1≈ 0.00030193236714976
0.11≈ 0.00033212560386473
0.12≈ 0.00036231884057971
0.13≈ 0.00039251207729469
0.14≈ 0.00042270531400966
0.15≈ 0.00045289855072464
0.16≈ 0.00048309178743961
0.17≈ 0.00051328502415459
0.18≈ 0.00054347826086957
0.19≈ 0.00057367149758454
0.20≈ 0.00060386473429952
0.21≈ 0.00063405797101449
0.22≈ 0.00066425120772947
0.23≈ 0.00069444444444444
0.24≈ 0.00072463768115942
0.25≈ 0.0007548309178744
0.26≈ 0.00078502415458937
0.27≈ 0.00081521739130435
0.28≈ 0.00084541062801932
0.29≈ 0.0008756038647343
0.30≈ 0.00090579710144928
0.31≈ 0.00093599033816425
0.32≈ 0.00096618357487923
0.33≈ 0.0009963768115942
0.34≈ 0.0010265700483092
0.35≈ 0.0010567632850242
0.36≈ 0.0010869565217391
0.37≈ 0.0011171497584541
0.38≈ 0.0011473429951691
0.39≈ 0.0011775362318841
0.40≈ 0.001207729468599
0.41≈ 0.001237922705314
0.42≈ 0.001268115942029
0.43≈ 0.001298309178744
0.44≈ 0.0013285024154589
0.45≈ 0.0013586956521739
0.46≈ 0.0013888888888889
0.47≈ 0.0014190821256039
0.48≈ 0.0014492753623188
0.49≈ 0.0014794685990338
0.50≈ 0.0015096618357488
0.51≈ 0.0015398550724638
0.52≈ 0.0015700483091787
0.53≈ 0.0016002415458937
0.54≈ 0.0016304347826087
0.55 - 0.99
meters per second to speed of sounds (32 °F)
0.55≈ 0.0016606280193237
0.56≈ 0.0016908212560386
0.57≈ 0.0017210144927536
0.58≈ 0.0017512077294686
0.59≈ 0.0017814009661836
0.60≈ 0.0018115942028986
0.61≈ 0.0018417874396135
0.62≈ 0.0018719806763285
0.63≈ 0.0019021739130435
0.64≈ 0.0019323671497585
0.65≈ 0.0019625603864734
0.66≈ 0.0019927536231884
0.67≈ 0.0020229468599034
0.68≈ 0.0020531400966184
0.69≈ 0.0020833333333333
0.70≈ 0.0021135265700483
0.71≈ 0.0021437198067633
0.72≈ 0.0021739130434783
0.73≈ 0.0022041062801932
0.74≈ 0.0022342995169082
0.75≈ 0.0022644927536232
0.76≈ 0.0022946859903382
0.77≈ 0.0023248792270531
0.78≈ 0.0023550724637681
0.79≈ 0.0023852657004831
0.80≈ 0.0024154589371981
0.81≈ 0.002445652173913
0.82≈ 0.002475845410628
0.83≈ 0.002506038647343
0.84≈ 0.002536231884058
0.85≈ 0.0025664251207729
0.86≈ 0.0025966183574879
0.87≈ 0.0026268115942029
0.88≈ 0.0026570048309179
0.89≈ 0.0026871980676329
0.90≈ 0.0027173913043478
0.91≈ 0.0027475845410628
0.92≈ 0.0027777777777778
0.93≈ 0.0028079710144928
0.94≈ 0.0028381642512077
0.95≈ 0.0028683574879227
0.96≈ 0.0028985507246377
0.97≈ 0.0029287439613527
0.98≈ 0.0029589371980676
0.99≈ 0.0029891304347826
1.00 - 1.44
meters per second to speed of sounds (32 °F)
1.00≈ 0.0030193236714976
1.01≈ 0.0030495169082126
1.02≈ 0.0030797101449275
1.03≈ 0.0031099033816425
1.04≈ 0.0031400966183575
1.05≈ 0.0031702898550725
1.06≈ 0.0032004830917874
1.07≈ 0.0032306763285024
1.08≈ 0.0032608695652174
1.09≈ 0.0032910628019324
1.10≈ 0.0033212560386473
1.11≈ 0.0033514492753623
1.12≈ 0.0033816425120773
1.13≈ 0.0034118357487923
1.14≈ 0.0034420289855072
1.15≈ 0.0034722222222222
1.16≈ 0.0035024154589372
1.17≈ 0.0035326086956522
1.18≈ 0.0035628019323671
1.19≈ 0.0035929951690821
1.20≈ 0.0036231884057971
1.21≈ 0.0036533816425121
1.22≈ 0.0036835748792271
1.23≈ 0.003713768115942
1.24≈ 0.003743961352657
1.25≈ 0.003774154589372
1.26≈ 0.003804347826087
1.27≈ 0.0038345410628019
1.28≈ 0.0038647342995169
1.29≈ 0.0038949275362319
1.30≈ 0.0039251207729469
1.31≈ 0.0039553140096618
1.32≈ 0.0039855072463768
1.33≈ 0.0040157004830918
1.34≈ 0.0040458937198068
1.35≈ 0.0040760869565217
1.36≈ 0.0041062801932367
1.37≈ 0.0041364734299517
1.38≈ 0.0041666666666667
1.39≈ 0.0041968599033816
1.40≈ 0.0042270531400966
1.41≈ 0.0042572463768116
1.42≈ 0.0042874396135266
1.43≈ 0.0043176328502415
1.44≈ 0.0043478260869565
1.45 - 1.89
meters per second to speed of sounds (32 °F)
1.45≈ 0.0043780193236715
1.46≈ 0.0044082125603865
1.47≈ 0.0044384057971014
1.48≈ 0.0044685990338164
1.49≈ 0.0044987922705314
1.50≈ 0.0045289855072464
1.51≈ 0.0045591787439614
1.52≈ 0.0045893719806763
1.53≈ 0.0046195652173913
1.54≈ 0.0046497584541063
1.55≈ 0.0046799516908213
1.56≈ 0.0047101449275362
1.57≈ 0.0047403381642512
1.58≈ 0.0047705314009662
1.59≈ 0.0048007246376812
1.60≈ 0.0048309178743961
1.61≈ 0.0048611111111111
1.62≈ 0.0048913043478261
1.63≈ 0.0049214975845411
1.64≈ 0.004951690821256
1.65≈ 0.004981884057971
1.66≈ 0.005012077294686
1.67≈ 0.005042270531401
1.68≈ 0.0050724637681159
1.69≈ 0.0051026570048309
1.70≈ 0.0051328502415459
1.71≈ 0.0051630434782609
1.72≈ 0.0051932367149758
1.73≈ 0.0052234299516908
1.74≈ 0.0052536231884058
1.75≈ 0.0052838164251208
1.76≈ 0.0053140096618357
1.77≈ 0.0053442028985507
1.78≈ 0.0053743961352657
1.79≈ 0.0054045893719807
1.80≈ 0.0054347826086957
1.81≈ 0.0054649758454106
1.82≈ 0.0054951690821256
1.83≈ 0.0055253623188406
1.84≈ 0.0055555555555556
1.85≈ 0.0055857487922705
1.86≈ 0.0056159420289855
1.87≈ 0.0056461352657005
1.88≈ 0.0056763285024155
1.89≈ 0.0057065217391304
1.90 - 2.34
meters per second to speed of sounds (32 °F)
1.90≈ 0.0057367149758454
1.91≈ 0.0057669082125604
1.92≈ 0.0057971014492754
1.93≈ 0.0058272946859903
1.94≈ 0.0058574879227053
1.95≈ 0.0058876811594203
1.96≈ 0.0059178743961353
1.97≈ 0.0059480676328502
1.98≈ 0.0059782608695652
1.99≈ 0.0060084541062802
2.00≈ 0.0060386473429952
2.01≈ 0.0060688405797101
2.02≈ 0.0060990338164251
2.03≈ 0.0061292270531401
2.04≈ 0.0061594202898551
2.05≈ 0.00618961352657
2.06≈ 0.006219806763285
2.07≈ 0.00625
2.08≈ 0.006280193236715
2.09≈ 0.00631038647343
2.10≈ 0.0063405797101449
2.11≈ 0.0063707729468599
2.12≈ 0.0064009661835749
2.13≈ 0.0064311594202899
2.14≈ 0.0064613526570048
2.15≈ 0.0064915458937198
2.16≈ 0.0065217391304348
2.17≈ 0.0065519323671498
2.18≈ 0.0065821256038647
2.19≈ 0.0066123188405797
2.20≈ 0.0066425120772947
2.21≈ 0.0066727053140097
2.22≈ 0.0067028985507246
2.23≈ 0.0067330917874396
2.24≈ 0.0067632850241546
2.25≈ 0.0067934782608696
2.26≈ 0.0068236714975845
2.27≈ 0.0068538647342995
2.28≈ 0.0068840579710145
2.29≈ 0.0069142512077295
2.30≈ 0.0069444444444444
2.31≈ 0.0069746376811594
2.32≈ 0.0070048309178744
2.33≈ 0.0070350241545894
2.34≈ 0.0070652173913043
2.35 - 2.79
meters per second to speed of sounds (32 °F)
2.35≈ 0.0070954106280193
2.36≈ 0.0071256038647343
2.37≈ 0.0071557971014493
2.38≈ 0.0071859903381643
2.39≈ 0.0072161835748792
2.40≈ 0.0072463768115942
2.41≈ 0.0072765700483092
2.42≈ 0.0073067632850242
2.43≈ 0.0073369565217391
2.44≈ 0.0073671497584541
2.45≈ 0.0073973429951691
2.46≈ 0.0074275362318841
2.47≈ 0.007457729468599
2.48≈ 0.007487922705314
2.49≈ 0.007518115942029
2.50≈ 0.007548309178744
2.51≈ 0.0075785024154589
2.52≈ 0.0076086956521739
2.53≈ 0.0076388888888889
2.54≈ 0.0076690821256039
2.55≈ 0.0076992753623188
2.56≈ 0.0077294685990338
2.57≈ 0.0077596618357488
2.58≈ 0.0077898550724638
2.59≈ 0.0078200483091787
2.60≈ 0.0078502415458937
2.61≈ 0.0078804347826087
2.62≈ 0.0079106280193237
2.63≈ 0.0079408212560386
2.64≈ 0.0079710144927536
2.65≈ 0.0080012077294686
2.66≈ 0.0080314009661836
2.67≈ 0.0080615942028986
2.68≈ 0.0080917874396135
2.69≈ 0.0081219806763285
2.70≈ 0.0081521739130435
2.71≈ 0.0081823671497585
2.72≈ 0.0082125603864734
2.73≈ 0.0082427536231884
2.74≈ 0.0082729468599034
2.75≈ 0.0083031400966184
2.76≈ 0.0083333333333333
2.77≈ 0.0083635265700483
2.78≈ 0.0083937198067633
2.79≈ 0.0084239130434783

Popular conversions

Popular units

meters per second

Metre per second (American English: meter per second) is an SI derived unit of both speed (scalar) and velocity (vector quantity which specifies both magnitude and a specific direction), defined by distance in metres divided by time in seconds.

speed of sounds (32 °F)

The speed of sound is the distance travelled per unit time by a sound wave as it propagates through an elastic medium. In dry air at 0 °C (32 °F), the speed of sound is 331.2 metres per second (1,087 ft/s; 1,192 km/h; 741 mph; 644 kn). At 20 °C (68 °F), the speed of sound is 343 metres per second (1,125 ft/s; 1,235 km/h; 767 mph; 667 kn), or a kilometre in 2.91 s or a mile in 4.69 s.