Quick Find Conversion

Degrees Newton

The Degree Newton is the unit of temperature uses in the Newton scale.

Conversion table

degree Réaumurdegree Rømerdegree Fahrenheitdegree Celsiusdegree Kelvindegree Delisledegree Newtondegree Rankine
1 8.15625 34.25 1.25 274.4 148.125 0.4125 493.92
-9.9047619 1 9.7142857 -12.3809524 260.7690476 168.5714286 -4.0857143 469.3842857
-13.7777778 -1.5416667 1 -17.2222222 255.9277778 175.8333333 -5.6833333 460.67
0.8 8.025 33.8 1 274.15 148.5 0.33 493.47
-217.72 -135.37875 -457.87 -272.15 1 558.225 -89.8095 1.8
79.4666667 59.65 210.8 99.3333333 372.4833333 1 1 670.47
2.4242424 9.0909091 37.4545455 3.0303030 276.1803030 145.4545455 1 497.1245455
-218.0755556 -135.6120833 -458.67 -272.5944444 0.5555556 558.8916667 -89.9561667 1

Degree Newton Conversion

1 degree Newton = 3.0303030 degrees Celsiusmore_horiz
= 3.03030303
= 0.030303 × 102
= 0.030303E2
= 0.030303e2
1 degree Newton = 145.4545455 degrees Delislemore_horiz
= 145.45454545
= 1.45455 × 102
= 1.45455E2
= 1.45455e2
1 degree Newton = 37.4545455 degrees Fahrenheitmore_horiz
= 37.45454545
= 0.374545 × 102
= 0.374545E2
= 0.374545e2
1 degree Newton = 276.1803030 degrees Kelvinmore_horiz
= 276.18030303
= 2.7618 × 102
= 2.7618E2
= 2.7618e2
1 degree Newton = 497.1245455 degrees Rankinemore_horiz
= 497.12454545
= 4.97125 × 102
= 4.97125E2
= 4.97125e2
1 degree Newton = 2.4242424 degrees Réaumurmore_horiz
= 2.42424242
= 0.0242424 × 102
= 0.0242424E2
= 0.0242424e2
1 degree Newton = 9.0909091 degrees Rømermore_horiz
= 9.09090909
= 0.0909091 × 102
= 0.0909091E2
= 0.0909091e2