Quick Find Conversion Table

0.1 - 0.54
board feet to cubic yards
0.1≡ 0.00030864197530864
0.11≡ 0.00033950617283951
0.12≡ 0.00037037037037037
0.13≡ 0.00040123456790123
0.14≡ 0.0004320987654321
0.15≡ 0.00046296296296296
0.16≡ 0.00049382716049383
0.17≡ 0.00052469135802469
0.18≡ 0.00055555555555556
0.19≡ 0.00058641975308642
0.20≡ 0.00061728395061728
0.21≡ 0.00064814814814815
0.22≡ 0.00067901234567901
0.23≡ 0.00070987654320988
0.24≡ 0.00074074074074074
0.25≡ 0.00077160493827161
0.26≡ 0.00080246913580247
0.27≡ 0.00083333333333333
0.28≡ 0.0008641975308642
0.29≡ 0.00089506172839506
0.30≡ 0.00092592592592593
0.31≡ 0.00095679012345679
0.32≡ 0.00098765432098765
0.33≡ 0.0010185185185185
0.34≡ 0.0010493827160494
0.35≡ 0.0010802469135802
0.36≡ 0.0011111111111111
0.37≡ 0.001141975308642
0.38≡ 0.0011728395061728
0.39≡ 0.0012037037037037
0.40≡ 0.0012345679012346
0.41≡ 0.0012654320987654
0.42≡ 0.0012962962962963
0.43≡ 0.0013271604938272
0.44≡ 0.001358024691358
0.45≡ 0.0013888888888889
0.46≡ 0.0014197530864198
0.47≡ 0.0014506172839506
0.48≡ 0.0014814814814815
0.49≡ 0.0015123456790123
0.50≡ 0.0015432098765432
0.51≡ 0.0015740740740741
0.52≡ 0.0016049382716049
0.53≡ 0.0016358024691358
0.54≡ 0.0016666666666667
0.55 - 0.99
board feet to cubic yards
0.55≡ 0.0016975308641975
0.56≡ 0.0017283950617284
0.57≡ 0.0017592592592593
0.58≡ 0.0017901234567901
0.59≡ 0.001820987654321
0.60≡ 0.0018518518518519
0.61≡ 0.0018827160493827
0.62≡ 0.0019135802469136
0.63≡ 0.0019444444444444
0.64≡ 0.0019753086419753
0.65≡ 0.0020061728395062
0.66≡ 0.002037037037037
0.67≡ 0.0020679012345679
0.68≡ 0.0020987654320988
0.69≡ 0.0021296296296296
0.70≡ 0.0021604938271605
0.71≡ 0.0021913580246914
0.72≡ 0.0022222222222222
0.73≡ 0.0022530864197531
0.74≡ 0.002283950617284
0.75≡ 0.0023148148148148
0.76≡ 0.0023456790123457
0.77≡ 0.0023765432098765
0.78≡ 0.0024074074074074
0.79≡ 0.0024382716049383
0.80≡ 0.0024691358024691
0.81≡ 0.0025
0.82≡ 0.0025308641975309
0.83≡ 0.0025617283950617
0.84≡ 0.0025925925925926
0.85≡ 0.0026234567901235
0.86≡ 0.0026543209876543
0.87≡ 0.0026851851851852
0.88≡ 0.002716049382716
0.89≡ 0.0027469135802469
0.90≡ 0.0027777777777778
0.91≡ 0.0028086419753086
0.92≡ 0.0028395061728395
0.93≡ 0.0028703703703704
0.94≡ 0.0029012345679012
0.95≡ 0.0029320987654321
0.96≡ 0.002962962962963
0.97≡ 0.0029938271604938
0.98≡ 0.0030246913580247
0.99≡ 0.0030555555555556
1.00 - 1.44
board feet to cubic yards
1.00≡ 0.0030864197530864
1.01≡ 0.0031172839506173
1.02≡ 0.0031481481481481
1.03≡ 0.003179012345679
1.04≡ 0.0032098765432099
1.05≡ 0.0032407407407407
1.06≡ 0.0032716049382716
1.07≡ 0.0033024691358025
1.08≡ 0.0033333333333333
1.09≡ 0.0033641975308642
1.10≡ 0.0033950617283951
1.11≡ 0.0034259259259259
1.12≡ 0.0034567901234568
1.13≡ 0.0034876543209877
1.14≡ 0.0035185185185185
1.15≡ 0.0035493827160494
1.16≡ 0.0035802469135802
1.17≡ 0.0036111111111111
1.18≡ 0.003641975308642
1.19≡ 0.0036728395061728
1.20≡ 0.0037037037037037
1.21≡ 0.0037345679012346
1.22≡ 0.0037654320987654
1.23≡ 0.0037962962962963
1.24≡ 0.0038271604938272
1.25≡ 0.003858024691358
1.26≡ 0.0038888888888889
1.27≡ 0.0039197530864198
1.28≡ 0.0039506172839506
1.29≡ 0.0039814814814815
1.30≡ 0.0040123456790123
1.31≡ 0.0040432098765432
1.32≡ 0.0040740740740741
1.33≡ 0.0041049382716049
1.34≡ 0.0041358024691358
1.35≡ 0.0041666666666667
1.36≡ 0.0041975308641975
1.37≡ 0.0042283950617284
1.38≡ 0.0042592592592593
1.39≡ 0.0042901234567901
1.40≡ 0.004320987654321
1.41≡ 0.0043518518518519
1.42≡ 0.0043827160493827
1.43≡ 0.0044135802469136
1.44≡ 0.0044444444444444
1.45 - 1.89
board feet to cubic yards
1.45≡ 0.0044753086419753
1.46≡ 0.0045061728395062
1.47≡ 0.004537037037037
1.48≡ 0.0045679012345679
1.49≡ 0.0045987654320988
1.50≡ 0.0046296296296296
1.51≡ 0.0046604938271605
1.52≡ 0.0046913580246914
1.53≡ 0.0047222222222222
1.54≡ 0.0047530864197531
1.55≡ 0.004783950617284
1.56≡ 0.0048148148148148
1.57≡ 0.0048456790123457
1.58≡ 0.0048765432098765
1.59≡ 0.0049074074074074
1.60≡ 0.0049382716049383
1.61≡ 0.0049691358024691
1.62≡ 0.005
1.63≡ 0.0050308641975309
1.64≡ 0.0050617283950617
1.65≡ 0.0050925925925926
1.66≡ 0.0051234567901235
1.67≡ 0.0051543209876543
1.68≡ 0.0051851851851852
1.69≡ 0.005216049382716
1.70≡ 0.0052469135802469
1.71≡ 0.0052777777777778
1.72≡ 0.0053086419753086
1.73≡ 0.0053395061728395
1.74≡ 0.0053703703703704
1.75≡ 0.0054012345679012
1.76≡ 0.0054320987654321
1.77≡ 0.005462962962963
1.78≡ 0.0054938271604938
1.79≡ 0.0055246913580247
1.80≡ 0.0055555555555556
1.81≡ 0.0055864197530864
1.82≡ 0.0056172839506173
1.83≡ 0.0056481481481481
1.84≡ 0.005679012345679
1.85≡ 0.0057098765432099
1.86≡ 0.0057407407407407
1.87≡ 0.0057716049382716
1.88≡ 0.0058024691358025
1.89≡ 0.0058333333333333
1.90 - 2.34
board feet to cubic yards
1.90≡ 0.0058641975308642
1.91≡ 0.0058950617283951
1.92≡ 0.0059259259259259
1.93≡ 0.0059567901234568
1.94≡ 0.0059876543209877
1.95≡ 0.0060185185185185
1.96≡ 0.0060493827160494
1.97≡ 0.0060802469135802
1.98≡ 0.0061111111111111
1.99≡ 0.006141975308642
2.00≡ 0.0061728395061728
2.01≡ 0.0062037037037037
2.02≡ 0.0062345679012346
2.03≡ 0.0062654320987654
2.04≡ 0.0062962962962963
2.05≡ 0.0063271604938272
2.06≡ 0.006358024691358
2.07≡ 0.0063888888888889
2.08≡ 0.0064197530864198
2.09≡ 0.0064506172839506
2.10≡ 0.0064814814814815
2.11≡ 0.0065123456790123
2.12≡ 0.0065432098765432
2.13≡ 0.0065740740740741
2.14≡ 0.0066049382716049
2.15≡ 0.0066358024691358
2.16≡ 0.0066666666666667
2.17≡ 0.0066975308641975
2.18≡ 0.0067283950617284
2.19≡ 0.0067592592592593
2.20≡ 0.0067901234567901
2.21≡ 0.006820987654321
2.22≡ 0.0068518518518519
2.23≡ 0.0068827160493827
2.24≡ 0.0069135802469136
2.25≡ 0.0069444444444444
2.26≡ 0.0069753086419753
2.27≡ 0.0070061728395062
2.28≡ 0.007037037037037
2.29≡ 0.0070679012345679
2.30≡ 0.0070987654320988
2.31≡ 0.0071296296296296
2.32≡ 0.0071604938271605
2.33≡ 0.0071913580246914
2.34≡ 0.0072222222222222
2.35 - 2.79
board feet to cubic yards
2.35≡ 0.0072530864197531
2.36≡ 0.007283950617284
2.37≡ 0.0073148148148148
2.38≡ 0.0073456790123457
2.39≡ 0.0073765432098765
2.40≡ 0.0074074074074074
2.41≡ 0.0074382716049383
2.42≡ 0.0074691358024691
2.43≡ 0.0075
2.44≡ 0.0075308641975309
2.45≡ 0.0075617283950617
2.46≡ 0.0075925925925926
2.47≡ 0.0076234567901235
2.48≡ 0.0076543209876543
2.49≡ 0.0076851851851852
2.50≡ 0.007716049382716
2.51≡ 0.0077469135802469
2.52≡ 0.0077777777777778
2.53≡ 0.0078086419753086
2.54≡ 0.0078395061728395
2.55≡ 0.0078703703703704
2.56≡ 0.0079012345679012
2.57≡ 0.0079320987654321
2.58≡ 0.007962962962963
2.59≡ 0.0079938271604938
2.60≡ 0.0080246913580247
2.61≡ 0.0080555555555556
2.62≡ 0.0080864197530864
2.63≡ 0.0081172839506173
2.64≡ 0.0081481481481481
2.65≡ 0.008179012345679
2.66≡ 0.0082098765432099
2.67≡ 0.0082407407407407
2.68≡ 0.0082716049382716
2.69≡ 0.0083024691358025
2.70≡ 0.0083333333333333
2.71≡ 0.0083641975308642
2.72≡ 0.0083950617283951
2.73≡ 0.0084259259259259
2.74≡ 0.0084567901234568
2.75≡ 0.0084876543209877
2.76≡ 0.0085185185185185
2.77≡ 0.0085493827160494
2.78≡ 0.0085802469135802
2.79≡ 0.0086111111111111

Popular conversions

Popular units

board feet

The board-foot is a specialized unit of measure for the volume of lumber in the United States and Canada. It is the volume of a one-foot length of a board one foot wide and one inch thick.

Board-foot can be abbreviated FBM (for "foot, board measure"), BDFT, or BF. Thousand board-feet can be abbreviated as MFBM, MBFT, or MBF. Similarly, million board-feet can be abbreviated as MMFBM, MMBFT, or MMBF.

cubic yards

cubic yard is an Imperial / U.S. customary (non-SI non-metric) unit of volume, used in the United States, Canada, and the UK. It is defined as the volume of a cube with sides of 1 yard (3 feet, 36 inches, 0.9144 meters) in length.