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Cubic decameters

The cubic decametre (in British English and international spelling as used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures) or cubic decameter (in American English) is the unit of volume. Its SI symbol is dam3. It is the volume of a cube with edges one decametre in length.

Conversion table

US legal cuppipedrop (imperial)ponyimperial minimfluid scruplepetaliterhectoliter
1 0.0005032 2,432.6839108 10.8204873 4,054.4731847 202.7236592 2.4 × 10-16 0.0024
1,987.3411866 1 4,834,572.929895 21 504 8,057,621.5498223 402,881.0774932 4.76961884784 × 10-13 4.7696188
0.0004111 2.0684350293206 × 10-7 1 0.0044480 1.6666667 0.0833333 9.86564670138 × 10-20 9.86564670138 × 10-7
0.0924173 4.6502976190476 × 10-5 224.8220299 1 374.7033831 18.7351692 2.2180147171875 × 10-17 0.0002218
0.0002466 1.2410610175928 × 10-7 0.6000000 0.0026688 1 0.0500000 5.91938802083 × 10-20 5.91938802083 × 10-7
0.0049328 2.482122035173 × 10-6 12.0000000 0.0533756 20.0000000 1 1.18387760416 × 10-18 1.18387760416 × 10-5
4.1666666666667 × 1015 2 096 603 590 144 1.0136182961631 × 1019 4.5085363602457 × 1016 1.6893638269379 × 1019 8.4468191347325 × 1017 1 10 000 000 000 000
416.6666667 0.2096604 1,013,618.2961631 4,508.5363602 1,689,363.8269379 84,468.1913473 1.0 × 10-13 1