Quick Find Conversion Table

0.1 - 0.54
ponies to cubic meters
0.1= 2.2180147171875E-6
0.11= 2.4398161889063E-6
0.12= 2.661617660625E-6
0.13= 2.8834191323437E-6
0.14= 3.1052206040625E-6
0.15= 3.3270220757812E-6
0.16= 3.5488235475E-6
0.17= 3.7706250192188E-6
0.18= 3.9924264909375E-6
0.19= 4.2142279626562E-6
0.20= 4.436029434375E-6
0.21= 4.6578309060937E-6
0.22= 4.8796323778125E-6
0.23= 5.1014338495313E-6
0.24= 5.32323532125E-6
0.25= 5.5450367929687E-6
0.26= 5.7668382646875E-6
0.27= 5.9886397364063E-6
0.28= 6.210441208125E-6
0.29= 6.4322426798437E-6
0.30= 6.6540441515625E-6
0.31= 6.8758456232812E-6
0.32= 7.097647095E-6
0.33= 7.3194485667187E-6
0.34= 7.5412500384375E-6
0.35= 7.7630515101562E-6
0.36= 7.984852981875E-6
0.37= 8.2066544535937E-6
0.38= 8.4284559253125E-6
0.39= 8.6502573970313E-6
0.40= 8.87205886875E-6
0.41= 9.0938603404687E-6
0.42= 9.3156618121875E-6
0.43= 9.5374632839062E-6
0.44= 9.759264755625E-6
0.45= 9.9810662273438E-6
0.46= 1.0202867699063E-5
0.47= 1.0424669170781E-5
0.48= 1.06464706425E-5
0.49= 1.0868272114219E-5
0.50= 1.1090073585937E-5
0.51= 1.1311875057656E-5
0.52= 1.1533676529375E-5
0.53= 1.1755478001094E-5
0.54= 1.1977279472813E-5
0.55 - 0.99
ponies to cubic meters
0.55= 1.2199080944531E-5
0.56= 1.242088241625E-5
0.57= 1.2642683887969E-5
0.58= 1.2864485359687E-5
0.59= 1.3086286831406E-5
0.60= 1.3308088303125E-5
0.61= 1.3529889774844E-5
0.62= 1.3751691246562E-5
0.63= 1.3973492718281E-5
0.64= 1.419529419E-5
0.65= 1.4417095661719E-5
0.66= 1.4638897133437E-5
0.67= 1.4860698605156E-5
0.68= 1.5082500076875E-5
0.69= 1.5304301548594E-5
0.70= 1.5526103020312E-5
0.71= 1.5747904492031E-5
0.72= 1.596970596375E-5
0.73= 1.6191507435469E-5
0.74= 1.6413308907187E-5
0.75= 1.6635110378906E-5
0.76= 1.6856911850625E-5
0.77= 1.7078713322344E-5
0.78= 1.7300514794063E-5
0.79= 1.7522316265781E-5
0.80= 1.77441177375E-5
0.81= 1.7965919209219E-5
0.82= 1.8187720680937E-5
0.83= 1.8409522152656E-5
0.84= 1.8631323624375E-5
0.85= 1.8853125096094E-5
0.86= 1.9074926567812E-5
0.87= 1.9296728039531E-5
0.88= 1.951852951125E-5
0.89= 1.9740330982969E-5
0.90= 1.9962132454688E-5
0.91= 2.0183933926406E-5
0.92= 2.0405735398125E-5
0.93= 2.0627536869844E-5
0.94= 2.0849338341562E-5
0.95= 2.1071139813281E-5
0.96= 2.1292941285E-5
0.97= 2.1514742756719E-5
0.98= 2.1736544228437E-5
0.99= 2.1958345700156E-5
1.00 - 1.44
ponies to cubic meters
1.00= 2.2180147171875E-5
1.01= 2.2401948643594E-5
1.02= 2.2623750115312E-5
1.03= 2.2845551587031E-5
1.04= 2.306735305875E-5
1.05= 2.3289154530469E-5
1.06= 2.3510956002188E-5
1.07= 2.3732757473906E-5
1.08= 2.3954558945625E-5
1.09= 2.4176360417344E-5
1.10= 2.4398161889063E-5
1.11= 2.4619963360781E-5
1.12= 2.48417648325E-5
1.13= 2.5063566304219E-5
1.14= 2.5285367775937E-5
1.15= 2.5507169247656E-5
1.16= 2.5728970719375E-5
1.17= 2.5950772191094E-5
1.18= 2.6172573662812E-5
1.19= 2.6394375134531E-5
1.20= 2.661617660625E-5
1.21= 2.6837978077969E-5
1.22= 2.7059779549687E-5
1.23= 2.7281581021406E-5
1.24= 2.7503382493125E-5
1.25= 2.7725183964844E-5
1.26= 2.7946985436562E-5
1.27= 2.8168786908281E-5
1.28= 2.839058838E-5
1.29= 2.8612389851719E-5
1.30= 2.8834191323437E-5
1.31= 2.9055992795156E-5
1.32= 2.9277794266875E-5
1.33= 2.9499595738594E-5
1.34= 2.9721397210313E-5
1.35= 2.9943198682031E-5
1.36= 3.016500015375E-5
1.37= 3.0386801625469E-5
1.38= 3.0608603097187E-5
1.39= 3.0830404568906E-5
1.40= 3.1052206040625E-5
1.41= 3.1274007512344E-5
1.42= 3.1495808984062E-5
1.43= 3.1717610455781E-5
1.44= 3.19394119275E-5
1.45 - 1.89
ponies to cubic meters
1.45= 3.2161213399219E-5
1.46= 3.2383014870938E-5
1.47= 3.2604816342656E-5
1.48= 3.2826617814375E-5
1.49= 3.3048419286094E-5
1.50= 3.3270220757813E-5
1.51= 3.3492022229531E-5
1.52= 3.371382370125E-5
1.53= 3.3935625172969E-5
1.54= 3.4157426644688E-5
1.55= 3.4379228116406E-5
1.56= 3.4601029588125E-5
1.57= 3.4822831059844E-5
1.58= 3.5044632531562E-5
1.59= 3.5266434003281E-5
1.60= 3.5488235475E-5
1.61= 3.5710036946719E-5
1.62= 3.5931838418437E-5
1.63= 3.6153639890156E-5
1.64= 3.6375441361875E-5
1.65= 3.6597242833594E-5
1.66= 3.6819044305312E-5
1.67= 3.7040845777031E-5
1.68= 3.726264724875E-5
1.69= 3.7484448720469E-5
1.70= 3.7706250192187E-5
1.71= 3.7928051663906E-5
1.72= 3.8149853135625E-5
1.73= 3.8371654607344E-5
1.74= 3.8593456079062E-5
1.75= 3.8815257550781E-5
1.76= 3.90370590225E-5
1.77= 3.9258860494219E-5
1.78= 3.9480661965937E-5
1.79= 3.9702463437656E-5
1.80= 3.9924264909375E-5
1.81= 4.0146066381094E-5
1.82= 4.0367867852812E-5
1.83= 4.0589669324531E-5
1.84= 4.081147079625E-5
1.85= 4.1033272267969E-5
1.86= 4.1255073739688E-5
1.87= 4.1476875211406E-5
1.88= 4.1698676683125E-5
1.89= 4.1920478154844E-5
1.90 - 2.34
ponies to cubic meters
1.90= 4.2142279626562E-5
1.91= 4.2364081098281E-5
1.92= 4.258588257E-5
1.93= 4.2807684041719E-5
1.94= 4.3029485513437E-5
1.95= 4.3251286985156E-5
1.96= 4.3473088456875E-5
1.97= 4.3694889928594E-5
1.98= 4.3916691400312E-5
1.99= 4.4138492872031E-5
2.00= 4.436029434375E-5
2.01= 4.4582095815469E-5
2.02= 4.4803897287188E-5
2.03= 4.5025698758906E-5
2.04= 4.5247500230625E-5
2.05= 4.5469301702344E-5
2.06= 4.5691103174063E-5
2.07= 4.5912904645781E-5
2.08= 4.61347061175E-5
2.09= 4.6356507589219E-5
2.10= 4.6578309060938E-5
2.11= 4.6800110532656E-5
2.12= 4.7021912004375E-5
2.13= 4.7243713476094E-5
2.14= 4.7465514947813E-5
2.15= 4.7687316419531E-5
2.16= 4.790911789125E-5
2.17= 4.8130919362969E-5
2.18= 4.8352720834687E-5
2.19= 4.8574522306406E-5
2.20= 4.8796323778125E-5
2.21= 4.9018125249844E-5
2.22= 4.9239926721562E-5
2.23= 4.9461728193281E-5
2.24= 4.9683529665E-5
2.25= 4.9905331136719E-5
2.26= 5.0127132608437E-5
2.27= 5.0348934080156E-5
2.28= 5.0570735551875E-5
2.29= 5.0792537023594E-5
2.30= 5.1014338495312E-5
2.31= 5.1236139967031E-5
2.32= 5.145794143875E-5
2.33= 5.1679742910469E-5
2.34= 5.1901544382187E-5
2.35 - 2.79
ponies to cubic meters
2.35= 5.2123345853906E-5
2.36= 5.2345147325625E-5
2.37= 5.2566948797344E-5
2.38= 5.2788750269062E-5
2.39= 5.3010551740781E-5
2.40= 5.32323532125E-5
2.41= 5.3454154684219E-5
2.42= 5.3675956155937E-5
2.43= 5.3897757627656E-5
2.44= 5.4119559099375E-5
2.45= 5.4341360571094E-5
2.46= 5.4563162042812E-5
2.47= 5.4784963514531E-5
2.48= 5.500676498625E-5
2.49= 5.5228566457969E-5
2.50= 5.5450367929687E-5
2.51= 5.5672169401406E-5
2.52= 5.5893970873125E-5
2.53= 5.6115772344844E-5
2.54= 5.6337573816562E-5
2.55= 5.6559375288281E-5
2.56= 5.678117676E-5
2.57= 5.7002978231719E-5
2.58= 5.7224779703438E-5
2.59= 5.7446581175156E-5
2.60= 5.7668382646875E-5
2.61= 5.7890184118594E-5
2.62= 5.8111985590313E-5
2.63= 5.8333787062031E-5
2.64= 5.855558853375E-5
2.65= 5.8777390005469E-5
2.66= 5.8999191477188E-5
2.67= 5.9220992948906E-5
2.68= 5.9442794420625E-5
2.69= 5.9664595892344E-5
2.70= 5.9886397364063E-5
2.71= 6.0108198835781E-5
2.72= 6.03300003075E-5
2.73= 6.0551801779219E-5
2.74= 6.0773603250938E-5
2.75= 6.0995404722656E-5
2.76= 6.1217206194375E-5
2.77= 6.1439007666094E-5
2.78= 6.1660809137812E-5
2.79= 6.1882610609531E-5

Popular conversions

Popular units


Pony is a unit volume measurement. 

cubic meters

The cubic metre (in British English and international spelling as used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures) or cubic meter (in American English) is the SI derived unitof volume. Its SI symbol is m3. It is the volume of a cube with edges one metre in length. An alternative name, which allowed a different usage with metric prefixes, was the stère, still sometimes used for dry measure (for instance, in reference to wood). Another alternative name, no longer widely used, was the kilolitre.