
Quinary (base 5) to Base 4

Converter Tool


487c20 = 3535210
1011012 = 4510

Quinary (base-5 or pental) is a numeral system with five as the base. A possible origination of a quinary system is that there are five fingers on either hand.

conversion table

quinary (base 5)base 4quinary (base 5)base 4
1= 121= 23
2= 222= 30
3= 323= 31
4= 1024= 32
10= 1130= 33
11= 1231= 100
12= 1332= 101
13= 2033= 102
14= 2134= 103
20= 2240= 110
base 4 is a positional numeral system with four as its base. It uses 4 different digits for representing numbers. The digits for base 4 could be 0, 1, 2, and 3.

conversion table

base 4quinary (base 5)base 4quinary (base 5)
1≈ 123≈ 21
2≈ 230≈ 22
3≈ 331≈ 23
10≈ 432≈ 24
11≈ 1033≈ 30
12≈ 11100≈ 31
13≈ 12101≈ 32
20≈ 13102≈ 33
21≈ 14103≈ 34
22≈ 20110≈ 40