
Square hectometers Conversion

square hectometer conversion allows you find conversion from square hectometer to other units of area, and you can find more additional square hectometer information as the following.

Square hectometers

Square hectometre (International spelling as used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures) or Square hectometer (American spelling) or hectare, symbol hm2, is the unit of area or surface area.

DefinitionRelation to SI units

≡ 1 hm × 1 hm ≡ 102 m × 10m

Quick Find Conversion

Square hectometers to

Conversion table

millibarnboardsectionattobarnhidezeptobarnsquare chain (international)barn
1 1.2916692500052 × 10-29 3.8610215854245 × 10-38 1.0 × 1015 2.0 × 10-37 1.0 × 1018 2.4710538146717 × 10-34 0.001
7.74192 × 1028 1 2.9891720232629 × 10-9 7.74192 × 1043 1.548384 × 10-8 7.74192 × 1046 1.9130700948883 × 10-5 7.74192 × 1025
2.589988110336 × 1037 334 540 800 1 2.589988110336 × 1052 5.1799762 2.589988110336 × 1055 6 400 2.589988110336 × 1034
1.0 × 10-15 1.2916692500052 × 10-44 3.8610215854245 × 10-53 1 2.0 × 10-52 1 000 2.4710538146717 × 10-49 1.0 × 10-18
5.0 × 1036 64,583,462.500258 0.1930511 5.0 × 1051 1 5.0 × 1054 1,235.5269073 5.0 × 1033
1.0 × 10-18 1.2916692500052 × 10-47 3.8610215854245 × 10-56 0.001 2.0 × 10-55 1 2.4710538146717 × 10-52 1.0 × 10-21
4.0468564224 × 1033 52 272 0.0001563 4.0468564224 × 1048 0.0008094 4.0468564224 × 1051 1 4.0468564224 × 1030
1 000 1.2916692500052 × 10-26 3.8610215854245 × 10-35 1.0 × 1018 2.0 × 10-34 1.0 × 1021 2.4710538146717 × 10-31 1


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)

Unit System

Metric system SI

SI Conversion Table

1 square hectometers= 10000 square meters
2 square hectometers= 20000 square meters
3 square hectometers= 30000 square meters
4 square hectometers= 40000 square meters
5 square hectometers= 50000 square meters