
Density Conversion

Density conversion calculator convert between metric and imperial units of density. There are 15 units to convert, and you can easily find them with the following calculator tool.

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Conversion table

slug per (cubic foot)kilogram per literpound per (cubic inch)ounce per (cubic inch)ounce per Imperial gallonkilogram per (cubic meter)gram per milliliterpound per Imperial gallon
1 0.51537881707927 0.01861924101528 0.2979078565072 82.645428576394 515.37881707927 0.51537881707927 5.1653392814696
1.9403203369265 1 0.036127292000084 0.57803667251108 160.35860582078 1000 1 10.022412854961
53.707882033394 27.679904710203 1 16.00000001411 4438.7109285802 27679.904710203 27.679904710203 277.41943279162
3.356742624127 1.7299940428621 0.062499999944884 1 277.41943279162 1729.9940428621 1.7299940428621 17.338714534186
0.012099882803265 0.0062360232859446 0.00022529063417064 0.003604650149909 1 6.2360232859446 0.0062360232859446 0.062499999944884
0.0019403203369265 0.001 3.6127292000084E-5 0.00057803667251108 0.16035860582078 1 0.001 0.010022412854961
1.9403203369265 1 0.036127292000084 0.57803667251108 160.35860582078 1000 1 10.022412854961
0.19359812502297 0.099776372663102 0.003604650149909 0.057674402449405 16.00000001411 99.776372663102 0.099776372663102 1