
Base 21 to Base 22 Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table


0 - 23
base 21 to base 22
021= 022
121= 122
221= 222
321= 322
421= 422
521= 522
621= 622
721= 722
821= 822
921= 922
a21= a22
b21= b22
c21= c22
d21= d22
e21= e22
f21= f22
g21= g22
h21= h22
i21= i22
j21= j22
k21= k22
1021= l22
1121= 1022
1221= 1122
24 - 47
base 21 to base 22
1321= 1222
1421= 1322
1521= 1422
1621= 1522
1721= 1622
1821= 1722
1921= 1822
1a21= 1922
1b21= 1a22
1c21= 1b22
1d21= 1c22
1e21= 1d22
1f21= 1e22
1g21= 1f22
1h21= 1g22
1i21= 1h22
1j21= 1i22
1k21= 1j22
2021= 1k22
2121= 1l22
2221= 2022
2321= 2122
2421= 2222
2521= 2322
48 - 71
base 21 to base 22
2621= 2422
2721= 2522
2821= 2622
2921= 2722
2a21= 2822
2b21= 2922
2c21= 2a22
2d21= 2b22
2e21= 2c22
2f21= 2d22
2g21= 2e22
2h21= 2f22
2i21= 2g22
2j21= 2h22
2k21= 2i22
3021= 2j22
3121= 2k22
3221= 2l22
3321= 3022
3421= 3122
3521= 3222
3621= 3322
3721= 3422

base 21

base 21 is a positional numeral system with twenty-one as its base. It uses 21 different digits for representing numbers. The digits for base 21 could be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, and k.

base 22

base 22 is a positional numeral system with twenty-two as its base. It uses 22 different digits for representing numbers. The digits for base 22 could be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, and l.