
Decimal to Base 3

Converter Tool


487c20 = 3535210
1011012 = 4510

The decimal numeral system (also called base-ten positional numeral system, and occasionally called denary) is the standard system for denoting integer and non-integer numbers. It has ten as its base.

conversion table

decimalbase 3decimalbase 3
1= 111= 102
2= 212= 110
3= 1013= 111
4= 1114= 112
5= 1215= 120
6= 2016= 121
7= 2117= 122
8= 2218= 200
9= 10019= 201
10= 10120= 202
base 3 is a positional numeral system with three as its base. It uses 3 different digits for representing numbers. The digits for base 3 could be 0, 1, and 2.

conversion table

base 3decimalbase 3decimal
1≈ 1102≈ 11
2≈ 2110≈ 12
10≈ 3111≈ 13
11≈ 4112≈ 14
12≈ 5120≈ 15
20≈ 6121≈ 16
21≈ 7122≈ 17
22≈ 8200≈ 18
100≈ 9201≈ 19
101≈ 10202≈ 20