
Octal (base 8) to Base 7 Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table


0 - 23
octal (base 8) to base 7
08= 07
18= 17
28= 27
38= 37
48= 47
58= 57
68= 67
78= 107
108= 117
118= 127
128= 137
138= 147
148= 157
158= 167
168= 207
178= 217
208= 227
218= 237
228= 247
238= 257
248= 267
258= 307
268= 317
278= 327
24 - 47
octal (base 8) to base 7
308= 337
318= 347
328= 357
338= 367
348= 407
358= 417
368= 427
378= 437
408= 447
418= 457
428= 467
438= 507
448= 517
458= 527
468= 537
478= 547
508= 557
518= 567
528= 607
538= 617
548= 627
558= 637
568= 647
578= 657
48 - 71
octal (base 8) to base 7
608= 667
618= 1007
628= 1017
638= 1027
648= 1037
658= 1047
668= 1057
678= 1067
708= 1107
718= 1117
728= 1127
738= 1137
748= 1147
758= 1157
768= 1167
778= 1207
1008= 1217
1018= 1227
1028= 1237
1038= 1247
1048= 1257
1058= 1267
1068= 1307

octal (base 8)

The octal numeral system, or oct for short, is the base-8 number system, and uses the digits 0 to 7. Octal numerals can be made from binary numerals by grouping consecutive binary digits into groups of three (starting from the right). For example, the binary representation for decimal 74 is 1001010. Two zeroes can be added at the left: (00)1 001 010, corresponding the octal digits 1 1 2, yielding the octal representation 112.

base 7

base 7 is a positional numeral system with seven as its base. It uses 7 different digits for representing numbers. The digits for base 7 could be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.