
Quaternary (base 4) to Vigesimal (base 20) Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table


0 - 23
quaternary (base 4) to hexadecimal (base 16)
04= 020
14= 120
24= 220
34= 320
104= 420
114= 520
124= 620
134= 720
204= 820
214= 920
224= a20
234= b20
304= c20
314= d20
324= e20
334= f20
1004= g20
1014= h20
1024= i20
1034= j20
1104= 1020
1114= 1120
1124= 1220
1134= 1320
24 - 47
quaternary (base 4) to hexadecimal (base 16)
1204= 1420
1214= 1520
1224= 1620
1234= 1720
1304= 1820
1314= 1920
1324= 1a20
1334= 1b20
2004= 1c20
2014= 1d20
2024= 1e20
2034= 1f20
2104= 1g20
2114= 1h20
2124= 1i20
2134= 1j20
2204= 2020
2214= 2120
2224= 2220
2234= 2320
2304= 2420
2314= 2520
2324= 2620
2334= 2720
48 - 71
quaternary (base 4) to hexadecimal (base 16)
3004= 2820
3014= 2920
3024= 2a20
3034= 2b20
3104= 2c20
3114= 2d20
3124= 2e20
3134= 2f20
3204= 2g20
3214= 2h20
3224= 2i20
3234= 2j20
3304= 3020
3314= 3120
3324= 3220
3334= 3320
10004= 3420
10014= 3520
10024= 3620
10034= 3720
10104= 3820
10114= 3920
10124= 3a20

quaternary (base 4)

Quaternary is the base-4 numeral system. It uses the digits 0, 1, 2 and 3 to represent any real number.

hexadecimal (base 16)

The vigesimal or base 20 numeral system is based on twenty (in the same way in which the decimal numeral system is based on ten).