
Quinary (base 5) to Duodecimal (base 12) Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table


0 - 23
quinary (base 5) to duodecimal (base 12)
05= 012
15= 112
25= 212
35= 312
45= 412
105= 512
115= 612
125= 712
135= 812
145= 912
205= a12
215= b12
225= 1012
235= 1112
245= 1212
305= 1312
315= 1412
325= 1512
335= 1612
345= 1712
405= 1812
415= 1912
425= 1a12
435= 1b12
24 - 47
quinary (base 5) to duodecimal (base 12)
445= 2012
1005= 2112
1015= 2212
1025= 2312
1035= 2412
1045= 2512
1105= 2612
1115= 2712
1125= 2812
1135= 2912
1145= 2a12
1205= 2b12
1215= 3012
1225= 3112
1235= 3212
1245= 3312
1305= 3412
1315= 3512
1325= 3612
1335= 3712
1345= 3812
1405= 3912
1415= 3a12
1425= 3b12
48 - 71
quinary (base 5) to duodecimal (base 12)
1435= 4012
1445= 4112
2005= 4212
2015= 4312
2025= 4412
2035= 4512
2045= 4612
2105= 4712
2115= 4812
2125= 4912
2135= 4a12
2145= 4b12
2205= 5012
2215= 5112
2225= 5212
2235= 5312
2245= 5412
2305= 5512
2315= 5612
2325= 5712
2335= 5812
2345= 5912
2405= 5a12

quinary (base 5)

Quinary (base-5 or pental) is a numeral system with five as the base. A possible origination of a quinary system is that there are five fingers on either hand.

duodecimal (base 12)

The duodecimal system (also known as base 12 or dozenal) is a positional notation numeral system using twelve as its base.