
Senary (base 6) to Base 7

Converter Tool


487c20 = 3535210
1011012 = 4510

The senary numeral system (also known as base-6 or heximal) has six as its base. It has been adopted independently by a small number of cultures. Like decimal, it is a semiprime, though being the product of the only two consecutive numbers that are both prime (2 and 3) it has a high degree of mathematical properties for its size. As six is a superior highly composite number, many of the arguments made in favor of the duodecimal system also apply to this base-6.

conversion table

senary (base 6)base 7senary (base 6)base 7
1= 115= 14
2= 220= 15
3= 321= 16
4= 422= 20
5= 523= 21
10= 624= 22
11= 1025= 23
12= 1130= 24
13= 1231= 25
14= 1332= 26
base 7 is a positional numeral system with seven as its base. It uses 7 different digits for representing numbers. The digits for base 7 could be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

conversion table

base 7senary (base 6)base 7senary (base 6)
1≈ 114≈ 15
2≈ 215≈ 20
3≈ 316≈ 21
4≈ 420≈ 22
5≈ 521≈ 23
6≈ 1022≈ 24
10≈ 1123≈ 25
11≈ 1224≈ 30
12≈ 1325≈ 31
13≈ 1426≈ 32