
Vigesimal (base 20) to Base 2 Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table


0 - 23
hexadecimal (base 16) to base 2
020= 02
120= 12
220= 102
320= 112
420= 1002
520= 1012
620= 1102
720= 1112
820= 10002
920= 10012
a20= 10102
b20= 10112
c20= 11002
d20= 11012
e20= 11102
f20= 11112
g20= 100002
h20= 100012
i20= 100102
j20= 100112
1020= 101002
1120= 101012
1220= 101102
1320= 101112
24 - 47
hexadecimal (base 16) to base 2
1420= 110002
1520= 110012
1620= 110102
1720= 110112
1820= 111002
1920= 111012
1a20= 111102
1b20= 111112
1c20= 1000002
1d20= 1000012
1e20= 1000102
1f20= 1000112
1g20= 1001002
1h20= 1001012
1i20= 1001102
1j20= 1001112
2020= 1010002
2120= 1010012
2220= 1010102
2320= 1010112
2420= 1011002
2520= 1011012
2620= 1011102
2720= 1011112
48 - 71
hexadecimal (base 16) to base 2
2820= 1100002
2920= 1100012
2a20= 1100102
2b20= 1100112
2c20= 1101002
2d20= 1101012
2e20= 1101102
2f20= 1101112
2g20= 1110002
2h20= 1110012
2i20= 1110102
2j20= 1110112
3020= 1111002
3120= 1111012
3220= 1111102
3320= 1111112
3420= 10000002
3520= 10000012
3620= 10000102
3720= 10000112
3820= 10001002
3920= 10001012
3a20= 10001102

hexadecimal (base 16)

The vigesimal or base 20 numeral system is based on twenty (in the same way in which the decimal numeral system is based on ten).

base 2

base 2 is a positional numeral system with two as its base. It uses 2 different digits for representing numbers. The digits for base 2 could be 0, and 1.