
Gigabit to Mebibit Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table


0.1 - 0.54
gigabits to mebibits
0.1= 95.367431640625
0.11= 104.90417480469
0.12= 114.44091796875
0.13= 123.97766113281
0.14= 133.51440429688
0.15= 143.05114746094
0.16= 152.587890625
0.17= 162.12463378906
0.18= 171.66137695312
0.19= 181.19812011719
0.20= 190.73486328125
0.21= 200.27160644531
0.22= 209.80834960938
0.23= 219.34509277344
0.24= 228.8818359375
0.25= 238.41857910156
0.26= 247.95532226562
0.27= 257.49206542969
0.28= 267.02880859375
0.29= 276.56555175781
0.30= 286.10229492188
0.31= 295.63903808594
0.32= 305.17578125
0.33= 314.71252441406
0.34= 324.24926757812
0.35= 333.78601074219
0.36= 343.32275390625
0.37= 352.85949707031
0.38= 362.39624023438
0.39= 371.93298339844
0.40= 381.4697265625
0.41= 391.00646972656
0.42= 400.54321289062
0.43= 410.07995605469
0.44= 419.61669921875
0.45= 429.15344238281
0.46= 438.69018554688
0.47= 448.22692871094
0.48= 457.763671875
0.49= 467.30041503906
0.50= 476.83715820312
0.51= 486.37390136719
0.52= 495.91064453125
0.53= 505.44738769531
0.54= 514.98413085938
0.55 - 0.99
gigabits to mebibits
0.55= 524.52087402344
0.56= 534.0576171875
0.57= 543.59436035156
0.58= 553.13110351562
0.59= 562.66784667969
0.60= 572.20458984375
0.61= 581.74133300781
0.62= 591.27807617188
0.63= 600.81481933594
0.64= 610.3515625
0.65= 619.88830566406
0.66= 629.42504882812
0.67= 638.96179199219
0.68= 648.49853515625
0.69= 658.03527832031
0.70= 667.57202148438
0.71= 677.10876464844
0.72= 686.6455078125
0.73= 696.18225097656
0.74= 705.71899414062
0.75= 715.25573730469
0.76= 724.79248046875
0.77= 734.32922363281
0.78= 743.86596679688
0.79= 753.40270996094
0.80= 762.939453125
0.81= 772.47619628906
0.82= 782.01293945312
0.83= 791.54968261719
0.84= 801.08642578125
0.85= 810.62316894531
0.86= 820.15991210938
0.87= 829.69665527344
0.88= 839.2333984375
0.89= 848.77014160156
0.90= 858.30688476562
0.91= 867.84362792969
0.92= 877.38037109375
0.93= 886.91711425781
0.94= 896.45385742188
0.95= 905.99060058594
0.96= 915.52734375
0.97= 925.06408691406
0.98= 934.60083007812
0.99= 944.13757324219
1.00 - 1.44
gigabits to mebibits
1.00= 953.67431640625
1.01= 963.21105957031
1.02= 972.74780273438
1.03= 982.28454589844
1.04= 991.8212890625
1.05= 1001.3580322266
1.06= 1010.8947753906
1.07= 1020.4315185547
1.08= 1029.9682617188
1.09= 1039.5050048828
1.10= 1049.0417480469
1.11= 1058.5784912109
1.12= 1068.115234375
1.13= 1077.6519775391
1.14= 1087.1887207031
1.15= 1096.7254638672
1.16= 1106.2622070312
1.17= 1115.7989501953
1.18= 1125.3356933594
1.19= 1134.8724365234
1.20= 1144.4091796875
1.21= 1153.9459228516
1.22= 1163.4826660156
1.23= 1173.0194091797
1.24= 1182.5561523438
1.25= 1192.0928955078
1.26= 1201.6296386719
1.27= 1211.1663818359
1.28= 1220.703125
1.29= 1230.2398681641
1.30= 1239.7766113281
1.31= 1249.3133544922
1.32= 1258.8500976562
1.33= 1268.3868408203
1.34= 1277.9235839844
1.35= 1287.4603271484
1.36= 1296.9970703125
1.37= 1306.5338134766
1.38= 1316.0705566406
1.39= 1325.6072998047
1.40= 1335.1440429688
1.41= 1344.6807861328
1.42= 1354.2175292969
1.43= 1363.7542724609
1.44= 1373.291015625
1.45 - 1.89
gigabits to mebibits
1.45= 1382.8277587891
1.46= 1392.3645019531
1.47= 1401.9012451172
1.48= 1411.4379882812
1.49= 1420.9747314453
1.50= 1430.5114746094
1.51= 1440.0482177734
1.52= 1449.5849609375
1.53= 1459.1217041016
1.54= 1468.6584472656
1.55= 1478.1951904297
1.56= 1487.7319335938
1.57= 1497.2686767578
1.58= 1506.8054199219
1.59= 1516.3421630859
1.60= 1525.87890625
1.61= 1535.4156494141
1.62= 1544.9523925781
1.63= 1554.4891357422
1.64= 1564.0258789062
1.65= 1573.5626220703
1.66= 1583.0993652344
1.67= 1592.6361083984
1.68= 1602.1728515625
1.69= 1611.7095947266
1.70= 1621.2463378906
1.71= 1630.7830810547
1.72= 1640.3198242188
1.73= 1649.8565673828
1.74= 1659.3933105469
1.75= 1668.9300537109
1.76= 1678.466796875
1.77= 1688.0035400391
1.78= 1697.5402832031
1.79= 1707.0770263672
1.80= 1716.6137695312
1.81= 1726.1505126953
1.82= 1735.6872558594
1.83= 1745.2239990234
1.84= 1754.7607421875
1.85= 1764.2974853516
1.86= 1773.8342285156
1.87= 1783.3709716797
1.88= 1792.9077148438
1.89= 1802.4444580078
1.90 - 2.34
gigabits to mebibits
1.90= 1811.9812011719
1.91= 1821.5179443359
1.92= 1831.0546875
1.93= 1840.5914306641
1.94= 1850.1281738281
1.95= 1859.6649169922
1.96= 1869.2016601562
1.97= 1878.7384033203
1.98= 1888.2751464844
1.99= 1897.8118896484
2.00= 1907.3486328125
2.01= 1916.8853759766
2.02= 1926.4221191406
2.03= 1935.9588623047
2.04= 1945.4956054688
2.05= 1955.0323486328
2.06= 1964.5690917969
2.07= 1974.1058349609
2.08= 1983.642578125
2.09= 1993.1793212891
2.10= 2002.7160644531
2.11= 2012.2528076172
2.12= 2021.7895507812
2.13= 2031.3262939453
2.14= 2040.8630371094
2.15= 2050.3997802734
2.16= 2059.9365234375
2.17= 2069.4732666016
2.18= 2079.0100097656
2.19= 2088.5467529297
2.20= 2098.0834960938
2.21= 2107.6202392578
2.22= 2117.1569824219
2.23= 2126.6937255859
2.24= 2136.23046875
2.25= 2145.7672119141
2.26= 2155.3039550781
2.27= 2164.8406982422
2.28= 2174.3774414062
2.29= 2183.9141845703
2.30= 2193.4509277344
2.31= 2202.9876708984
2.32= 2212.5244140625
2.33= 2222.0611572266
2.34= 2231.5979003906
2.35 - 2.79
gigabits to mebibits
2.35= 2241.1346435547
2.36= 2250.6713867188
2.37= 2260.2081298828
2.38= 2269.7448730469
2.39= 2279.2816162109
2.40= 2288.818359375
2.41= 2298.3551025391
2.42= 2307.8918457031
2.43= 2317.4285888672
2.44= 2326.9653320312
2.45= 2336.5020751953
2.46= 2346.0388183594
2.47= 2355.5755615234
2.48= 2365.1123046875
2.49= 2374.6490478516
2.50= 2384.1857910156
2.51= 2393.7225341797
2.52= 2403.2592773438
2.53= 2412.7960205078
2.54= 2422.3327636719
2.55= 2431.8695068359
2.56= 2441.40625
2.57= 2450.9429931641
2.58= 2460.4797363281
2.59= 2470.0164794922
2.60= 2479.5532226562
2.61= 2489.0899658203
2.62= 2498.6267089844
2.63= 2508.1634521484
2.64= 2517.7001953125
2.65= 2527.2369384766
2.66= 2536.7736816406
2.67= 2546.3104248047
2.68= 2555.8471679688
2.69= 2565.3839111328
2.70= 2574.9206542969
2.71= 2584.4573974609
2.72= 2593.994140625
2.73= 2603.5308837891
2.74= 2613.0676269531
2.75= 2622.6043701172
2.76= 2632.1411132812
2.77= 2641.6778564453
2.78= 2651.2145996094
2.79= 2660.7513427734


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)


The gigabit is a multiple of the unit bit for digital information or computer storage. The prefix giga (symbol G) is defined in the International System of Units (SI) as a multiplier of 109 (1 billion, short scale), and therefore 1 gigabit = 109 bits = 1 000 000 000 bits.

The gigabit has the unit symbol Gbit or Gb.


The mebibit is a multiple of the bit, a unit of information, prefixed by the standards-based multiplier "mebi" (symbol Mi), a binary prefix meaning 220. The unit symbol of the mebibit is Mibit. 1 mebibit = 220 bits = 1 048 576 bits = 1024 kibibits