
Gigabyte to Mebibit Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table


0.1 - 0.54
gigabytes to mebibits
0.1= 762.939453125
0.11= 839.2333984375
0.12= 915.52734375
0.13= 991.8212890625
0.14= 1068.115234375
0.15= 1144.4091796875
0.16= 1220.703125
0.17= 1296.9970703125
0.18= 1373.291015625
0.19= 1449.5849609375
0.20= 1525.87890625
0.21= 1602.1728515625
0.22= 1678.466796875
0.23= 1754.7607421875
0.24= 1831.0546875
0.25= 1907.3486328125
0.26= 1983.642578125
0.27= 2059.9365234375
0.28= 2136.23046875
0.29= 2212.5244140625
0.30= 2288.818359375
0.31= 2365.1123046875
0.32= 2441.40625
0.33= 2517.7001953125
0.34= 2593.994140625
0.35= 2670.2880859375
0.36= 2746.58203125
0.37= 2822.8759765625
0.38= 2899.169921875
0.39= 2975.4638671875
0.40= 3051.7578125
0.41= 3128.0517578125
0.42= 3204.345703125
0.43= 3280.6396484375
0.44= 3356.93359375
0.45= 3433.2275390625
0.46= 3509.521484375
0.47= 3585.8154296875
0.48= 3662.109375
0.49= 3738.4033203125
0.50= 3814.697265625
0.51= 3890.9912109375
0.52= 3967.28515625
0.53= 4043.5791015625
0.54= 4119.873046875
0.55 - 0.99
gigabytes to mebibits
0.55= 4196.1669921875
0.56= 4272.4609375
0.57= 4348.7548828125
0.58= 4425.048828125
0.59= 4501.3427734375
0.60= 4577.63671875
0.61= 4653.9306640625
0.62= 4730.224609375
0.63= 4806.5185546875
0.64= 4882.8125
0.65= 4959.1064453125
0.66= 5035.400390625
0.67= 5111.6943359375
0.68= 5187.98828125
0.69= 5264.2822265625
0.70= 5340.576171875
0.71= 5416.8701171875
0.72= 5493.1640625
0.73= 5569.4580078125
0.74= 5645.751953125
0.75= 5722.0458984375
0.76= 5798.33984375
0.77= 5874.6337890625
0.78= 5950.927734375
0.79= 6027.2216796875
0.80= 6103.515625
0.81= 6179.8095703125
0.82= 6256.103515625
0.83= 6332.3974609375
0.84= 6408.69140625
0.85= 6484.9853515625
0.86= 6561.279296875
0.87= 6637.5732421875
0.88= 6713.8671875
0.89= 6790.1611328125
0.90= 6866.455078125
0.91= 6942.7490234375
0.92= 7019.04296875
0.93= 7095.3369140625
0.94= 7171.630859375
0.95= 7247.9248046875
0.96= 7324.21875
0.97= 7400.5126953125
0.98= 7476.806640625
0.99= 7553.1005859375
1.00 - 1.44
gigabytes to mebibits
1.00= 7629.39453125
1.01= 7705.6884765625
1.02= 7781.982421875
1.03= 7858.2763671875
1.04= 7934.5703125
1.05= 8010.8642578125
1.06= 8087.158203125
1.07= 8163.4521484375
1.08= 8239.74609375
1.09= 8316.0400390625
1.10= 8392.333984375
1.11= 8468.6279296875
1.12= 8544.921875
1.13= 8621.2158203125
1.14= 8697.509765625
1.15= 8773.8037109375
1.16= 8850.09765625
1.17= 8926.3916015625
1.18= 9002.685546875
1.19= 9078.9794921875
1.20= 9155.2734375
1.21= 9231.5673828125
1.22= 9307.861328125
1.23= 9384.1552734375
1.24= 9460.44921875
1.25= 9536.7431640625
1.26= 9613.037109375
1.27= 9689.3310546875
1.28= 9765.625
1.29= 9841.9189453125
1.30= 9918.212890625
1.31= 9994.5068359375
1.32= 10070.80078125
1.33= 10147.094726562
1.34= 10223.388671875
1.35= 10299.682617188
1.36= 10375.9765625
1.37= 10452.270507812
1.38= 10528.564453125
1.39= 10604.858398438
1.40= 10681.15234375
1.41= 10757.446289062
1.42= 10833.740234375
1.43= 10910.034179688
1.44= 10986.328125
1.45 - 1.89
gigabytes to mebibits
1.45= 11062.622070312
1.46= 11138.916015625
1.47= 11215.209960938
1.48= 11291.50390625
1.49= 11367.797851562
1.50= 11444.091796875
1.51= 11520.385742188
1.52= 11596.6796875
1.53= 11672.973632812
1.54= 11749.267578125
1.55= 11825.561523438
1.56= 11901.85546875
1.57= 11978.149414062
1.58= 12054.443359375
1.59= 12130.737304688
1.60= 12207.03125
1.61= 12283.325195312
1.62= 12359.619140625
1.63= 12435.913085938
1.64= 12512.20703125
1.65= 12588.500976562
1.66= 12664.794921875
1.67= 12741.088867188
1.68= 12817.3828125
1.69= 12893.676757812
1.70= 12969.970703125
1.71= 13046.264648438
1.72= 13122.55859375
1.73= 13198.852539062
1.74= 13275.146484375
1.75= 13351.440429688
1.76= 13427.734375
1.77= 13504.028320312
1.78= 13580.322265625
1.79= 13656.616210938
1.80= 13732.91015625
1.81= 13809.204101562
1.82= 13885.498046875
1.83= 13961.791992188
1.84= 14038.0859375
1.85= 14114.379882812
1.86= 14190.673828125
1.87= 14266.967773438
1.88= 14343.26171875
1.89= 14419.555664062
1.90 - 2.34
gigabytes to mebibits
1.90= 14495.849609375
1.91= 14572.143554688
1.92= 14648.4375
1.93= 14724.731445312
1.94= 14801.025390625
1.95= 14877.319335938
1.96= 14953.61328125
1.97= 15029.907226562
1.98= 15106.201171875
1.99= 15182.495117188
2.00= 15258.7890625
2.01= 15335.083007812
2.02= 15411.376953125
2.03= 15487.670898437
2.04= 15563.96484375
2.05= 15640.258789062
2.06= 15716.552734375
2.07= 15792.846679687
2.08= 15869.140625
2.09= 15945.434570312
2.10= 16021.728515625
2.11= 16098.022460937
2.12= 16174.31640625
2.13= 16250.610351562
2.14= 16326.904296875
2.15= 16403.198242188
2.16= 16479.4921875
2.17= 16555.786132812
2.18= 16632.080078125
2.19= 16708.374023438
2.20= 16784.66796875
2.21= 16860.961914062
2.22= 16937.255859375
2.23= 17013.549804688
2.24= 17089.84375
2.25= 17166.137695312
2.26= 17242.431640625
2.27= 17318.725585938
2.28= 17395.01953125
2.29= 17471.313476562
2.30= 17547.607421875
2.31= 17623.901367188
2.32= 17700.1953125
2.33= 17776.489257812
2.34= 17852.783203125
2.35 - 2.79
gigabytes to mebibits
2.35= 17929.077148438
2.36= 18005.37109375
2.37= 18081.665039062
2.38= 18157.958984375
2.39= 18234.252929688
2.40= 18310.546875
2.41= 18386.840820312
2.42= 18463.134765625
2.43= 18539.428710938
2.44= 18615.72265625
2.45= 18692.016601562
2.46= 18768.310546875
2.47= 18844.604492188
2.48= 18920.8984375
2.49= 18997.192382812
2.50= 19073.486328125
2.51= 19149.780273438
2.52= 19226.07421875
2.53= 19302.368164062
2.54= 19378.662109375
2.55= 19454.956054688
2.56= 19531.25
2.57= 19607.543945312
2.58= 19683.837890625
2.59= 19760.131835938
2.60= 19836.42578125
2.61= 19912.719726562
2.62= 19989.013671875
2.63= 20065.307617188
2.64= 20141.6015625
2.65= 20217.895507812
2.66= 20294.189453125
2.67= 20370.483398438
2.68= 20446.77734375
2.69= 20523.071289062
2.70= 20599.365234375
2.71= 20675.659179688
2.72= 20751.953125
2.73= 20828.247070312
2.74= 20904.541015625
2.75= 20980.834960938
2.76= 21057.12890625
2.77= 21133.422851562
2.78= 21209.716796875
2.79= 21286.010742188


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)


The gigabyte (/ˈɡɪɡəbaɪt/ GIG-ə-byt or /ˈdʒɪɡəbaɪt/) is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information. The prefix giga means 109 in the International System of Units (SI). Therefore, one gigabyte is 1 000 000 000 bytes. The unit symbol for the gigabyte is GB.


The mebibit is a multiple of the bit, a unit of information, prefixed by the standards-based multiplier "mebi" (symbol Mi), a binary prefix meaning 220. The unit symbol of the mebibit is Mibit. 1 mebibit = 220 bits = 1 048 576 bits = 1024 kibibits