
Hartrees Conversion

hartree conversion allows you find conversion from hartree to other units of energy, and you can find more additional hartree information as the following.


The hartree (symbol: Eh or Ha), also known as the Hartree energy, is the atomic unit of energy, named after the British physicist Douglas Hartree.

DefinitionRelation to SI units

≡ me·α2·c2 (= 2 Ry)

Quick Find Conversion

Hartrees to

Conversion table

quadgallon-atmosphere (imperial)terajoulefoot-poundalyottajoulehorsepower-hourgallon-atmosphere (US)gigajoule
1 2.290449966093 × 1015 1,055,055.85262 2.5036855629267 × 1019 1.05505585262 × 10-6 393,014,778,922.23 2.750715716152 × 1015 1,055,055,852.62
4.3659543530906 × 10-16 1 4.6063256925 × 10-10 10,930.9768822 4.6063256925 × 10-22 0.0001716 1.2009499 4.6063256925 × 10-7
9.4781712031332 × 10-7 2,170,927,691.084 1 23 730 360 404 232 1.0 × 10-12 372,506.1359986 2,607,175,448.8838 1 000
3.9941117798796 × 10-20 9.148313190797 × 10-5 4.2140110093805 × 10-14 1 4.2140110093805 × 10-26 1.5697449581601 × 10-8 0.0001099 4.2140110093805 × 10-11
947,817.1203133 2.170927691084 × 1021 1 000 000 000 000 2.3730360404232 × 1025 1 3.7250613599864 × 1017 2.6071754488838 × 1021 1.0 × 1015
2.5444335776439 × 10-12 5,827.8978016 2.684519537696 × 10-6 63,704,616.141728 2.684519537696 × 10-18 1 6,999.0134307 0.0026845
3.6354174810871 × 10-16 0.8326742 3.835568490138 × 10-10 9,101.9422626 3.835568490138 × 10-22 0.0001429 1 3.835568490138 × 10-7
9.4781712031332 × 10-10 2,170,927.691084 0.001 23,730,360,404.232 1.0 × 10-15 372.5061360 2,607,175.4488838 1


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)

Unit System

Metric system Non-SI

SI Conversion Table

1 hartrees= 4.359744E-18 joules
2 hartrees= 8.719488E-18 joules
3 hartrees= 1.3079232E-17 joules
4 hartrees= 1.7438976E-17 joules
5 hartrees= 2.179872E-17 joules