
Yottajoules Conversion

yottajoule conversion allows you find conversion from yottajoule to other units of energy, and you can find more additional yottajoule information as the following.


The yottajoule (YJ) is equal to one septillion (1024) joules. This is approximately the amount of energy required to heat all the water on Earth by 1 °C. The thermal output of the Sun is approximately 400 YJ per second.

DefinitionRelation to SI units

= 1024 joule

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Yottajoules to

Conversion table

quadgallon-atmosphere (imperial)terajoulefoot-poundalyottajoulehorsepower-hourgallon-atmosphere (US)gigajoule
1 2.290449966093 × 1015 1,055,055.85262 2.5036855629267 × 1019 1.05505585262 × 10-6 393,014,778,922.23 2.750715716152 × 1015 1,055,055,852.62
4.3659543530906 × 10-16 1 4.6063256925 × 10-10 10,930.9768822 4.6063256925 × 10-22 0.0001716 1.2009499 4.6063256925 × 10-7
9.4781712031332 × 10-7 2,170,927,691.084 1 23 730 360 404 232 1.0 × 10-12 372,506.1359986 2,607,175,448.8838 1 000
3.9941117798796 × 10-20 9.148313190797 × 10-5 4.2140110093805 × 10-14 1 4.2140110093805 × 10-26 1.5697449581601 × 10-8 0.0001099 4.2140110093805 × 10-11
947,817.1203133 2.170927691084 × 1021 1 000 000 000 000 2.3730360404232 × 1025 1 3.7250613599864 × 1017 2.6071754488838 × 1021 1.0 × 1015
2.5444335776439 × 10-12 5,827.8978016 2.684519537696 × 10-6 63,704,616.141728 2.684519537696 × 10-18 1 6,999.0134307 0.0026845
3.6354174810871 × 10-16 0.8326742 3.835568490138 × 10-10 9,101.9422626 3.835568490138 × 10-22 0.0001429 1 3.835568490138 × 10-7
9.4781712031332 × 10-10 2,170,927.691084 0.001 23,730,360,404.232 1.0 × 10-15 372.5061360 2,607,175.4488838 1


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)

Unit System

Metric system SI

SI Conversion Table

1 yottajoules= 1.0E+24 joules
2 yottajoules= 2.0E+24 joules
3 yottajoules= 3.0E+24 joules
4 yottajoules= 4.0E+24 joules
5 yottajoules= 5.0E+24 joules