
(cubic meter) per second Conversion

(cubic meter) per second conversion allows you find conversion from (cubic meter) per second to other units of flow, and you can find more additional (cubic meter) per second information as the following.

(cubic meter) per second

cubic metre per second (m3s−1m3/scumecs or cubic meter per second in American English) is a derived SI unit of volumetric flow rate equal to that of a stere or cube with sides of one metre (~39.37 in) in length exchanged or moving each second. It is popularly used for water flow, especially in rivers and streams, and fractions for HVAC values measuring air flow.

DefinitionRelation to SI units

≡ 1 m3/s

Quick Find Conversion

(cubic meter) per second to

Conversion table

(cubic foot) per minuteliter per hourliter per second(cubic meter) per minute(cubic foot) per second(cubic inch) per minutemegaliter per daykiloliter per hour
1 1,699.0107955 0.4719474 0.0283168 0.0166667 1 728 0.0407763 1.6990108
0.0005886 1 0.0002778 1.6666666666667 × 10-5 9.8096296448579 × 10-6 1.0170624 2.4 × 10-5 0.001
2.1188800 3 600 1 0.06 0.0353147 3,661.4246457 0.0864 3.6
35.3146667 60 000 16.6666667 1 0.5885778 61,023.7440947 1.44 60
60 101,940.6477312 28.3168466 1.6990108 1 103 680 2.4465755 101.9406477
0.0005787 0.9832238 0.0002731 1.6387064 × 10-5 9.6450617283951 × 10-6 1 2.359737216 × 10-5 0.0009832
24.5240741 41,666.6666667 11.5740741 0.6944444 0.4087346 42,377.6000658 1 41.6666667
0.5885778 1 000 0.2777778 0.0166667 0.0098096 1,017.0624016 0.024 1


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)

Unit System

Metric system SI

SI Conversion Table

10 (cubic meter) per second= 10 (cubic meter) per second
20 (cubic meter) per second= 20 (cubic meter) per second
30 (cubic meter) per second= 30 (cubic meter) per second
40 (cubic meter) per second= 40 (cubic meter) per second
50 (cubic meter) per second= 50 (cubic meter) per second
60 (cubic meter) per second= 60 (cubic meter) per second
70 (cubic meter) per second= 70 (cubic meter) per second
80 (cubic meter) per second= 80 (cubic meter) per second
90 (cubic meter) per second= 90 (cubic meter) per second
100 (cubic meter) per second= 100 (cubic meter) per second