
1 newtons = 0.1019716 kiloponds 

Newtons to Kiloponds Conversion

Newton to kilopond conversion allow you make a conversion between newton and kilopond easily. You can find the tool in the following.

Force Conversion


= 0.10197162
= 101972 × 10-6
= 101972E-6
= 101972e-6
= 0.20394324
= 203943 × 10-6
= 203943E-6
= 203943e-6
= 0.30591486
= 305915 × 10-6
= 305915E-6
= 305915e-6
= 0.40788649
= 407886 × 10-6
= 407886E-6
= 407886e-6
= 0.50985811
= 509858 × 10-6
= 509858E-6
= 509858e-6

Quick Look: newtons to kiloponds

newton1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 N17 N18 N19 N20 N21 N22 N23 N24 N25 N26 N27 N28 N29 N30 N31 N32 N33 N34 N35 N36 N37 N38 N39 N40 N41 N42 N43 N44 N45 N46 N47 N48 N49 N50 N51 N52 N53 N54 N55 N56 N57 N58 N59 N60 N61 N62 N63 N64 N65 N66 N67 N68 N69 N70 N71 N72 N73 N74 N75 N76 N77 N78 N79 N80 N81 N82 N83 N84 N85 N86 N87 N88 N89 N90 N91 N92 N93 N94 N95 N96 N97 N98 N99 N100 N
kilopond0.1019716 kp0.2039432 kp0.3059149 kp0.4078865 kp0.5098581 kp0.6118297 kp0.7138013 kp0.8157730 kp0.9177446 kp1.0197162 kp1.1216878 kp1.2236595 kp1.3256311 kp1.4276027 kp1.5295743 kp1.6315459 kp1.7335176 kp1.8354892 kp1.9374608 kp2.0394324 kp2.1414040 kp2.2433757 kp2.3453473 kp2.4473189 kp2.5492905 kp2.6512622 kp2.7532338 kp2.8552054 kp2.9571770 kp3.0591486 kp3.1611203 kp3.2630919 kp3.3650635 kp3.4670351 kp3.5690067 kp3.6709784 kp3.7729500 kp3.8749216 kp3.9768932 kp4.0788649 kp4.1808365 kp4.2828081 kp4.3847797 kp4.4867513 kp4.5887230 kp4.6906946 kp4.7926662 kp4.8946378 kp4.9966094 kp5.0985811 kp5.2005527 kp5.3025243 kp5.4044959 kp5.5064676 kp5.6084392 kp5.7104108 kp5.8123824 kp5.9143540 kp6.0163257 kp6.1182973 kp6.2202689 kp6.3222405 kp6.4242121 kp6.5261838 kp6.6281554 kp6.7301270 kp6.8320986 kp6.9340702 kp7.0360419 kp7.1380135 kp7.2399851 kp7.3419567 kp7.4439284 kp7.5459000 kp7.6478716 kp7.7498432 kp7.8518148 kp7.9537865 kp8.0557581 kp8.1577297 kp8.2597013 kp8.3616729 kp8.4636446 kp8.5656162 kp8.6675878 kp8.7695594 kp8.8715311 kp8.9735027 kp9.0754743 kp9.1774459 kp9.2794175 kp9.3813892 kp9.4833608 kp9.5853324 kp9.6873040 kp9.7892756 kp9.8912473 kp9.9932189 kp10.0951905 kp10.1971621 kp

The newton (symbol: N) is the International System of Units (SI) derived unit of force. It is named after Isaac Newton in recognition of his work on classical mechanics, specifically Newton's second law of motion.

Name of unitSymbolDefinitionRelation to SI unitsUnit System

A force capable of giving a mass of one kilogram an acceleration of one metre per second per second.

= 1 N = 1 kg·m/s2

Metric system SI

conversion table

1= 0.101971621297796= 0.61182972778676
2= 0.203943242595597= 0.71380134908455
3= 0.305914863893388= 0.81577297038234
4= 0.407886485191179= 0.91774459168014
5= 0.5098581064889610= 1.0197162129779

The kilopond or kilogram-force (kgf or kgF) (kp, from Latin pondus meaning weight), is a gravitational metric unit of force. It is equal to the magnitude of the force exerted by one kilogram of mass in a 9.80665 m/s2 gravitational field (standard gravity, a conventional value approximating the average magnitude of gravity on Earth).

Name of unitSymbolDefinitionRelation to SI unitsUnit System

≡ ɡ0 × 1 kg

= 9.80665 N

Metric system SI

conversion table

1= 9.806656= 58.8399
2= 19.61337= 68.64655
3= 29.419958= 78.4532
4= 39.22669= 88.25985
5= 49.0332510= 98.0665

Conversion table

1= 0.1019716
9.80665= 1


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)