earth radius | 1 R⊕ | 2 R⊕ | 3 R⊕ | 4 R⊕ | 5 R⊕ | 6 R⊕ | 7 R⊕ | 8 R⊕ | 9 R⊕ | 10 R⊕ | 11 R⊕ | 12 R⊕ | 13 R⊕ | 14 R⊕ | 15 R⊕ | 16 R⊕ | 17 R⊕ | 18 R⊕ | 19 R⊕ | 20 R⊕ | 21 R⊕ | 22 R⊕ | 23 R⊕ | 24 R⊕ | 25 R⊕ | 26 R⊕ | 27 R⊕ | 28 R⊕ | 29 R⊕ | 30 R⊕ | 31 R⊕ | 32 R⊕ | 33 R⊕ | 34 R⊕ | 35 R⊕ | 36 R⊕ | 37 R⊕ | 38 R⊕ | 39 R⊕ | 40 R⊕ | 41 R⊕ | 42 R⊕ | 43 R⊕ | 44 R⊕ | 45 R⊕ | 46 R⊕ | 47 R⊕ | 48 R⊕ | 49 R⊕ | 50 R⊕ | 51 R⊕ | 52 R⊕ | 53 R⊕ | 54 R⊕ | 55 R⊕ | 56 R⊕ | 57 R⊕ | 58 R⊕ | 59 R⊕ | 60 R⊕ | 61 R⊕ | 62 R⊕ | 63 R⊕ | 64 R⊕ | 65 R⊕ | 66 R⊕ | 67 R⊕ | 68 R⊕ | 69 R⊕ | 70 R⊕ | 71 R⊕ | 72 R⊕ | 73 R⊕ | 74 R⊕ | 75 R⊕ | 76 R⊕ | 77 R⊕ | 78 R⊕ | 79 R⊕ | 80 R⊕ | 81 R⊕ | 82 R⊕ | 83 R⊕ | 84 R⊕ | 85 R⊕ | 86 R⊕ | 87 R⊕ | 88 R⊕ | 89 R⊕ | 90 R⊕ | 91 R⊕ | 92 R⊕ | 93 R⊕ | 94 R⊕ | 95 R⊕ | 96 R⊕ | 97 R⊕ | 98 R⊕ | 99 R⊕ | 100 R⊕ |
thou | 250,826,771,653.54 th | 501,653,543,307.09 th | 752,480,314,960.63 th | 1,003,307,086,614.2 th | 1,254,133,858,267.7 th | 1,504,960,629,921.3 th | 1,755,787,401,574.8 th | 2,006,614,173,228.3 th | 2,257,440,944,881.9 th | 2,508,267,716,535.4 th | 2 759 094 488 189 th | 3,009,921,259,842.5 th | 3,260,748,031,496.1 th | 3,511,574,803,149.6 th | 3,762,401,574,803.1 th | 4,013,228,346,456.7 th | 4,264,055,118,110.2 th | 4,514,881,889,763.8 th | 4,765,708,661,417.3 th | 5,016,535,433,070.9 th | 5,267,362,204,724.4 th | 5 518 188 976 378 th | 5,769,015,748,031.5 th | 6 019 842 519 685 th | 6,270,669,291,338.6 th | 6,521,496,062,992.1 th | 6,772,322,834,645.7 th | 7,023,149,606,299.2 th | 7,273,976,377,952.8 th | 7,524,803,149,606.3 th | 7,775,629,921,259.8 th | 8,026,456,692,913.4 th | 8,277,283,464,566.9 th | 8,528,110,236,220.5 th | 8 778 937 007 874 th | 9,029,763,779,527.6 th | 9,280,590,551,181.1 th | 9,531,417,322,834.6 th | 9,782,244,094,488.2 th | 10 033 070 866 142 th | 10 283 897 637 795 th | 10 534 724 409 449 th | 10 785 551 181 102 th | 11 036 377 952 756 th | 11 287 204 724 409 th | 11 538 031 496 063 th | 11 788 858 267 717 th | 12 039 685 039 370 th | 12 290 511 811 024 th | 12 541 338 582 677 th | 12 792 165 354 331 th | 13 042 992 125 984 th | 13 293 818 897 638 th | 13 544 645 669 291 th | 13 795 472 440 945 th | 14 046 299 212 598 th | 14 297 125 984 252 th | 14 547 952 755 906 th | 14 798 779 527 559 th | 15 049 606 299 213 th | 15 300 433 070 866 th | 15 551 259 842 520 th | 15 802 086 614 173 th | 16 052 913 385 827 th | 16 303 740 157 480 th | 16 554 566 929 134 th | 16 805 393 700 787 th | 17 056 220 472 441 th | 17 307 047 244 094 th | 17 557 874 015 748 th | 17 808 700 787 402 th | 18 059 527 559 055 th | 18 310 354 330 709 th | 18 561 181 102 362 th | 18 812 007 874 016 th | 19 062 834 645 669 th | 19 313 661 417 323 th | 19 564 488 188 976 th | 19 815 314 960 630 th | 20 066 141 732 283 th | 20 316 968 503 937 th | 20 567 795 275 591 th | 20 818 622 047 244 th | 21 069 448 818 898 th | 21 320 275 590 551 th | 21 571 102 362 205 th | 21 821 929 133 858 th | 22 072 755 905 512 th | 22 323 582 677 165 th | 22 574 409 448 819 th | 22 825 236 220 472 th | 23 076 062 992 126 th | 23 326 889 763 780 th | 23 577 716 535 433 th | 23 828 543 307 087 th | 24 079 370 078 740 th | 24 330 196 850 394 th | 24 581 023 622 047 th | 24 831 850 393 701 th | 25 082 677 165 354 th |
Earth radius is the distance from Earth's center to its surface, about 6,371 km (3,959 mi). This length is also used as a unit of distance, especially in astronomy and geology, where it is usually denoted by R⊕.
Name of unit | Symbol | Definition | Relation to SI units | Unit System |
earth radius | R⊕ | ≈ 6,371 km | ≈ 6,371 km | Science - Astronomy (Length) |
earth radius | thous | earth radius | thous |
1 | ≈ 250826771653.54 | 4 | ≈ 1003307086614.2 |
1.5 | ≈ 376240157480.31 | 4.5 | ≈ 1128720472440.9 |
2 | ≈ 501653543307.09 | 5 | ≈ 1254133858267.7 |
2.5 | ≈ 627066929133.86 | 5.5 | ≈ 1379547244094.5 |
3 | ≈ 752480314960.63 | 6 | ≈ 1504960629921.3 |
A thousandth of an inch is a derived unit of length in an inch-based system of units. Equal to 0.001 inches, it is normally referred to as a thou /ˈθaʊ/, a thousandth, or (particularly in the United States) a mil.
Name of unit | Symbol | Definition | Relation to SI units | Unit System |
thou | th | ≡ 1×10−3 in | ≡ 2.54×10−5 m | Imperial/US |
thous | earth radius | thous | earth radius |
1 | ≈ 3.9868152566316E-12 | 4 | ≈ 1.5947261026526E-11 |
1.5 | ≈ 5.9802228849474E-12 | 4.5 | ≈ 1.7940668654842E-11 |
2 | ≈ 7.9736305132632E-12 | 5 | ≈ 1.9934076283158E-11 |
2.5 | ≈ 9.967038141579E-12 | 5.5 | ≈ 2.1927483911474E-11 |
3 | ≈ 1.1960445769895E-11 | 6 | ≈ 2.392089153979E-11 |
earth radius | thous |
1 | ≈ 250,826,771,653.54 |
3.9868152566316 × 10-12 | ≈ 1 |
Symbol | Definition |
≡ | exactly equal |
≈ | approximately equal to |
= | equal to |
digits | indicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …) |