
1 leagues (land) = 2,639.9825022 fathoms 

Leagues (land) to Fathoms Conversion

League (land) to fathom conversion allow you make a conversion between league (land) and fathom easily. You can find the tool in the following.

Length Conversion


= 2,639.98250219
= 26.3998 × 102
= 26.3998E2
= 26.3998e2
= 3,959.97375328
= 39.5997 × 102
= 39.5997E2
= 39.5997e2
= 5,279.96500437
= 52.7997 × 102
= 52.7997E2
= 52.7997e2
= 6,599.95625547
= 65.9996 × 102
= 65.9996E2
= 65.9996e2
= 7,919.94750656
= 79.1995 × 102
= 79.1995E2
= 79.1995e2

Quick Look: leagues (land) to fathoms

league (land)1 lea2 lea3 lea4 lea5 lea6 lea7 lea8 lea9 lea10 lea11 lea12 lea13 lea14 lea15 lea16 lea17 lea18 lea19 lea20 lea21 lea22 lea23 lea24 lea25 lea26 lea27 lea28 lea29 lea30 lea31 lea32 lea33 lea34 lea35 lea36 lea37 lea38 lea39 lea40 lea41 lea42 lea43 lea44 lea45 lea46 lea47 lea48 lea49 lea50 lea51 lea52 lea53 lea54 lea55 lea56 lea57 lea58 lea59 lea60 lea61 lea62 lea63 lea64 lea65 lea66 lea67 lea68 lea69 lea70 lea71 lea72 lea73 lea74 lea75 lea76 lea77 lea78 lea79 lea80 lea81 lea82 lea83 lea84 lea85 lea86 lea87 lea88 lea89 lea90 lea91 lea92 lea93 lea94 lea95 lea96 lea97 lea98 lea99 lea100 lea
fathom2,639.9825022 ftm5,279.9650044 ftm7,919.9475066 ftm10,559.9300087 ftm13,199.9125109 ftm15,839.8950131 ftm18,479.8775153 ftm21,119.8600175 ftm23,759.8425197 ftm26,399.8250219 ftm29,039.8075241 ftm31,679.7900262 ftm34,319.7725284 ftm36,959.7550306 ftm39,599.7375328 ftm42,239.7200350 ftm44,879.7025372 ftm47,519.6850394 ftm50,159.6675416 ftm52,799.6500437 ftm55,439.6325459 ftm58,079.6150481 ftm60,719.5975503 ftm63,359.5800525 ftm65,999.5625547 ftm68,639.5450569 ftm71,279.5275591 ftm73,919.5100612 ftm76,559.4925634 ftm79,199.4750656 ftm81,839.4575678 ftm84,479.4400700 ftm87,119.4225722 ftm89,759.4050744 ftm92,399.3875766 ftm95,039.3700787 ftm97,679.3525809 ftm100,319.3350831 ftm102,959.3175853 ftm105,599.3000875 ftm108,239.2825897 ftm110,879.2650919 ftm113,519.2475941 ftm116,159.2300962 ftm118,799.2125984 ftm121,439.1951006 ftm124,079.1776028 ftm126,719.1601050 ftm129,359.1426072 ftm131,999.1251094 ftm134,639.1076116 ftm137,279.0901137 ftm139,919.0726159 ftm142,559.0551181 ftm145,199.0376203 ftm147,839.0201225 ftm150,479.0026247 ftm153,118.9851269 ftm155,758.9676291 ftm158,398.9501312 ftm161,038.9326334 ftm163,678.9151356 ftm166,318.8976378 ftm168,958.8801400 ftm171,598.8626422 ftm174,238.8451444 ftm176,878.8276465 ftm179,518.8101487 ftm182,158.7926509 ftm184,798.7751531 ftm187,438.7576553 ftm190,078.7401575 ftm192,718.7226597 ftm195,358.7051619 ftm197,998.6876640 ftm200,638.6701662 ftm203,278.6526684 ftm205,918.6351706 ftm208,558.6176728 ftm211,198.6001750 ftm213,838.5826772 ftm216,478.5651794 ftm219,118.5476815 ftm221,758.5301837 ftm224,398.5126859 ftm227,038.4951881 ftm229,678.4776903 ftm232,318.4601925 ftm234,958.4426947 ftm237,598.4251969 ftm240,238.4076990 ftm242,878.3902012 ftm245,518.3727034 ftm248,158.3552056 ftm250,798.3377078 ftm253,438.3202100 ftm256,078.3027122 ftm258,718.2852144 ftm261,358.2677165 ftm263,998.2502187 ftm

A league is a unit of length (or, in various regions, area). It was common in Europe and Latin America, but is no longer an official unit in any nation. The word originally meant the distance a person could walk in an hour. Since the Middle Ages, many values have been specified in several countries.

Name of unitSymbolDefinitionRelation to SI unitsUnit System
league (land)lea

≈ 1 hour walk, Currently defined in US as 3 Statute miles, but historically varied from 2 to 9 km

4828 m


conversion table

leagues (land)fathomsleagues (land)fathoms
1= 2639.98250218724= 10559.930008749
1.5= 3959.97375328084.5= 11879.921259843
2= 5279.96500437455= 13199.912510936
2.5= 6599.95625546815.5= 14519.90376203
3= 7919.94750656176= 15839.895013123

A fathom is a unit of length in the imperial and the U.S. customary systems equal to 6 feet (1.8288 metres), used especially for measuring the depth of water.

There are two yards (6 feet) in an imperial fathom. Originally the span of a man's outstretched arms, the size of a fathom has varied slightly depending on whether it was defined as a thousandth of an (Admiralty) nautical mile or as a multiple of the imperial yard. Formerly, the term was used for any of several units of length varying around 5–5 12 feet.

Name of unitSymbolDefinitionRelation to SI unitsUnit System

≡ 6 ft

= 1.8288 m


conversion table

fathomsleagues (land)fathomsleagues (land)
1= 0.000378790389395194= 0.0015151615575808
1.5= 0.000568185584092794.5= 0.0017045567522784
2= 0.000757580778790395= 0.001893951946976
2.5= 0.000946975973487995.5= 0.0020833471416736
3= 0.00113637116818566= 0.0022727423363712

Conversion table

leagues (land)fathoms
1= 2,639.9825022
0.0003788= 1


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)