
Light-second to Hand Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table


0.1 - 0.54
light-seconds to hands
0.1≡ 295071316.92913
0.11≡ 324578448.62205
0.12≡ 354085580.31496
0.13≡ 383592712.00787
0.14≡ 413099843.70079
0.15≡ 442606975.3937
0.16≡ 472114107.08661
0.17≡ 501621238.77953
0.18≡ 531128370.47244
0.19≡ 560635502.16535
0.20≡ 590142633.85827
0.21≡ 619649765.55118
0.22≡ 649156897.24409
0.23≡ 678664028.93701
0.24≡ 708171160.62992
0.25≡ 737678292.32283
0.26≡ 767185424.01575
0.27≡ 796692555.70866
0.28≡ 826199687.40157
0.29≡ 855706819.09449
0.30≡ 885213950.7874
0.31≡ 914721082.48032
0.32≡ 944228214.17323
0.33≡ 973735345.86614
0.34≡ 1003242477.5591
0.35≡ 1032749609.252
0.36≡ 1062256740.9449
0.37≡ 1091763872.6378
0.38≡ 1121271004.3307
0.39≡ 1150778136.0236
0.40≡ 1180285267.7165
0.41≡ 1209792399.4094
0.42≡ 1239299531.1024
0.43≡ 1268806662.7953
0.44≡ 1298313794.4882
0.45≡ 1327820926.1811
0.46≡ 1357328057.874
0.47≡ 1386835189.5669
0.48≡ 1416342321.2598
0.49≡ 1445849452.9528
0.50≡ 1475356584.6457
0.51≡ 1504863716.3386
0.52≡ 1534370848.0315
0.53≡ 1563877979.7244
0.54≡ 1593385111.4173
0.55 - 0.99
light-seconds to hands
0.55≡ 1622892243.1102
0.56≡ 1652399374.8031
0.57≡ 1681906506.4961
0.58≡ 1711413638.189
0.59≡ 1740920769.8819
0.60≡ 1770427901.5748
0.61≡ 1799935033.2677
0.62≡ 1829442164.9606
0.63≡ 1858949296.6535
0.64≡ 1888456428.3465
0.65≡ 1917963560.0394
0.66≡ 1947470691.7323
0.67≡ 1976977823.4252
0.68≡ 2006484955.1181
0.69≡ 2035992086.811
0.70≡ 2065499218.5039
0.71≡ 2095006350.1969
0.72≡ 2124513481.8898
0.73≡ 2154020613.5827
0.74≡ 2183527745.2756
0.75≡ 2213034876.9685
0.76≡ 2242542008.6614
0.77≡ 2272049140.3543
0.78≡ 2301556272.0472
0.79≡ 2331063403.7402
0.80≡ 2360570535.4331
0.81≡ 2390077667.126
0.82≡ 2419584798.8189
0.83≡ 2449091930.5118
0.84≡ 2478599062.2047
0.85≡ 2508106193.8976
0.86≡ 2537613325.5906
0.87≡ 2567120457.2835
0.88≡ 2596627588.9764
0.89≡ 2626134720.6693
0.90≡ 2655641852.3622
0.91≡ 2685148984.0551
0.92≡ 2714656115.748
0.93≡ 2744163247.4409
0.94≡ 2773670379.1339
0.95≡ 2803177510.8268
0.96≡ 2832684642.5197
0.97≡ 2862191774.2126
0.98≡ 2891698905.9055
0.99≡ 2921206037.5984
1.00 - 1.44
light-seconds to hands
1.00≡ 2950713169.2913
1.01≡ 2980220300.9843
1.02≡ 3009727432.6772
1.03≡ 3039234564.3701
1.04≡ 3068741696.063
1.05≡ 3098248827.7559
1.06≡ 3127755959.4488
1.07≡ 3157263091.1417
1.08≡ 3186770222.8346
1.09≡ 3216277354.5276
1.10≡ 3245784486.2205
1.11≡ 3275291617.9134
1.12≡ 3304798749.6063
1.13≡ 3334305881.2992
1.14≡ 3363813012.9921
1.15≡ 3393320144.685
1.16≡ 3422827276.378
1.17≡ 3452334408.0709
1.18≡ 3481841539.7638
1.19≡ 3511348671.4567
1.20≡ 3540855803.1496
1.21≡ 3570362934.8425
1.22≡ 3599870066.5354
1.23≡ 3629377198.2283
1.24≡ 3658884329.9213
1.25≡ 3688391461.6142
1.26≡ 3717898593.3071
1.27≡ 3747405725
1.28≡ 3776912856.6929
1.29≡ 3806419988.3858
1.30≡ 3835927120.0787
1.31≡ 3865434251.7717
1.32≡ 3894941383.4646
1.33≡ 3924448515.1575
1.34≡ 3953955646.8504
1.35≡ 3983462778.5433
1.36≡ 4012969910.2362
1.37≡ 4042477041.9291
1.38≡ 4071984173.622
1.39≡ 4101491305.315
1.40≡ 4130998437.0079
1.41≡ 4160505568.7008
1.42≡ 4190012700.3937
1.43≡ 4219519832.0866
1.44≡ 4249026963.7795
1.45 - 1.89
light-seconds to hands
1.45≡ 4278534095.4724
1.46≡ 4308041227.1654
1.47≡ 4337548358.8583
1.48≡ 4367055490.5512
1.49≡ 4396562622.2441
1.50≡ 4426069753.937
1.51≡ 4455576885.6299
1.52≡ 4485084017.3228
1.53≡ 4514591149.0157
1.54≡ 4544098280.7087
1.55≡ 4573605412.4016
1.56≡ 4603112544.0945
1.57≡ 4632619675.7874
1.58≡ 4662126807.4803
1.59≡ 4691633939.1732
1.60≡ 4721141070.8661
1.61≡ 4750648202.5591
1.62≡ 4780155334.252
1.63≡ 4809662465.9449
1.64≡ 4839169597.6378
1.65≡ 4868676729.3307
1.66≡ 4898183861.0236
1.67≡ 4927690992.7165
1.68≡ 4957198124.4094
1.69≡ 4986705256.1024
1.70≡ 5016212387.7953
1.71≡ 5045719519.4882
1.72≡ 5075226651.1811
1.73≡ 5104733782.874
1.74≡ 5134240914.5669
1.75≡ 5163748046.2598
1.76≡ 5193255177.9528
1.77≡ 5222762309.6457
1.78≡ 5252269441.3386
1.79≡ 5281776573.0315
1.80≡ 5311283704.7244
1.81≡ 5340790836.4173
1.82≡ 5370297968.1102
1.83≡ 5399805099.8031
1.84≡ 5429312231.4961
1.85≡ 5458819363.189
1.86≡ 5488326494.8819
1.87≡ 5517833626.5748
1.88≡ 5547340758.2677
1.89≡ 5576847889.9606
1.90 - 2.34
light-seconds to hands
1.90≡ 5606355021.6535
1.91≡ 5635862153.3465
1.92≡ 5665369285.0394
1.93≡ 5694876416.7323
1.94≡ 5724383548.4252
1.95≡ 5753890680.1181
1.96≡ 5783397811.811
1.97≡ 5812904943.5039
1.98≡ 5842412075.1969
1.99≡ 5871919206.8898
2.00≡ 5901426338.5827
2.01≡ 5930933470.2756
2.02≡ 5960440601.9685
2.03≡ 5989947733.6614
2.04≡ 6019454865.3543
2.05≡ 6048961997.0472
2.06≡ 6078469128.7402
2.07≡ 6107976260.4331
2.08≡ 6137483392.126
2.09≡ 6166990523.8189
2.10≡ 6196497655.5118
2.11≡ 6226004787.2047
2.12≡ 6255511918.8976
2.13≡ 6285019050.5906
2.14≡ 6314526182.2835
2.15≡ 6344033313.9764
2.16≡ 6373540445.6693
2.17≡ 6403047577.3622
2.18≡ 6432554709.0551
2.19≡ 6462061840.748
2.20≡ 6491568972.4409
2.21≡ 6521076104.1339
2.22≡ 6550583235.8268
2.23≡ 6580090367.5197
2.24≡ 6609597499.2126
2.25≡ 6639104630.9055
2.26≡ 6668611762.5984
2.27≡ 6698118894.2913
2.28≡ 6727626025.9843
2.29≡ 6757133157.6772
2.30≡ 6786640289.3701
2.31≡ 6816147421.063
2.32≡ 6845654552.7559
2.33≡ 6875161684.4488
2.34≡ 6904668816.1417
2.35 - 2.79
light-seconds to hands
2.35≡ 6934175947.8346
2.36≡ 6963683079.5276
2.37≡ 6993190211.2205
2.38≡ 7022697342.9134
2.39≡ 7052204474.6063
2.40≡ 7081711606.2992
2.41≡ 7111218737.9921
2.42≡ 7140725869.685
2.43≡ 7170233001.378
2.44≡ 7199740133.0709
2.45≡ 7229247264.7638
2.46≡ 7258754396.4567
2.47≡ 7288261528.1496
2.48≡ 7317768659.8425
2.49≡ 7347275791.5354
2.50≡ 7376782923.2283
2.51≡ 7406290054.9213
2.52≡ 7435797186.6142
2.53≡ 7465304318.3071
2.54≡ 7494811450
2.55≡ 7524318581.6929
2.56≡ 7553825713.3858
2.57≡ 7583332845.0787
2.58≡ 7612839976.7717
2.59≡ 7642347108.4646
2.60≡ 7671854240.1575
2.61≡ 7701361371.8504
2.62≡ 7730868503.5433
2.63≡ 7760375635.2362
2.64≡ 7789882766.9291
2.65≡ 7819389898.622
2.66≡ 7848897030.315
2.67≡ 7878404162.0079
2.68≡ 7907911293.7008
2.69≡ 7937418425.3937
2.70≡ 7966925557.0866
2.71≡ 7996432688.7795
2.72≡ 8025939820.4724
2.73≡ 8055446952.1654
2.74≡ 8084954083.8583
2.75≡ 8114461215.5512
2.76≡ 8143968347.2441
2.77≡ 8173475478.937
2.78≡ 8202982610.6299
2.79≡ 8232489742.3228


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)


The light-second is a unit of length useful in astronomy, telecommunications and relativistic physics. It is defined as the distance that light travels in free space in onesecond, and is equal to exactly 299792458 metres (just over 186282 miles).


The hand is a non-SI unit of measurement of length standardized to 4 inches (101.6 mm). It is used to measure the height of horses in some English-speaking countries, including Australia, Canada, the Republic of Ireland, the United Kingdom and the United States.