
1 light-seconds = 299 792 458 meters 

Light-seconds to Meters Conversion

Light-second to meter conversion allow you make a conversion between light-second and meter easily. You can find the tool in the following.

Length Conversion


= 299,792,458.00000000
= 2.99792 × 108
= 2.99792E+8
= 2.99792e+8
= 449,688,687.00000000
= 4.49689 × 108
= 4.49689E+8
= 4.49689e+8
= 599,584,916.00000000
= 5.99585 × 108
= 5.99585E+8
= 5.99585e+8
= 749,481,145.00000000
= 7.49481 × 108
= 7.49481E+8
= 7.49481e+8
= 899,377,374.00000000
= 8.99377 × 108
= 8.99377E+8
= 8.99377e+8

Quick Look: light-seconds to meters

light-second1 light-second2 light-second3 light-second4 light-second5 light-second6 light-second7 light-second8 light-second9 light-second10 light-second11 light-second12 light-second13 light-second14 light-second15 light-second16 light-second17 light-second18 light-second19 light-second20 light-second21 light-second22 light-second23 light-second24 light-second25 light-second26 light-second27 light-second28 light-second29 light-second30 light-second31 light-second32 light-second33 light-second34 light-second35 light-second36 light-second37 light-second38 light-second39 light-second40 light-second41 light-second42 light-second43 light-second44 light-second45 light-second46 light-second47 light-second48 light-second49 light-second50 light-second51 light-second52 light-second53 light-second54 light-second55 light-second56 light-second57 light-second58 light-second59 light-second60 light-second61 light-second62 light-second63 light-second64 light-second65 light-second66 light-second67 light-second68 light-second69 light-second70 light-second71 light-second72 light-second73 light-second74 light-second75 light-second76 light-second77 light-second78 light-second79 light-second80 light-second81 light-second82 light-second83 light-second84 light-second85 light-second86 light-second87 light-second88 light-second89 light-second90 light-second91 light-second92 light-second93 light-second94 light-second95 light-second96 light-second97 light-second98 light-second99 light-second100 light-second
meter299 792 458 m599 584 916 m899 377 374 m1 199 169 832 m1 498 962 290 m1 798 754 748 m2 098 547 206 m2 398 339 664 m2 698 132 122 m2 997 924 580 m3 297 717 038 m3 597 509 496 m3 897 301 954 m4 197 094 412 m4 496 886 870 m4 796 679 328 m5 096 471 786 m5 396 264 244 m5 696 056 702 m5 995 849 160 m6 295 641 618 m6 595 434 076 m6 895 226 534 m7 195 018 992 m7 494 811 450 m7 794 603 908 m8 094 396 366 m8 394 188 824 m8 693 981 282 m8 993 773 740 m9 293 566 198 m9 593 358 656 m9 893 151 114 m10 192 943 572 m10 492 736 030 m10 792 528 488 m11 092 320 946 m11 392 113 404 m11 691 905 862 m11 991 698 320 m12 291 490 778 m12 591 283 236 m12 891 075 694 m13 190 868 152 m13 490 660 610 m13 790 453 068 m14 090 245 526 m14 390 037 984 m14 689 830 442 m14 989 622 900 m15 289 415 358 m15 589 207 816 m15 889 000 274 m16 188 792 732 m16 488 585 190 m16 788 377 648 m17 088 170 106 m17 387 962 564 m17 687 755 022 m17 987 547 480 m18 287 339 938 m18 587 132 396 m18 886 924 854 m19 186 717 312 m19 486 509 770 m19 786 302 228 m20 086 094 686 m20 385 887 144 m20 685 679 602 m20 985 472 060 m21 285 264 518 m21 585 056 976 m21 884 849 434 m22 184 641 892 m22 484 434 350 m22 784 226 808 m23 084 019 266 m23 383 811 724 m23 683 604 182 m23 983 396 640 m24 283 189 098 m24 582 981 556 m24 882 774 014 m25 182 566 472 m25 482 358 930 m25 782 151 388 m26 081 943 846 m26 381 736 304 m26 681 528 762 m26 981 321 220 m27 281 113 678 m27 580 906 136 m27 880 698 594 m28 180 491 052 m28 480 283 510 m28 780 075 968 m29 079 868 426 m29 379 660 884 m29 679 453 342 m29 979 245 800 m

The light-second is a unit of length useful in astronomy, telecommunications and relativistic physics. It is defined as the distance that light travels in free space in onesecond, and is equal to exactly 299792458 metres (just over 186282 miles).

Name of unitSymbolDefinitionRelation to SI unitsUnit System

≡ Distance light travels in one second in vacuum

≡ 299 792 458 m

Science - Astronomy (Length)

conversion table

1≡ 2997924584≡ 1199169832
1.5≡ 4496886874.5≡ 1349066061
2≡ 5995849165≡ 1498962290
2.5≡ 7494811455.5≡ 1648858519
3≡ 8993773746≡ 1798754748

The metre (international spelling) or meter (American spelling) (from the Greek noun μέτρον, "measure") is the base unit of length in the International System of Units (SI). The SI unit symbol is m. The metre is defined as the length of the path travelled by light in a vacuum in 1/299 792 458 seconds.

Name of unitSymbolDefinitionRelation to SI unitsUnit System

≡ Distance light travels in  1299792458 of a second in vacuum.
≈  110000000 of the distance from equator to pole.

≡ 1 m

Metric system SI

conversion table

1≡ 3.3356409519815E-94≡ 1.3342563807926E-8
1.5≡ 5.0034614279723E-94.5≡ 1.5010384283917E-8
2≡ 6.671281903963E-95≡ 1.6678204759908E-8
2.5≡ 8.3391023799538E-95.5≡ 1.8346025235898E-8
3≡ 1.0006922855945E-86≡ 2.0013845711889E-8

Conversion table

1≡ 299 792 458
3.3356409519815 × 10-9≡ 1


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)