
Link to ångström Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table


0.1 - 0.54
links to ångströms
0.1≈ 201168400
0.11≈ 221285240
0.12≈ 241402080
0.13≈ 261518920
0.14≈ 281635760
0.15≈ 301752600
0.16≈ 321869440
0.17≈ 341986280
0.18≈ 362103120
0.19≈ 382219960
0.20≈ 402336800
0.21≈ 422453640
0.22≈ 442570480
0.23≈ 462687320
0.24≈ 482804160
0.25≈ 502921000
0.26≈ 523037840
0.27≈ 543154680
0.28≈ 563271520
0.29≈ 583388360
0.30≈ 603505200
0.31≈ 623622040
0.32≈ 643738880
0.33≈ 663855720
0.34≈ 683972560
0.35≈ 704089400
0.36≈ 724206240
0.37≈ 744323080
0.38≈ 764439920
0.39≈ 784556760
0.40≈ 804673600
0.41≈ 824790440
0.42≈ 844907280
0.43≈ 865024120
0.44≈ 885140960
0.45≈ 905257800
0.46≈ 925374640
0.47≈ 945491480
0.48≈ 965608320
0.49≈ 985725160
0.50≈ 1005842000
0.51≈ 1025958840
0.52≈ 1046075680
0.53≈ 1066192520
0.54≈ 1086309360
0.55 - 0.99
links to ångströms
0.55≈ 1106426200
0.56≈ 1126543040
0.57≈ 1146659880
0.58≈ 1166776720
0.59≈ 1186893560
0.60≈ 1207010400
0.61≈ 1227127240
0.62≈ 1247244080
0.63≈ 1267360920
0.64≈ 1287477760
0.65≈ 1307594600
0.66≈ 1327711440
0.67≈ 1347828280
0.68≈ 1367945120
0.69≈ 1388061960
0.70≈ 1408178800
0.71≈ 1428295640
0.72≈ 1448412480
0.73≈ 1468529320
0.74≈ 1488646160
0.75≈ 1508763000
0.76≈ 1528879840
0.77≈ 1548996680
0.78≈ 1569113520
0.79≈ 1589230360
0.80≈ 1609347200
0.81≈ 1629464040
0.82≈ 1649580880
0.83≈ 1669697720
0.84≈ 1689814560
0.85≈ 1709931400
0.86≈ 1730048240
0.87≈ 1750165080
0.88≈ 1770281920
0.89≈ 1790398760
0.90≈ 1810515600
0.91≈ 1830632440
0.92≈ 1850749280
0.93≈ 1870866120
0.94≈ 1890982960
0.95≈ 1911099800
0.96≈ 1931216640
0.97≈ 1951333480
0.98≈ 1971450320
0.99≈ 1991567160
1.00 - 1.44
links to ångströms
1.00≈ 2011684000
1.01≈ 2031800840
1.02≈ 2051917680
1.03≈ 2072034520
1.04≈ 2092151360
1.05≈ 2112268200
1.06≈ 2132385040
1.07≈ 2152501880
1.08≈ 2172618720
1.09≈ 2192735560
1.10≈ 2212852400
1.11≈ 2232969240
1.12≈ 2253086080
1.13≈ 2273202920
1.14≈ 2293319760
1.15≈ 2313436600
1.16≈ 2333553440
1.17≈ 2353670280
1.18≈ 2373787120
1.19≈ 2393903960
1.20≈ 2414020800
1.21≈ 2434137640
1.22≈ 2454254480
1.23≈ 2474371320
1.24≈ 2494488160
1.25≈ 2514605000
1.26≈ 2534721840
1.27≈ 2554838680
1.28≈ 2574955520
1.29≈ 2595072360
1.30≈ 2615189200
1.31≈ 2635306040
1.32≈ 2655422880
1.33≈ 2675539720
1.34≈ 2695656560
1.35≈ 2715773400
1.36≈ 2735890240
1.37≈ 2756007080
1.38≈ 2776123920
1.39≈ 2796240760
1.40≈ 2816357600
1.41≈ 2836474440
1.42≈ 2856591280
1.43≈ 2876708120
1.44≈ 2896824960
1.45 - 1.89
links to ångströms
1.45≈ 2916941800
1.46≈ 2937058640
1.47≈ 2957175480
1.48≈ 2977292320
1.49≈ 2997409160
1.50≈ 3017526000
1.51≈ 3037642840
1.52≈ 3057759680
1.53≈ 3077876520
1.54≈ 3097993360
1.55≈ 3118110200
1.56≈ 3138227040
1.57≈ 3158343880
1.58≈ 3178460720
1.59≈ 3198577560
1.60≈ 3218694400
1.61≈ 3238811240
1.62≈ 3258928080
1.63≈ 3279044920
1.64≈ 3299161760
1.65≈ 3319278600
1.66≈ 3339395440
1.67≈ 3359512280
1.68≈ 3379629120
1.69≈ 3399745960
1.70≈ 3419862800
1.71≈ 3439979640
1.72≈ 3460096480
1.73≈ 3480213320
1.74≈ 3500330160
1.75≈ 3520447000
1.76≈ 3540563840
1.77≈ 3560680680
1.78≈ 3580797520
1.79≈ 3600914360
1.80≈ 3621031200
1.81≈ 3641148040
1.82≈ 3661264880
1.83≈ 3681381720
1.84≈ 3701498560
1.85≈ 3721615400
1.86≈ 3741732240
1.87≈ 3761849080
1.88≈ 3781965920
1.89≈ 3802082760
1.90 - 2.34
links to ångströms
1.90≈ 3822199600
1.91≈ 3842316440
1.92≈ 3862433280
1.93≈ 3882550120
1.94≈ 3902666960
1.95≈ 3922783800
1.96≈ 3942900640
1.97≈ 3963017480
1.98≈ 3983134320
1.99≈ 4003251160
2.00≈ 4023368000
2.01≈ 4043484840
2.02≈ 4063601680
2.03≈ 4083718520
2.04≈ 4103835360
2.05≈ 4123952200
2.06≈ 4144069040
2.07≈ 4164185880
2.08≈ 4184302720
2.09≈ 4204419560
2.10≈ 4224536400
2.11≈ 4244653240
2.12≈ 4264770080
2.13≈ 4284886920
2.14≈ 4305003760
2.15≈ 4325120600
2.16≈ 4345237440
2.17≈ 4365354280
2.18≈ 4385471120
2.19≈ 4405587960
2.20≈ 4425704800
2.21≈ 4445821640
2.22≈ 4465938480
2.23≈ 4486055320
2.24≈ 4506172160
2.25≈ 4526289000
2.26≈ 4546405840
2.27≈ 4566522680
2.28≈ 4586639520
2.29≈ 4606756360
2.30≈ 4626873200
2.31≈ 4646990040
2.32≈ 4667106880
2.33≈ 4687223720
2.34≈ 4707340560
2.35 - 2.79
links to ångströms
2.35≈ 4727457400
2.36≈ 4747574240
2.37≈ 4767691080
2.38≈ 4787807920
2.39≈ 4807924760
2.40≈ 4828041600
2.41≈ 4848158440
2.42≈ 4868275280
2.43≈ 4888392120
2.44≈ 4908508960
2.45≈ 4928625800
2.46≈ 4948742640
2.47≈ 4968859480
2.48≈ 4988976320
2.49≈ 5009093160
2.50≈ 5029210000
2.51≈ 5049326840
2.52≈ 5069443680
2.53≈ 5089560520
2.54≈ 5109677360
2.55≈ 5129794200
2.56≈ 5149911040
2.57≈ 5170027880
2.58≈ 5190144720
2.59≈ 5210261560
2.60≈ 5230378400
2.61≈ 5250495240
2.62≈ 5270612080
2.63≈ 5290728920
2.64≈ 5310845760
2.65≈ 5330962600
2.66≈ 5351079440
2.67≈ 5371196280
2.68≈ 5391313120
2.69≈ 5411429960
2.70≈ 5431546800
2.71≈ 5451663640
2.72≈ 5471780480
2.73≈ 5491897320
2.74≈ 5512014160
2.75≈ 5532131000
2.76≈ 5552247840
2.77≈ 5572364680
2.78≈ 5592481520
2.79≈ 5612598360


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)


The link (usually abbreviated as "l.", "li." or "lnk."), sometimes called a Gunter’s link, is a unit of length formerly used in many English-speaking countries. A link is exactly  66100 of a foot, or exactly 7.92 inches or 20.1168 cm.


The ångström or angstrom (IPA: /ˈɔːŋstrəm/); Swedish: [ˈɔŋstrøm]) is a unit of length equal to 10−10 m (one ten-billionth of a metre) or 0.1 nanometre. Its symbol is Å, a letter in theSwedish alphabet.