
Millimeter to Ell Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table


0.1 - 0.54
millimeters to ell
0.1= 8.7489063867017E-5
0.11= 9.6237970253718E-5
0.12= 0.00010498687664042
0.13= 0.00011373578302712
0.14= 0.00012248468941382
0.15= 0.00013123359580052
0.16= 0.00013998250218723
0.17= 0.00014873140857393
0.18= 0.00015748031496063
0.19= 0.00016622922134733
0.20= 0.00017497812773403
0.21= 0.00018372703412073
0.22= 0.00019247594050744
0.23= 0.00020122484689414
0.24= 0.00020997375328084
0.25= 0.00021872265966754
0.26= 0.00022747156605424
0.27= 0.00023622047244094
0.28= 0.00024496937882765
0.29= 0.00025371828521435
0.30= 0.00026246719160105
0.31= 0.00027121609798775
0.32= 0.00027996500437445
0.33= 0.00028871391076115
0.34= 0.00029746281714786
0.35= 0.00030621172353456
0.36= 0.00031496062992126
0.37= 0.00032370953630796
0.38= 0.00033245844269466
0.39= 0.00034120734908136
0.40= 0.00034995625546807
0.41= 0.00035870516185477
0.42= 0.00036745406824147
0.43= 0.00037620297462817
0.44= 0.00038495188101487
0.45= 0.00039370078740157
0.46= 0.00040244969378828
0.47= 0.00041119860017498
0.48= 0.00041994750656168
0.49= 0.00042869641294838
0.50= 0.00043744531933508
0.51= 0.00044619422572178
0.52= 0.00045494313210849
0.53= 0.00046369203849519
0.54= 0.00047244094488189
0.55 - 0.99
millimeters to ell
0.55= 0.00048118985126859
0.56= 0.00048993875765529
0.57= 0.00049868766404199
0.58= 0.0005074365704287
0.59= 0.0005161854768154
0.60= 0.0005249343832021
0.61= 0.0005336832895888
0.62= 0.0005424321959755
0.63= 0.0005511811023622
0.64= 0.00055993000874891
0.65= 0.00056867891513561
0.66= 0.00057742782152231
0.67= 0.00058617672790901
0.68= 0.00059492563429571
0.69= 0.00060367454068241
0.70= 0.00061242344706912
0.71= 0.00062117235345582
0.72= 0.00062992125984252
0.73= 0.00063867016622922
0.74= 0.00064741907261592
0.75= 0.00065616797900262
0.76= 0.00066491688538933
0.77= 0.00067366579177603
0.78= 0.00068241469816273
0.79= 0.00069116360454943
0.80= 0.00069991251093613
0.81= 0.00070866141732283
0.82= 0.00071741032370954
0.83= 0.00072615923009624
0.84= 0.00073490813648294
0.85= 0.00074365704286964
0.86= 0.00075240594925634
0.87= 0.00076115485564304
0.88= 0.00076990376202975
0.89= 0.00077865266841645
0.90= 0.00078740157480315
0.91= 0.00079615048118985
0.92= 0.00080489938757655
0.93= 0.00081364829396325
0.94= 0.00082239720034996
0.95= 0.00083114610673666
0.96= 0.00083989501312336
0.97= 0.00084864391951006
0.98= 0.00085739282589676
0.99= 0.00086614173228346
1.00 - 1.44
millimeters to ell
1.00= 0.00087489063867017
1.01= 0.00088363954505687
1.02= 0.00089238845144357
1.03= 0.00090113735783027
1.04= 0.00090988626421697
1.05= 0.00091863517060367
1.06= 0.00092738407699038
1.07= 0.00093613298337708
1.08= 0.00094488188976378
1.09= 0.00095363079615048
1.10= 0.00096237970253718
1.11= 0.00097112860892388
1.12= 0.00097987751531059
1.13= 0.00098862642169729
1.14= 0.00099737532808399
1.15= 0.0010061242344707
1.16= 0.0010148731408574
1.17= 0.0010236220472441
1.18= 0.0010323709536308
1.19= 0.0010411198600175
1.20= 0.0010498687664042
1.21= 0.0010586176727909
1.22= 0.0010673665791776
1.23= 0.0010761154855643
1.24= 0.001084864391951
1.25= 0.0010936132983377
1.26= 0.0011023622047244
1.27= 0.0011111111111111
1.28= 0.0011198600174978
1.29= 0.0011286089238845
1.30= 0.0011373578302712
1.31= 0.0011461067366579
1.32= 0.0011548556430446
1.33= 0.0011636045494313
1.34= 0.001172353455818
1.35= 0.0011811023622047
1.36= 0.0011898512685914
1.37= 0.0011986001749781
1.38= 0.0012073490813648
1.39= 0.0012160979877515
1.40= 0.0012248468941382
1.41= 0.0012335958005249
1.42= 0.0012423447069116
1.43= 0.0012510936132983
1.44= 0.001259842519685
1.45 - 1.89
millimeters to ell
1.45= 0.0012685914260717
1.46= 0.0012773403324584
1.47= 0.0012860892388451
1.48= 0.0012948381452318
1.49= 0.0013035870516185
1.50= 0.0013123359580052
1.51= 0.001321084864392
1.52= 0.0013298337707787
1.53= 0.0013385826771654
1.54= 0.0013473315835521
1.55= 0.0013560804899388
1.56= 0.0013648293963255
1.57= 0.0013735783027122
1.58= 0.0013823272090989
1.59= 0.0013910761154856
1.60= 0.0013998250218723
1.61= 0.001408573928259
1.62= 0.0014173228346457
1.63= 0.0014260717410324
1.64= 0.0014348206474191
1.65= 0.0014435695538058
1.66= 0.0014523184601925
1.67= 0.0014610673665792
1.68= 0.0014698162729659
1.69= 0.0014785651793526
1.70= 0.0014873140857393
1.71= 0.001496062992126
1.72= 0.0015048118985127
1.73= 0.0015135608048994
1.74= 0.0015223097112861
1.75= 0.0015310586176728
1.76= 0.0015398075240595
1.77= 0.0015485564304462
1.78= 0.0015573053368329
1.79= 0.0015660542432196
1.80= 0.0015748031496063
1.81= 0.001583552055993
1.82= 0.0015923009623797
1.83= 0.0016010498687664
1.84= 0.0016097987751531
1.85= 0.0016185476815398
1.86= 0.0016272965879265
1.87= 0.0016360454943132
1.88= 0.0016447944006999
1.89= 0.0016535433070866
1.90 - 2.34
millimeters to ell
1.90= 0.0016622922134733
1.91= 0.00167104111986
1.92= 0.0016797900262467
1.93= 0.0016885389326334
1.94= 0.0016972878390201
1.95= 0.0017060367454068
1.96= 0.0017147856517935
1.97= 0.0017235345581802
1.98= 0.0017322834645669
1.99= 0.0017410323709536
2.00= 0.0017497812773403
2.01= 0.001758530183727
2.02= 0.0017672790901137
2.03= 0.0017760279965004
2.04= 0.0017847769028871
2.05= 0.0017935258092738
2.06= 0.0018022747156605
2.07= 0.0018110236220472
2.08= 0.0018197725284339
2.09= 0.0018285214348206
2.10= 0.0018372703412073
2.11= 0.0018460192475941
2.12= 0.0018547681539808
2.13= 0.0018635170603675
2.14= 0.0018722659667542
2.15= 0.0018810148731409
2.16= 0.0018897637795276
2.17= 0.0018985126859143
2.18= 0.001907261592301
2.19= 0.0019160104986877
2.20= 0.0019247594050744
2.21= 0.0019335083114611
2.22= 0.0019422572178478
2.23= 0.0019510061242345
2.24= 0.0019597550306212
2.25= 0.0019685039370079
2.26= 0.0019772528433946
2.27= 0.0019860017497813
2.28= 0.001994750656168
2.29= 0.0020034995625547
2.30= 0.0020122484689414
2.31= 0.0020209973753281
2.32= 0.0020297462817148
2.33= 0.0020384951881015
2.34= 0.0020472440944882
2.35 - 2.79
millimeters to ell
2.35= 0.0020559930008749
2.36= 0.0020647419072616
2.37= 0.0020734908136483
2.38= 0.002082239720035
2.39= 0.0020909886264217
2.40= 0.0020997375328084
2.41= 0.0021084864391951
2.42= 0.0021172353455818
2.43= 0.0021259842519685
2.44= 0.0021347331583552
2.45= 0.0021434820647419
2.46= 0.0021522309711286
2.47= 0.0021609798775153
2.48= 0.002169728783902
2.49= 0.0021784776902887
2.50= 0.0021872265966754
2.51= 0.0021959755030621
2.52= 0.0022047244094488
2.53= 0.0022134733158355
2.54= 0.0022222222222222
2.55= 0.0022309711286089
2.56= 0.0022397200349956
2.57= 0.0022484689413823
2.58= 0.002257217847769
2.59= 0.0022659667541557
2.60= 0.0022747156605424
2.61= 0.0022834645669291
2.62= 0.0022922134733158
2.63= 0.0023009623797025
2.64= 0.0023097112860892
2.65= 0.0023184601924759
2.66= 0.0023272090988626
2.67= 0.0023359580052493
2.68= 0.002344706911636
2.69= 0.0023534558180227
2.70= 0.0023622047244094
2.71= 0.0023709536307962
2.72= 0.0023797025371829
2.73= 0.0023884514435696
2.74= 0.0023972003499563
2.75= 0.002405949256343
2.76= 0.0024146981627297
2.77= 0.0024234470691164
2.78= 0.0024321959755031
2.79= 0.0024409448818898


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)


The millimetre (International spelling as used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures; SI unit symbol mm) or millimeter (American spelling) is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one thousandth of a metre, which is the SI base unit of length. Therefore there are thousand millimetres in a metre. There are ten millimetres in a centimetre.


An ell (from Proto-Germanic *alinō, cognate with Latin ulna) is a unit of measurement, originally a cubit, i.e., approximating the length of a man's arm from the elbow ("elbow" means the bend or bow of the ell or arm) to the tip of the middle finger, or about 18 inches (457 mm); in later usage, any of several longer units.